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A puppet manifest to install, configure and manage a weave Software Defined Network

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Table of Contents

  1. Name
  2. Version
  3. Synopsis
  4. Installation - The basics of getting started with weave
  5. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  6. Facts
  7. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how # PENDING
  8. Limitations - Caveats, OS compatibility, etc.
  9. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  10. To-Do
  11. Copyright and License


hesco-weave -- puppet module for deploying and managing a docker network with weave


Version v0.8.11

This is alpha code and no promises are made at this early stage as to the stability of its interface, or its suitability for production use. The weave project is still less than three months and barely 900 commits old. I myself after a month of testing and integration with my own environment am on the verge of tagging the v0.8 release of this project only now just beginning to roll out production services dependent on the bridged network it provides.


hesco/weave is a puppet module for managing a weave network on a docker cluster

Weave is a docker container hosted SDN router plus a shell script for managing an SDN on a docker cluster. It is capable of bridging virtual networks across docker hosts, making it possible for containers deployed across different physical hosts (even in different data centers) to communicate with one another. To learn more about weave, click here.

I found it the least confusing interface I could find for bridging docker containers across multiple docker hosts. But getting it to work in my environment has alrady demanded that I dig in to its innards and learn more about software defined networks than I might have hoped as a developer who has always deferred to a 'real network engineer' on those jobs where one has existed. I am far more comfortable with the subject than when I started, and have endevoured to embed what I have learned from those subject matter experts who have been so kind as to answer my many question back upstream to the weave project and into this module, so perhaps my future self and you might not need to make the same deep dive into the subject.

Architecturally, to make this work, one will want to use docker to deploy a weave router using the zettio/weave image from the Docker Hub, on each docker host, by using the weave script to weave launch it. The script will create a private bridge and establish peer relationships between multiple docker hosts.

Then rather than using docker run, you will use the weave script's weave run command to wrap docker with additional code to configure the Software Defined Network around an arbitrary docker container.

This puppet module exposed in version 0.7.2, at still an early stage of its development three defined types: weave::launch, weave::run and weave::interface to make these tools available from a puppet manifest. It also manages the installation and uninstall of weave, its docker hosted router and packaged dependencies.

With version 0.8.x, this module will also add weave::simple::(run|interface) defined types, which wrap the version 0.7.x base types, with a more simple interface which relies on hiera data for its arguments. Version 0.8.x also introduces weave::expose_docker_host_to_weave, plus the weave::firewall::(docker|weave) classes, two new defined types: weave::firewall::(dnat_published_port|listen_to_peer) plus two new facter facts: $::weave_router_ip_on_docker_bridge and $::docker_hosted_containers, which exposes a json hash of docker inspect <container> output.


This module has been published to the puppet forge. and can be installed like so:

# puppet module install -i /etc/puppet/modules hesco/weave

Read puppet help module install for other useful options.

For the latest and greatest and potentially less than stable changes, you might consider cloning the bleeding edge of development as follows:

# cd /etc/puppet/modules
# git clone

Setup Requirements

If you install this from the git repository rather than from the forge, dependencies must be managed manually. This module requires:

* [garethr/docker](
* [puppetlabs/stdlib](
* [puppetlabs/firewall](

The firewall module is intended to support features exposed by weave::firewall:: classes and types. Until such time as this patch is accepted into the upstream project, it also requires being patched as described in this pull request.

What weave affects

weave -- This is your public access to the weave::install_* and weave::launch private classes.

weave::install_docker -- purges existing iptables ruleset and invokes docker class to install and daemonize docker

weave::install_weave -- installs packages for ethtool and conntrack deploys a pinned version of /usr/local/bin/weave Read the source for instructions on manually upgrading the weave script.
We continue to wait for the weave project to tag their project with semantic version numbers before a future version of this module can manage up/down grades the puppet way.

weave::launch -- will run docker pull zettio/weave to grab the :latest docker image use the weave script to weave launch a weave router as a docker container set up a weave bridge and associated network interfaces reset and restart the weave container if it crashes

weave::run -- invokes weave run which wraps docker run to deploy a docker container from an image creates weave interfaces, uses them to attach a container to the weave bridge, and assign a user designated IP on the weave network to the ethwe interface

weave::interface -- enforces state (present and absent, supported) for an ethwe interface on a container this defined type can be used to retroactively attach existing docker containers to a new weave router

weave::expose_docker_host_to_weave -- runs weave expose to add an IP routable from the weave bridge to the weave interface on the docker host, permitting the host to communicate with its hosted virtualized containers using the weave bridge.

weave::simple::run -- Provides a leaner interface to wrap weave::run and depends on hiera data.

weave::simple::interface -- Provides a leaner interface to wrap weave::interface and depends on hiera data.

weave::firewall::docker -- Class to replicate docker generated iptables rule set, under management by puppetlabs/firewall.

weave::firewall::weave.pp -- Class to replicate weave generated iptables rule set, under management by puppetlabs/firewall.

