Add those trendy flat shadows on stuff. Needs to work.
direction : "bottomRight", // "top", "topLeft", "topRight", "left", "right","bottom", "bottomLeft". defaults to "bottomRight"
size : 100, // box-shadow distance, in pixels
textSize : 100, // text-shadow distance, in pixels
fade : 0.6, // point at which the box-shadow starts to fade-out. 0-1
fadeText : 0.6, // point at which the text-shadow starts to fade-out. 0-1
alpha : 0.05, // box-shadow opacity. 0-1
textAlpha : 0.05, // text-shadow opacity. 0-1
includeText : true, // if false, only text wrapped by spans will have a shadow
textOnly : false // use to only get shadows on text