- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with vaz
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
The vaz module handles installing, configuring, and running vaz for Veeta.
The vaz module requires the following puppet module:
- puppetlabs-apt: version 2.0 or newer (only Debian-based distributions).
puppetlabs-apt is soft dependencies. If you are installing on Debian systems, you will need to configure appropriate versions of this module.
To install the vaz server, declare the vaz
class like the following:
class { 'vaz':
service => '<service name>',
token => '<token>',
To install the vaz server using Hiera, you can use 'include ::vaz' and declare in Hiera like the following:
vaz::service: <service name>
vaz::token: <token>
: Installs, configures, and running vaz server.
: Specifies your service name. Data type: String. Default: 'vaz'.token
: Specifies your token. Data type: String. Default: undef.
This module has been tested on:
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 7
- CentOS 7
- Scientific Linux 7
- Debian 8, 9
- Ubuntu 16.04
The STNS puppet module contains tests for both rspec-puppet (unit tests) and beaker-rspec (acceptance tests) to verify functionality. For detailed information on using these tools, please see their respective documentation.
- Unit tests:
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake
- Acceptance tests:
# Set your DOCKER_HOST variable
$ eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
# List available beaker nodesets
$ bundle exec rake beaker_nodes
# Run beaker acceptance tests
$ BEAKER_set=debian9 bundle exec rake beaker