Ansible playbooks for test and verification of rundeck and semaphore.
run by: ansible-playbook inventory.yml --extra-vars="hosts_vars=lan-dev username=userid password=mypwd"
ansible-playbook --list-tasks lan_verify.yml -e "hosts_vars=none"
playbook: ios_verify.yml
play #1 (Switch): Switch TAGS: []
verify arp and interface on devices TAGS: []
switch fail TAGS: []
Send notification message via Slack all options TAGS: []\
play #2 (AP): AP TAGS: []
verify wifi, ntp and interface on devices TAGS: []
AP fail TAGS: []
Send notification message via Slack TAGS: []\
play #3 (ASA): ASA TAGS: []
verify inv, route, arp and ntp TAGS: []
asa fail TAGS: []
Send notification message via Slack all options TAGS: []