Web based xmas console to keep the raindeers at bay
Example command-module:
define(['modules/output', 'modules/chat'], function(output, chat){
// call output.print(message) to display things
// call chat.send(message) to message other users
var Command = function() {
// init instance
Command.prototype.run = function(/* string[] */ args) {
output.print('running command with args:' + args.join(', ') );
return Command;
Example is available as a gist.
gists in sublime text
output.print(/* string */ msg); // output something to command line
output.clear(); // clear previous outputs
var bgEl = output.getFullscreenBackgroundElement(); // get reference to html-element
var fgEl = output.getFullscreenForegroundElement(); // to do with as you wish
chat.user.name; // get user's name
chat.getUsers(); // get names of all connected users
chat.send(/*string*/ msg); // send message to all users