is the official home of the project. It has moved from
Cache views, template fragments and arbitrary Python code. Monitor Django object changes to perform automatic fine-grained cache invalidation from Django level, through proxies, to the browser. Make Django really fast.
Cache views, template fragments and arbitrary Python code. Once cached we either avoid database queries and expensive computations, depending on the use case.
An object may contribute to a cached item, without us having to make the cached item aware of the object. When this object is modified all affected cached items are automatically invalidated.
The invalidation takes place all the way from Django, through HTTP gateways, to the browser itself.
from ultracache.decorators import ultracache # The decorator with no parameters automatically caches on the request path # and a minimal set of hidden parameters. @ultracache(300) class MyView(TemplateView): template_name = "my_view.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) # The URL that was called is eg. # This view remains cached until "blue" is modified by any other # code. context["color"] = Color.objects.get(slug=kwargs["color_slug"]) # Retrieve "red". Even though we never use red further in this code # the cached view is still expired when red is modified by any # other code. red = Color.objects.get(slug="red") return context
{# variable "color" is the object "blue" #} {% load ultracache_tags %} {% ultracache 300 "color-info" %} {# expensive properties follow #} {{ color.compute_valid_hex_codes }} {{ color.name_in_all_languages }} {% endultracache %}
Arbitrary Python:
from ultracache.utils import Ultracache ... color_slug = request.GET["color_slug"] uc = Ultracache(300, "another-identifier", color_slug) if uc: codes = uc.cached else: color = Color.objects.get(slug=color_slug) codes = color.compute_valid_hex_codes() uc.cache(codes) print(codes)
View with more specific rules:
from ultracache.decorators import ultracache # Serve different cached versions for anonymous and authenticated users. "request" # is always in scope in the decorator. @ultracache(300, "request.user.is_authenticated") class MyView(TemplateView): template_name = "my_view.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context["show_private_messages"] = self.request.user.is_authenticated return context
- Install or add
to your Python path. - Add
setting. - Add
setting. It is recommended to add it as one of the first entries. - Ensure
is in the context processors setting.
- Caches template fragments, views, Django Rest Framework viewsets.
- It takes the sites framework into consideration, allowing different caching per site.
- Crucially, it is aware of model objects that are subjected to its caching. When an object is modified all affected cache key are automatically expired. This allows the user to set longer expiry times without having to worry about stale content.
- The cache invalidation can be extended to issue purge commands to Varnish, Nginx or other reverse caching proxies.
also provides decorators cached_get
to cache your views. The parameters follow the same rules as the
template tag except they must all resolve.
is always implicitly added to the cache key. The
decorator is newer and cleaner, so use that where possible:
from ultracache.decorators import cached_get, ultracache class CachedView(TemplateView): template_name = "cached_view.html" @cached_get(300, "request.is_secure()", 456) def get(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(CachedView, self).get(*args, **kwargs) @ultracache(300, "request.is_secure()", 456) class AnotherCachedView(TemplateView): template_name = "cached_view.html"
The cached_get
decorator can be used in an URL pattern:
from ultracache.decorators import cached_get url( r"^cached-view/$", cached_get(3600)(TemplateView.as_view( template_name="myproduct/template.html" )), name="cached-view" )
Do not indiscriminately use the decorators. They only ever operate on GET requests but cannot know if the code being wrapped retrieves data from eg. the session. In such a case they will cache things they are not supposed to cache.
If your view is used by more than one URL pattern then it is highly recommended
to apply the cached_get
decorator in the URL pattern. Applying it directly
to the get
method may lead to cache collisions, especially if
is overridden.
provides a template tag {% ultracache %}
functions much like Django's standard cache template tag; however, it takes the
sites framework into consideration, allowing different caching per site, and it
handles undefined variables.
Simplest use case:
{% load ultracache_tags %} {% ultracache 3600 "my_identifier" object 123 undefined "string" %} {{ object.title }} {% endultracache %}
The tag can be nested. ultracache
is aware of all model objects that are subjected to its caching.
In this example cache keys outer
and inner_one
are expired when object one is changed but
cache key inner_two
remains unaffected:
{% load ultracache_tags %} {% ultracache 1200 "outer" %} {% ultracache 1200 "inner_one" %} title = {{ one.title }} {% endultracache %} {% ultracache 1200 "inner_two" %} title = {{ two.title }} {% endultracache %} {% endultracache %}
The cache key decides whether a piece of code or template is going to be evaluated further. The cache key must therefore accurately and minimally describe what is being subjected to caching.
This is experimental and may be removed.
Cache list
and retrieve
actions on viewsets:
# Cache all viewsets ULTRACACHE = { "drf": {"viewsets": {"*": {}}} } # Cache a specific viewset by name ULTRACACHE = { "drf": {"viewsets": {"": {}}} } # Cache a specific viewset by class ULTRACACHE = { "drf": {"viewsets": {MyViewset: {}}} } # Timeouts default to 300 seconds ULTRACACHE = { "drf": {"viewsets": {"*": {"timeout": 1200}}} } # Evaluate code to append to the cache key. This example caches differently # depending on whether the user is logged in or not. ULTRACACHE = { "drf": {"viewsets": {"*": {"evaluate": "request.user.is_anonymous"}}} } # Evaluate code to append to the cache key via a callable. def mycallable(viewset, request): if viewset.__class__.__name__ == "foo": return ULTRACACHE = { "drf": {"viewsets": {"*": {"evaluate": mycallable}}} }
You can create custom reverse caching proxy purgers. See
for examples:
ULTRACACHE = { "purge": {"method": "myproduct.purgers.squid"} }
The most useful purger is broadcast
. As the name implies it broadcasts purge
instructions to a queue. Note that you need celery running and configured to
write to a RabbitMQ instance for this to work correctly.
The purge instructions are consumed by the
The script reads a purge instruction from the queue and then sends a purge
instruction to an associated reverse caching proxy. To run the script:
virtualenv ve ./ve/bin/pip install -e . ./ve/bin/python bin/ -c config.yaml
The config file has these options:
- rabbit-urlSpecify RabbitMQ connection parameters in the AMQP URL format
.Optional. Defaults to amqp://guest:[email protected]:5672/%2F. Note the URL encoding for the path. - hostA reverse caching proxy may be responsible for many domains (hosts), and ultracache will keep track of the host that is involved in a purge request; however, if you have a use case that does not supply a hostname, eg. doing a PURGE request via curl, then forcing a hostname solves the use case.Optional.
- proxy-addressThe IP address or hostname of the reverse caching proxy.Optional. Defaults to
- logfileSet to a file to log all purge instructions. Specify
to log to standard out.Optional.
Automatic invalidation defaults to true. To disable automatic invalidation set:
ULTRACACHE = { "invalidate": False }
maintains a registry in Django's caching backend (see
How does it work). This registry can"t be allowed to grow unchecked, thus a
limit is imposed on the registry size. It would be inefficient to impose a size
limit on the entire registry so a maximum size is set per cached value. It
defaults to 1000000 bytes:
ULTRACACHE = { "max-registry-value-size": 10000 }
It is highly recommended to use a backend that supports compression because a larger size improves cache coherency.
If you make use of a reverse caching proxy then you need the original set of
request headers (or a relevant subset) to purge paths from the proxy correctly.
The problem with the modern web is the sheer amount of request headers present
on every request would lead to a large number of entries having to be stored by
in Django's caching backend. Your proxy probably has a
custom hash computation rule that considers only the request path (always
implied) and Django's sessionid cookie, so define a setting to also consider only
the cookie on the Django side:
ULTRACACHE = { "consider-headers": ["cookie"] }
If you only need to consider some cookies then set:
ULTRACACHE = { "consider-cookies": ["sessionid", "some-other-cookie"] }
monkey patches
to make a record of model objects
as they are resolved. The ultracache
template tag, ultracache
and ultracache
context manager inspect the list of objects contained
within them and keep a registry in Django's caching backend. A post_save
signal handler monitors objects for changes and expires the appropriate cache
- If you are running a cluster of Django nodes then ensure that they use a shared caching backend.