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Unofficial API Wrapper for + Account Generator with Web Interface


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This module uses emailnator to generate new accounts. As you know, when you create a new account, you will have 5 pro queries. This module will generate you new gmails with emailnator and you will have unlimited pro queries.


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Install requirements with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

or with single-line command:

pip install curl_cffi websocket-client

and patchright if you are going to use web interface

pip install patchright playwright && patchright install chromium

How To Use Web Interface

If you're just a normal user who wants to use Perplexity Pro/Reasoning unlimited and not interested in using Perplexity API in python codes, then you can use Web Interface feature. It will simply create accounts in background for you and when you run out of copilots, the new account will automatically open in new tab. Patchright uses chrome user data directory to be completely undetected, it's mostly C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data for Windows, as shown below,

import os
from perplexity.driver import Driver

cli = Driver()'C:\Users\{os.getlogin()}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data')

You can use your own chrome instance for Web Interface too. To do this, you need to add --remote-debugging-port=**** argument to chrome execution command as explained here. Ok, let's hammer it home for Windows 11. Type "Chrome" to your Windows search bar, right click to Chrome, click "Open file location". You will see the shortcut of Chrome, right click it, click "Properties" and add --remote-debugging-port=9222 to end of "target" section. It is "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --remote-debugging-port=9222 in my end. After setting port, you can use "port" argument of,

import os
from perplexity.driver import Driver

cli = Driver()'C:\Users\{os.getlogin()}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data', port=9222)


Using existing Chrome Instance isn't completely undetected. It may enter dead loop in Cloudflare verify page. The only way to bypass it is creating a new instance (so not using "port").

How To Use API

Below is an example code for simple usage, without using your own account or generating new accounts.

import perplexity

perplexity_cli = perplexity.Client()

# mode = ['auto', 'pro', 'deep research', 'r1', 'o3-mini']
# sources = ['web', 'scholar', 'social']
# files = a dictionary which has keys as filenames and values as file data
# stream = returns a generator when enabled and just final response when disabled
# language = ISO 639 code of language you want to use
# follow_up = last query info for follow-up queries, you can directly pass response from a query, look at second example below
# incognito = Enables incognito mode, for people who are using their own account
resp ='Your query here', mode='auto', sources=['web'], files={}, stream=False, language='en-US', follow_up=None, incognito=False)

# second example to show how to use follow-up queries and stream response
for i in'Your query here', stream=True, follow_up=resp):

And this is how you use your own account, you need to get your cookies in order to use your own account. Look at How To Get The Cookies,

import perplexity

perplexity_cookies = { 
    <your cookies here>

perplexity_cli = perplexity.Client(perplexity_cookies)

resp ='Your query here', mode='r1', sources=['web'], files={'myfile.txt': open('file.txt').read()}, stream=False, language='en-US', follow_up=None, incognito=False)

And finally account generating, you need to get cookies for emailnator to use this feature. Look at How To Get The Cookies,

import perplexity

emailnator_cookies = { 
    <your cookies here>

perplexity_cli = perplexity.Client()
perplexity_cli.create_account(emailnator_cookies) # Creates a new gmail, so your 5 pro queries will be renewed.

resp ='Your query here', mode='r1', sources=['web'], files={'myfile.txt': open('file.txt').read()}, stream=False, language='en-US', follow_up=None, incognito=False)


import perplexity

labs_cli = perplexity.LabsClient()

# model = ['r1-1776', 'sonar-pro', 'sonar', 'sonar-reasoning-pro', 'sonar-reasoning']
# stream = returns a generator when enabled and just final response when disabled
print(labs_cli.ask('Your query here', model='r1-1776', stream=False))

for i in labs_cli.ask('Your query here', model='sonar-reasoning-pro', stream=True):

Asynchronous API

Below is an example code for simple usage, without using your own account or generating new accounts.

import asyncio
import perplexity_async

async def test():
    perplexity_cli = await perplexity_async.Client()

    # mode = ['auto', 'pro', 'deep research', 'r1', 'o3-mini']
    # sources = ['web', 'scholar', 'social']
    # files = a dictionary which has keys as filenames and values as file data
    # stream = returns a generator when enabled and just final response when disabled
    # language = ISO 639 code of language you want to use
    # follow_up = last query info for follow-up queries, you can directly pass response from a query, look at second example below
    # incognito = Enables incognito mode, for people who are using their own account
    resp = await'Your query here', mode='auto', sources=['web'], files={}, stream=False, language='en-US', follow_up=None, incognito=False)

    # second example to show how to use follow-up queries and stream response
    async for i in await'Your query here', stream=True, follow_up=resp):

And this is how you use your own account, you need to get your cookies in order to use your own account. Look at How To Get The Cookies,

import asyncio
import perplexity_async

perplexity_cookies = { 
    <your cookies here>

async def test():
    perplexity_cli = await perplexity_async.Client(perplexity_cookies)

    resp = await'Your query here', mode='r1', sources=['web'], files={'myfile.txt': open('file.txt').read()}, stream=False, language='en-US', follow_up=None, incognito=False)

And finally account generating, you need to get cookies for emailnator to use this feature. Look at How To Get The Cookies,

import asyncio
import perplexity_async

emailnator_cookies = { 
    <your cookies here>

async def test():
    perplexity_cli = await perplexity_async.Client()
    await perplexity_cli.create_account(emailnator_cookies) # Creates a new gmail, so your 5 pro queries will be renewed.

    resp = await'Your query here', mode='r1', sources=['web'], files={'myfile.txt': open('file.txt').read()}, stream=False, language='en-US', follow_up=None, incognito=False)

Asynchronous Labs

import asyncio
import perplexity_async

async def test():
    labs_cli = await perplexity_async.LabsClient()
    # model = ['r1-1776', 'sonar-pro', 'sonar', 'sonar-reasoning-pro', 'sonar-reasoning']
    # stream = returns a generator when enabled and just final response when disabled
    print(await labs_cli.ask('Your query here', model='r1-1776', stream=False))
    async for i in await labs_cli.ask('Your query here', model='sonar-reasoning-pro', stream=True):

How To Get The Cookies

Perplexity (for using your own account)

  • Open website and login to your account.
  • Click F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I to open inspector.
  • Go to the "Network" tab in the inspector.
  • Refresh the page, right click the first request, hover on "Copy" and click to "Copy as cURL (bash)".
  • Now go to the curlconverter and paste your code here. The cookies dictionary will appear, copy and use it in your codes.

Emailnator (for account generating)

  • Open Emailnator website and verify you're human.
  • Click F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I to open inspector.
  • Go to the "Network" tab in the inspector.
  • Refresh the page, right click the first request, hover on "Copy" and click to "Copy as cURL (bash)".
  • Now go to the curlconverter and paste your code here. The cookies dictionary will appear, copy and use it in your codes.
  • Cookies for Emailnator are temporary, you need to renew them continuously.

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