massage - A client-side Array filter tool and looks like mongodb api
use on a webpage
<script type="text/javascript" src="massage.js"></script>
you can transfer Array to massage object:
var mo = massage([{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3}]);
now we use test data:
var testData = [{ name: 'kino', age: 29 },
{ name: 'tom', age: 59 },
{ name: 'jacky', age: 29 },
{ name: 'jobs', age: 29, location: { address: 'king street'} },
{ name: 'rose', age: 17, location: { address: 'rose street'} },
{ club: 'ysh', members: [{ name: 'james', age: 19 }, { name: 'marry', age: 33}] },
{ club: 'kodomo', members: [{ name: 'angela', age: 9 }, { name: 'honda', age: 8}] }],
collection = massage(testData);
you can match data with selector
var result = collection.match({ name: 'jacky' });
//result[0].name 'jacky'
//result[0].age 29
match item in more than one level
var result = collection.match({ location: { address: 'king street'} });
//result[0].name 'jobs'
match item in array with selector
var result = collection.match({ members: { name: 'honda'} });
//result[0].club 'kodomo'
match only one item with selector
var result = collection.matchOne({ members: { name: 'honda'} });
// 'kodomo'
use $lt,$lte,$gt,$gte as match condition
var result = collection.match({ age: {"$gt": 10, "$lte": 29 } });
//result.length 4
use $in as match condition
var result = collection.match({ age: { "$in": [17, 59] } });
//result.length 2
use $or as match condition
var result = collection.match({ age: { "$or": [{ "$gte": 50, "$lt": 70 }, { "$gte": 10, "$lt": 20 }] } });
//result.length 3
you can also find data with selector,it will return a node
var result = collection.find({ name: 'jacky' });
//result[0].name 'jacky'
//result[0].age 29
find only one item with selector,it will return a node
var result = collection.findOne({ members: { name: 'angela'} });
//result.age 9
you can use object link
var result = collection.findOne({ club: 'kodomo' }).find({ members: { age: 8} });
//result.length 2
//result[0].name 'honda'
//result[1].name 'linda'