- Installs and configures Herqles Manager
- Installs and configures Herqles Framework
- Installs and configures Herqles Worker
- Installs and configures Herqles CLI
- puppetlabs/stdlib 4.x
- stankevich/python 1.9.x
- rodjek/logrotate 1.1.x
- RedHat 6 & 7
- CentOS 6 & 7
class { '::herqles'
datacenter => 'aws-east'
class { '::herqles::database':
driver => 'postgres',
host => 'sql.example.com',
port => 5432,
database => 'herqles',
username => 'herqles',
password => 'password'
class { '::herqles::rabbitmq':
hosts => ['rabbit1.example.com', 'rabbit2.example.com'],
username => 'herqles',
password => 'password',
virtual_host => 'herqles'
class { '::herqles::ldap':
host => 'dc.exmaple.com',
domain => 'example.com',
base_dn => 'DC=example,DC=com',
bind_username => 'bind_user',
bind_password => 'bind_password'
LDAP only needs to be defined if using LDAP identity or assignment
include ::herqles::manager
class { '::herqles::manager::identity':
driver => 'LDAP',
driver_config => {
'mapping' => {
"CN=HQ Admins" => [ 'herqles.*' ],
"CN=HQ Devs" => [ 'herqles.task.get', 'herqles.job.get', 'herqles.worker.get' ]
class { '::herqles::manager::assignment':
driver => 'SQL',
driver_config => { 'admin_username': 'admin' }
If the assignment used contains an admin_username the user must exist in the identity used or the identity must be able to create users
See reference for detailed information
class { '::herqles::framework':
frameworks => {}
herqles::framework::framework { 'my-awesome-framework': }
See reference for detailed information
class { '::herqles::worker':
workers => {}
herqles::worker::worker { 'my-awesome-worker': }
- herqles : Main class for installation and management
- herqles::rabbitmq: Herqles RabbitMQ Config
- herqles::database: Herqles Database Config
- herqles::ldap: Herqles LDAP Config
- herqles::manager::identity: Herqles Identity Config
- herqles::manager::assignment: Herqles Assignment Config
- herqles::framework: Herqles Framework installation and configuration
- herqles::manager: Herqles Manager installation and configuration
- herqles::worker: Herqles Worker installtion and configuration
String, the datacenter to set workers and frameworks as
Boolean, should this module manage the installation of python2.7
Default: True
Boolean, should this module manage the herqles user
Default: True
Boolean, should this module manage the herqles services
If disabled workers will not be restarted when adding a new worker
Default: True
Boolean, should this module manage rotating logs
Default: True
String, the user that herqles uses
Default: herqles
String, the path to install herqles in
Default: /var/lib/herqles
String, the path for herqles configs
Default: /etc/herqles
String, the path to install herqles in
Default: /var/log/herqles
List, rabbitmq hosts to user
String, username for rabbitmq
String, password for rabbitmq
String, the virtual host to use
String, the python sql driver to use
- postgres
- mysql
String, the SQL host to connect to
Integer, the port to use
String, the SQL database name
String, the SQL username
String, the SQL password
Integer, the SQL pool size
Default: 20
String, the LDAP server to connect to
String, the LDAP domain to user
String, the base dn to use when searching for users
String, the LDAP bind username
String, the LDAP bind password
If using a custom driver please use Other and add the driver in the driver_config
String, the identity driver to use
- SQL (Coming Soon)
- Other
Hash, additional driver configuration
Default: { }
If using a custom driver please use Other and add the driver in the driver_config
String, the assignment driver to use
- Other
Hash, additional driver configuration
Default: { }
String, the version of the manager to install
Default: present
This class should be defined using Hiera for ease of use
Hash, Herqles frameworks
module: 'my.awesome.framework'
pkgname: 'my-awesomeframework'
version: '1.2'
String, the version of the framework to install
Default: present
This class should be defined using Hiera for ease of use
Hash, Herqles workers
See herqles::worker::worker_data defined type
module: 'hqcodedeployer.worker'
pkgname: 'my-awesomeworker'
version: '1.2'
String, the version of the worker to install
Default: present
- herqles::component: Installs and configures Herqles componenets
- herqles::service: Controls Herqles Services
- herqles::worker::worker_data: Holds worker configurations
- herqles::worker::worker: Installs and configures Herqles Workers
- herqles::framework::framework_data: Holds framework configurations
- herqles::framework::framework: Installs and configures Herqles Frameworks
String, the python package name
Hash, the component configuration
URL, the repo to install the python package from
Default: None
String, the version of the python package to install
Default: present
List, additional arguments used during install
Default: [ ]
String, the worker python module path
String, the worker python package to install
String, the version of the package to install
Default: Present
String, the repository to install from
Default: None
List, optional arguments to install the python package
Default: [ ]
Hash, the configuration for this worker
Default: { }
String, the framework python module path
String, the framework python package to install
String, the version of the package to install
Default: present
String, the repository to install from
Default: None
List, optional arguments to install the python package
Default: [ ]
Hash, the configuration for this framework
Default: { }