`weave::firewall::listen_to_peer -- Type to open port 6783 on INGRESS and EGRESS chains to a docker host designated as a peer on weave network.

weave::firewall::dnat_published_port -- Type permitting one to FORWARD and MASQUERADE -p(ublished) container ports across the docker bridge so that public internet traffic gets to and back from docker containers.


Organizing your puppet manifests

the docker_host role

My docker_host role class, looks like this:

class role::docker_host { include profile::docker_weave }

the docker_weave profile

The docker_weave profile uses the garethr/docker module to install docker. The garethr module also exposes a couple of defined types used in the weave module and perhaps elsewhere in my internal codebase.

class profile::docker_weave {

  $fqdn_normalized = regsubst($fqdn,'\.','_',"G")
    .  .  .  
  include docker
  # <-- garethr/docker
  include weave
  # <-- this hesco/weave module
  include weave::expose_docker_host_to_weave

  include "docker_cluster::hosts::${fqdn_normalized}"
  include "docker_cluster::ipitables::${fqdn_normalized}"


Manage state for containers on a docker host

class docker_cluster::hosts::dockerhost001_example_com {

  include docker_cluster::db_servers::pg
  include docker_cluster::web_servers::rt
    .  .  .  


class docker_cluster::web_servers::rt {

  weave::simple::run { 'weave_run': host_name => '' }
  weave::simple::interface { ' ethwe interface': host_name => '', ensure => 'present' }


Manages firewall on a docker host

class docker_cluster::iptables::dockerhost001_example_com {

  include iptables
  include my_docker::iptables
  include postfix::iptables
  include my_postgresql::iptables
  include puppet::iptables
  include my_rabbitmq::iptables
  include git::gitolite::iptables
    .  .  .  


The puppetlabs/firewall module encourages one to keep the firewall rules close to the configuration for the application it supports, so postfix::iptables will open ports 25 and 587 without worrying about the ssh daemon and your database.

class my_docker::iptables {

  include weave::firewall::docker
  include weave::firewall::weave

  $peers = hiera( 'weave::docker_cluster_peers_array', undef )

  # defined type includes sanity check Notify[no firewall rules required for self], testing eth0
  weave::firewall::listen_to_peer { "weave_listen_to_peer_this.peers.public.ipaddr": peer => 'this.peers.public.ipaddr' }
  weave::firewall::listen_to_peer { "weave_listen_to_peer_that.peers.public.ipaddr": peer => 'that.peers.public.ipaddr' }
  weave::firewall::listen_to_peer { "weave_listen_to_peer_some_other.peers.public.ipaddr": peer => 'some_other.peers.public.ipaddr' }


setting up hiera

Including the hesco/weave module (include weave) in profile::docker_weave, along with the following hiera settings, handles the installation (and uninstall) of the zettio/weave script and its supporting docker image, used to build a docker container hosting an SDN router.


  - yaml
  :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
  - defaults
  - dhcp
  - docker_build_options
  - "node/%{clientcert}"
  - "env/%{environment}"
  - global



weave::ensure: 'present' # <-- set to 'absent' to uninstall
weave::docker: '/usr/bin/docker'
weave::script: '/usr/local/bin/weave'
weave::container: 'weave'
weave::image: 'zettio/weave'
# above settings are the defaults, though they can be over-ridden here
# module consumer responsible for configuration below
weave::docker_cluster_peers: '<ip_address_01> <ip_address_02> <ip_address_03>'

  - hostname:
  - hostname:
  - hostname:
  # additional array entry for each docker host

    image: puppetmaster
    host: dockerhost001
    image: postgresql
    host: dockerhost001
    image: rt 
    host: dockerhost002
 # additional key->hash definition for each container

Note that in the dockerhost_dhcp hash, the keys are hostnames, which will be used as arguments to the weave::simple::* types, which will pull and validate this hiera data, and use the image value as a key to access the data from the docker_build_options.yaml hiera data described next.



