A simple colorpicker for iOS.
In the InterfaceBuilder or Storyboard you just add a normal view element to your view and set the class to "HFColorPickerView". Then just connect the delegate to your ViewController.
Now you have import the HFColorPickerView.h in your ViewController and add the delegate.
#import "HFColorPickerView.h"
@interface DemoTableViewController : UITableViewController <HFColorPickerViewDelegate>
There is only one delegate method that needs to be implemented.
- (void)colorPicker:(HFColorPickerView *)colorPickerView selectedColor:(UIColor *)selectedColor;
These are the configuration properties for ColorPickerView:
_colorPickerView.colors = @[ [UIColor redColor], [UIColor blueColor], [UIColor greenColor], [UIColor yellowColor] ];
// optional:
_colorPickerView.topSpace = 5.0f;
_colorPickerView.buttonDiameter = 20.0f;
_colorPickerView.selectedIndex = 2;
This project is licensed under the MIT-License.