Bots for a Matrix-installation connected to
- Linux using python3.6+
- tested only with Ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
cd /opt
git clone
cd /opt/linuxmuster-matrix-bots
Copy config.example.ini to config.ini and edit all configuration variable to match the one in your system.
- Create a bot user on the matrix-synapse server like this:
matrix-synapse-register-user enrol-bot Geheim 0
matrix-synapse-register-user kick-bot Geheim 0
then your config.ini becomes
id =
passwd = Geheim
use config.example.ini as a template
cd /opt/linuxmuster-matrix-bots
source matrix-nio-env/bin/activate
You can stop using CTRL-C.
Edit linuxmuster-matrix-*bot.service to your needs (or leave unchanged if you used the described folder location above) then copy to systemd and enable and start it:
cp linuxmuster-matrix-enrol-bot.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable linuxmuster-matrix-enrol-bot
systemctl start linuxmuster-matrix-enrol-bot