    - '-p 8140:8140/tcp'
    - '--memory=1g'
    - '--restart=always'
    - '--net=bridge'
    - '--name="DOMAIN"'
    - '--privileged=true'
    - '-h DOMAIN'
    - "-v /data/etc/apache2/DOMAIN:/etc/apache2 "
    - "-v /data/etc/puppet/DOMAIN:/etc/puppet "
    - "-v /data/var/log/apache2/DOMAIN:/var/log/apache2 "
    - "-v /data/var/log/puppet/DOMAIN:/var/log/puppet "

    - '-p 5432:5432'
    - '--memory=2g'
    - '--restart=always'
    - '--net=bridge'
    - '--name="DOMAIN"'
    - '-h DOMAIN'
    - "-v /data/etc/postgresql/DOMAIN:/etc/postgresql"
    - "-v /data/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql"  
    - "-v /data/var/log/postgresql/DOMAIN:/var/log/postgresql"
    - "-v /data/home/backups:/home/backups"

    - '--memory=1g'
    - '--restart=always'
    - '--net=bridge'
    - '--name="DOMAIN"'
    - '-h DOMAIN'
    - "-v /data/usr/share/request-tracker4/DOMAIN:/usr/share/request-tracker4"
    - "-v /data/var/log/apache2/DOMAIN:/var/log/apache2/DOMAIN"
    - "-v /data/var/log/request-tracker4/DOMAIN:/var/log/request-tracker4"
    - "-v /data/etc/apache2/DOMAIN:/etc/apache2"
    - "-v /data/etc/request-tracker4/DOMAIN:/etc/request-tracker4"

# additional key->hash definition for each docker image type

weave::simple::run will parse these docker run options from hiera and use them to set up your containers. The keys are image names, and this assumes that you have previously used docker build to create these base images.

I have been advised that by deploying a weave network, I can now disable the docker bridge, by setting --net=none. But for the moment I continue to use ithe docker bridge to manage the containers from the docker hosts, even while I intend to use the weave bridge for inter-container communication, particularly cross-docker-hosts.



docker::param::version: '1.3.0'
# this next line may have been deprecated
# by $docker_hosts_weave_dhcp[n]['ip']
weave::docker_host_weave_ip: ''

The base weave:: defined types and classes

This module includes several private classes used to manage the initial installation configuration and launching of the weave SDN router (in a docker container), as well as the docker daemon if that is not already present. But as a module consumer you really only need to know about this one class:

include weave

use weave::run type to configure containers

Originally this module exposed this defined type to wrap the weave run command which runs a container given an image. Its five required arguments seemed a bit clumsy as an interface. So in a moment I'll show you the weave::simple::run type which now wraps this with hiera data and a narrower interface.

weave::run { "weave run $host_name at $ip":
     host => $container_name,
       ip => $weave_routable_ip/cidr,
    image => $image,
  options => $options

For the early adopters, the host key in this invocation was new to version v0.7.2 and was necessary to resolve the bug described here.

Under the hood weave::run is calling the weave script which wraps a call to docker run with additional bash code to plumb the weave network on to the docker container and into the docker hosts firewall.

use weave::interface to enforce ethwe state on containers

And to enforce state, or to retroactively attach existing containers launched with docker run rather than weave run or the methods exposed by this module:

weave::interface { "Ensure ethwe (bound to $ip) $ensure on $host_name":
     ensure => $ensure,
         ip => $weave_routable_ip/cidr,
  container => $host_name,

Use weave::expose_docker_host_to_weave

This class executes the weave expose command to assign an IP address (from hiera) to the weave interface, on the weave bridge, so that the docker host can communicate with containers hosted by itself or by its peers attached to the weave bridge.

Use weave::simple:: to leverage hiera data

The weave::simple::* defined types in general wrap the base types, providing a narrower interface deriving the rest of the necessary arguments from hiera lookups and providing data validation. If you use hiera, these types will be easier to use than the base types.

Use weave::simple::run to leverage hiera

My "docker_cluster::hosts::${fqdn_normalized}" profile includes defined type invocations which look like this:

weave::simple::run { 'weave_run': host_name => '' }

This ::simple type requires only a single argument used to key the rest of the data from the hiera data structure which is necessary for the wrapped weave::run type.

