This is an overhaul of which was originally
- added class detection for values, and will use the value str(class_value)
- added support for floats, dollar strings, and comma separated number strings that were broken in other forks
- refactored the code to resemble an actual class, as opposed to one giant init function
- removed the performance killing import every time you write a sheet, xlwt is required. If you don't like it use a CSV writer
- refactored the CSV writing portion of the code to actually use python's csv class
- added width auto adjustment
from excel_response3 import ExcelResponse
def excelview(request):
objs = SomeModel.objects.all()
return ExcelResponse(objs)
from excel_response3 import ExcelResponse
def excelview(request):
data = [
['Column 1', 'Column 2'],
return ExcelResponse(data, 'my_data')
- headers - an array containing column headers
- output_name - maintaining this kwarg, but tries first to use the 2nd arg passed when defining the class
- force_csv - forcibly respond with csv, defaults to False
- encoding - defaults to 'utf8'
- sheet_name - defaults to 'Sheet 1'
- blanks_for_none - replace None values with '', defaults to True
- auto_adjust_width - adjust width of each column automatically, defaults to True