This game was inspired by The Walking Dead
- Clone this repository to your local.
On Linux
gcc main.c -o main -lm
to compile the application. -
On Windows
gcc main.c -o main
to compile the application.
1 - Rick wakes up stunned in some random place on the scene, with a gun without bullets. (Color White)
2 - There are 15 zombies randomly scattered around the scenery. (Color Red)
3 - Obstacles are everywhere. Altogether there are 4 cars, 7 trees and 8 stones randomly distributed. (Color Yellow)
4 - In the scenario there is a single exit, also randomly defined. If she is blocked by obstacles, Rick has no exit and will die. Otherwise, if Rick reaches the exit, the game is over.
5 - Rick has 4 possible movements: up, down, left and right. Although Rick's life is complicated, there are 4 bullets scattered on the scenerio. If Rick moves and has a bullet in that position, Rick will load the weapon immediately.
6 - If Rick tries to move to an area where there is an obstacle, he remains where he is and does not move. If he move to a region where there is a zombie, there are two possibilities: if Rick has his gun unloaded, he’s attacked and dies; otherwise, Rick uses the bullet on the zombie.
7 - Zombies have 4 possible movements: up, down, left and right. The zombies that are 3 square meters away Rick will chase him. Those who are farthest away will stand still.
- UP: w
- DOWN: s
- LEFT: a
- RIGHT: d
Press enter after pressing a directional key.