Javascript Torah Reading API for Parashat HaShavua and holidays
This package includes both traditional (full kriyah) and weekday Torah readings.
Triennial Torah Readings have moved to @hebcal/triennial
$ npm install @hebcal/leyning
import {HebrewCalendar, HDate, Event} from '@hebcal/core';
import {getLeyningForParshaHaShavua, formatAliyahWithBook} from '@hebcal/leyning';
const events = HebrewCalendar.calendar({sedrot: true, noHolidays: true});
const ev = events.find((ev) => ev.getDesc() == 'Parashat Pinchas');
const reading = getLeyningForParshaHaShavua(ev, false);
console.log(`${ev.getDesc()}: ${reading.summary}`);
console.log(`Haftara: ${reading.haftara}`);
for (const [num, aliyah] of Object.entries(reading.fullkriyah)) {
const number = num == 'M' ? 'maftir' : `aliyah ${num}`;
let str = formatAliyahWithBook(aliyah);
if (aliyah.reason) {
str += ' | ' + aliyah.reason;
str += ` (${aliyah.v} verses)`;
console.log(`${number}: ${str}`);