Implementation of Carcassonne board game logic in kotlin. Right now the game supports:
- Core game
- Inns and cathedrals extension
- River extension
- Abbot extension
- Corn circles extension
It validates moves, rewards players regarding rules introduced in core and extensions and informs players what to do next.
fun main() {
val game = Game(
listOf(Player(id = 10289, order = 1), Player(id = 776, order = 2), Player(id = 12, order = 3)),
GameSetup(AbbotExtension, InnAndCathedralsExtension, RiverExtension)
.dispatch(Begin) // returns PlaceTile event with name of drawn tile
.dispatch(PutTile(Position(0, 1), NoRotation)) // returns PutPiece event
// you can either skip piece
// or put it
.dispatch(PutPiece(SmallPiece, Knight(Down)))
// next player makes his/her move