The OASIS Users Group was created by Fred Bellomy to collect public domain software for use with various computer systems running the OASIS operating system. It was active from February, 1981 through at least November, 1985.
These archives were obtained by imaging the original 8-inch floppy disk media into ImageDisk (IMD) format. It is possible to run OASIS using the SIMH/AltairZ80 simulator, following the instructions here.
Each disk has an OASIS EXEC file on it that describes the contents of the volume. The text output from these scripts has been captured using AltairZ80, and included here as text files. These text files include OASIS Users’ Group newsletters as well as information about the software included on each volume.
JPG images of each floppy disk are also included.
Almost all of the volumes were recovered successfully, although there are a couple which did not read properly.
Volume 1:
Volume 52: