This repo aims to document a well-working minimal Linux kernel + grsecurity config that works on DigitalOcean VMs. DigitalOcean allows you to deploy your own kernel using grub for certain newer VM types (Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid, Debian 8). You can use this kernel config to get started compiling your own kernel from scratch, without a lot of unwanted modules that take a lot of time to compile. This config works with a vanilla Linux 4.2.6 kernel and the grsecurity patches.
This is work in progress!
- Works fine on DigitalOcean with Ubuntu 15.04
- Works with Docker (storage backend: Overlay FS)
- No modules
- Small kernel config (fast recompile + deploy)
When building a kernel, you can use this script to make sure you have the necessary options enabled in your kernel config:
You also have to change the storage driver in /etc/default/docker
like this:
- The "general" section could use some manual review.
- I haven't tested this extensively, there could be vital options missing.
If you run this kernel and notice that something is missing please file an issue or create a pull-request. This is not a promise that I'll blindly accept those pull-request if they don't cater to (what I believe to be) a common application.