Use weave::simple::interface to leverage hiera

my docker_cluster::hosts::${fqdn_normalized} profile also now includes:

weave::simple::interface { ' ethwe interface':
  host_name => '',
     ensure => 'present',

Wrapping weave::interface

Use weave::firewall - manage docker host firewall for weave

The use of the weave::firewall:: classes and types is optional and requires setting a weave::mangage_firewall option in hiera.

These features enable puppet driven firewall management without breaking a reliable cross-docker-host bridge under its use. It was motivated by the resistence of the docker/weave iptables rule sets to playing well with a puppet managed firewall. So essentially this module will replicate what those tools do, in the puppet way, so all the components will play well together.

This feature is dependent on the puppetlabs/firewall module available from the puppet forge. In addition, it requires a patch described here, to the puppetlabs/firewall module and included in this pending pull request.

This pull request supports the negation of an -i or -o interface switch in an iptables rule, actually the iniface and outiface attributes to the Firewall[] resource, which translates into the -i and -o switches on an iptables rule, respectively. Hopefully that pull request will soon make it into the upstream project and when that has happened, this feature should work without patching a future version of the firewall module.

Although not necessary for weave::firewall::, this patch will also support interface aliases, useful for assigning multiple IPs to the same physical nic.

Use of this feature is enabled by setting 'weave::manage_firewall' to a true value in your hiera data.

/etc/puppet/hieradata/node/ -- 

weave::manage_firewall: true

Enabling this feature will permit you to manage the firewall for other services on your docker host using the resources and types exposed by the puppetlabs/firewall module.
Rules generated by this module use five digit zero-padded rule id numbers, which correspond with the port number to which they relate. If you use the same convention for numbering the rest of your rules, you will find your rule set organized in a sane way.
This feature also permits you to lock down your installation with -j REJECT rules at the end of your chains and open up your ssh port and other ports necessary so you do not get locked out.

(For the reasoning behind the five digit rule numbering convention, see Alex Cline's 2011 "Advanced Firewall Manipulation Using Puppet".

Use weave::firewall::docker

Docker depends on and manages its own Software Defined Network, using brctl (?) under the hood to create a docker0 bridge, the ip utility (?) to create paired veth virtual interfaces, one in each container, matched with one on the docker host, all connected to the docker0 bridge.
The docker binary provides a --net switch which allows this to be turned off if you wish, or otherwise configured. It is also possible to run the docker0 bridge alongside the weave bridge.

To manage traffic between the docker host and the containers as well as among the containers, docker manages the creation of a handful of rules in the *filter tables' FORWARD chain, and creates its own DOCKER chain in the *nat table. Including this class will purge and recreate those firewall rules using puppetlabs/firewall module.

include weave::firewall::docker

Use weave::firewall::weave

Similarly, the weave command line script which comes packaged with the weave SDN router (in a docker container) also creates a handful of firewall rules added to the *nat table, including its own WEAVE chain. Inclusion of this class is intended to replicate those rules purged when weave::manage_firewall is enabled. In your docker/weave profile, you should also add this class like so:

include weave::firewall::weave

Use weave::firewall::dnat_published_port

When you run a docker container with a published port (the -p switch to the docker run command, perhaps with EXPOSE in your Dockerfile), docker will add a pair of rules to your firewall, one in the FORWARD chain, the other on the DOCKER chain in the *nat table.
If you set the weave::manage_firewall option to true, you become responsible for recreating these rules yourself. This defined type is provided to facilitate your doing so.
Of the following arguments, all are required except for public_ip, which defaults to '', to listen on all IP's, all interfaces.

weave::firewall::dnat_published_port { 'dnat':
    container_ip =>  $::docker_hosted_containers['']['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'],
  published_port => '8140',
        protocol => 'tcp',
       public_ip => 'your.public.ip.addr',

Use weave::firewall::listen_to_peer

Currently the weave command line script does not manage this for you, but its documentation advises that you need to open up your firewall to permit tcp and udp packets between the weave routers on your peer'd docker hosts. This defined type exists to make that easy, using the power of puppetlabs/firewall module underneath to create appropriate INGRESS and EGRESS rules. You can use it like so:

if $::ipaddress_eth0 != '<routable.ip_address.for.peered_docker_host>' {
  weave::firewall::listen_to_peer { "weave_listen_to_peer_<routable.ip_address.for.peered_docker_host>": peer => '<routable.ip_address.for.peered_docker_host>' }



This returns a string, an IP address assigned to the weave router which can be reached from the docker bridge. It is used internally by this module to configure the firewall, and might be useful to the module consumer for accessing the router logs.


