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henrikschroder edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 1 revision

This is the contents of Example.cs

using System;
using BeIT.MemCached;

namespace BeITMemcached {
    class Example {
        public static void Main(string[] args) {
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Setting up Memcached Client.");
            //Set up a client.
            MemcachedClient.Setup("MyCache", new string[] { "localhost" });

            //It is possible to have several clients with different configurations:
            //If it is impossible to resolve the hosts, this method will throw an exception.
            //MemcachedClient.Setup("MyOtherCache", new string[]{ "", ""});

            //Get the instance we just set up so we can use it. You can either store this reference yourself in
            //some field, or fetch it every time you need it, it doesn't really matter.
            MemcachedClient cache = MemcachedClient.GetInstance("MyCache");

            //Change client settings to values other than the default like this:
            cache.SendReceieveTimeout = 5000;
            cache.MinPoolSize = 1;
            cache.MaxPoolSize = 5;

            //Set some items
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Storing some items.");
            cache.Set("mystring", "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.");
            cache.Set("myarray", new string[]{"This is the first string.", "This is the second string."});
            cache.Set("myinteger", 4711);
            cache.Set("mydate", new DateTime(2008, 02, 23));

            //Get a string
            string str = cache.Get("mystring") as string;
            if (str != null) {
	            Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched item with key: mystring, value: " + str);

            //Get an object
            string[] array = cache.Get("myarray") as string[];
            if (array != null) {
	            Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched items with key: myarray, value 1: " + array[0] + ", value 2: " + array[1]);

            //Get several values at once
            object[] result = cache.Get(new string[]{"myinteger", "mydate"});
            if (result[0] != null && result[0] is int) {
	            Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched item with key: myinteger, value: " + (int)result[0]);
            if (result[1] != null && result[1] is DateTime) {
	            Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched item with key: mydate, value: " + (DateTime)result[1]);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Setting an item for incrementing and decrementing.");
            cache.SetCounter("mycounter", 9000);
            ulong? counter = cache.GetCounter("mycounter");
            if (counter.HasValue) {
	            Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched mycounter, value: " + counter.Value);

            counter = cache.Increment("mycounter", 1);
            if (counter.HasValue) {
	            Console.Out.WriteLine("Incremented mycounter with 1, new value: " + counter.Value);

            counter = cache.Decrement("mycounter", 9000);
            if (counter.HasValue) {
	            Console.Out.WriteLine("Decremented mycounter with 9000, new value: " + counter.Value);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Displaying the socketpool status:");
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, string>> host in cache.Status()) {
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Host: " + host.Key);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in host.Value) {
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("\t" + item.Key + ": " + item.Value);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Finished. Press enter to exit.");

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