This returns a hash with the keys: docker_host, container_ids, container_count and for each hosted container, its hostname or docker0 IP address as a key related to that container's docker inspect output as its value. This fact exposes to your puppet manifests the entire output for docker inspect, and its data can be accessed using the same keys as one would using the docker client directly. If from a command line you would access your required data like so:

/usr/bin/docker inspect -f '{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }'

Then from inside your manifest that same ip address assigned to the container's docker0 interface can be accessed like so:


and in fact, that is exactly how it is used to NAT the container in the firewall.


Pending . . .


If you are one of the first few early adopters who used the github repository to interact with this module, consider yourself warned that I have rewritten public history by updating tags as described in the Changlog. Tags v0.0.4, v0.01, v0.02, v0.03, v0.04, v0.05 and v0.06 are no longer present in the public repository. These changes were made to comply with the versioning standards outlined at and necesssary to upload releases to the puppet forge. Apparently leading zeros are not supported. Who knew?

So far this has only been tested on Debian, jessie/testing. Reports of your experiences with this code in other environments are appreciated, particularly when they include tests and patches, particularly when they come in the form of a Pull Request, even if only to patch this to report on success or failure of this module in your environment.

As of this writing, enabling the the weave::firewall:: functionality by setting weave::manage_firewall in hiera only a day ago was still breaking the weave bridge between docker hosts. After extensive and pain-staking debugging till late last night, the bridge has been stable all day, and in the morning I will begin the process of deploying my first production services to the environment this module manages (which I continue to monitor closely). I still consider this feature in the version 0.8.x release beta quality. It is offered with all of the usual disclaimers. Caveat Emptor.


Please report bugs, feature requests, post your questions, issues and reports of successful and failing tests in your environment at the github site. Please feel free to fork this code, add your test cases, patch it and send me back a Pull Request. Your contributions to the items on the to-do list are appreciated, as well as your ideas about what items might belong there. Lets see if working together we can turn this into something useful.


To-Do tasks for hesco-weave

On the roadmap for the 0.9.x release

RESOLVED: hesco-weave #14: BUG: weave::install_docker/Exec['purge_firewall_rules'] requires installed docker to install docker

RESOLVED: hesco-weave #3, I want to add some additional custom Facter::facts to expose the containers and network hosted on the weave bridge or a particular docker host.

RESOLVED: hesco-weave #8: BUG: Exclude local IP from peers array for weave::launch While not a fatal error, it does provide for noisy logs.

hesco-weave #2 I want to permit the weave::docker_cluster_peers key to accept either a space delimited string or a yaml array, and have it do the right thing either way.

hesco-weave #9: new class needed to provide version check weave::init ought to include a weave::version_check class, before the ::install class is invoked which will query for new versions of zettio/weave and of the hesco-weave modules and Notify[] the puppet agent of the opportunity to upgrade either or both modules.

Features planned for future releases

hesco-weave #5 An additional weave::migrate type is required to facilitate migrating a docker container from one docker host to another, while preserving its network connectivity.

hesco-weave #10: extend weave::install to support ensure => latest Once upstream zettio/weave project provides for semantic versioning, we should be able to ensure => latest without performing backflips to sort out which git hash version ID to install.

hesco-weave #11: enable use of WEAVE_DOCKER_ARGS for weave::launch defined type, to permit setting memory limit on weave router, or other run options.

hesco-weave #12: Investigate weave launch-dns and what it requires of the puppet module

hesco-weave #13: extend weave::simple::run, invoke weave::firewall::dnat_published_port for each published port in hiera

To-Do tasks for other projects

weave #110 The weave project needs to provide semantic versioning for its releases. Their doing so will make possible, or at least far easier, hesco-weave #9 and hesco-weave #10.

weave #117 I believe that the zettio-weave project needs to sort out how to use its run, attach and detach subcommands to inject information about the weave bridge into the docker inspect <container> output.

docker #34 In my mind, the garethr/docker module needs an additional defined type, docker::build, to handle the initial build of a docker container, from which the image used by weave::run can be launched with its additional ethwe bridge connected interface, created by weave. In the mean time, I am handling that step manually with a Dockerfile and a wrapper bash script to drive it. Those are all in my repository and deployed by: my_docker::helper_scripts.


Copyright 2014 Hugh Esco [email protected] YMD Partners LLC dba/

Released under the Gnu Public License v2.


A puppet manifest to install, configure and manage a weave Software Defined Network






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