- Download the two code files in this repository to your computer. These will be our first SLURM job.
- Request your account and make sure you can login to the Tigerfish cluster, as described here.
- We need to get our two files from your computer to the cluster. Either use cd to navigate to their directory and use this command:
scp test.py firstjob.slurm [username]@tigerfish.lsuhsc.edu:/mnt/beegfs/home/[username]
Make sure you replace [username] with your own login for the cluster. It will prompt you for your password, then transfer both of these files to your home directory on Tigerfish.
- Now login to the cluster using the ssh command. We can use the ls command to confirm that our files were transferred successfully.
- To run our file, we need to use either the sbatch or srun command on our .slurm file. sbatch will do everything without intervention, while srun opens an interactive session with a node terminal.
sbatch firstjob.slurm
srun --pty bash
python3 test.py
This will run our slurm file and put our job through the scheduler, which will allocate it to a node that will then perform the computations. As stated on the LSUHSC HPC information page, we must use SLURM to run jobs. Otherwise, all jobs will run on the computationally small Tigerfish node, and performance of the clusterfor all users will be severely diminished.
- We can check the status of our job using squeue -u [your username]. A job this small will complete before we can get that command entered, and will no longer show up in the queue once completed. Using ls, we will be able to see the name of the output file, and can view it using the command "cat (filename.txt)".
- File storage on the cluster is unreliable and unrecommended, so we need to move that output file back to our computer. The first step in accomplishing this is using the "pwd" command to look at our file's path, which we can then copy. Then you can use the "exit" command to return to your computer's terminal.
- To get the file from the cluster to your computer, enter this command, substituting the pathnames as necessary. The cluster pathname is the current location of the file in the cluster, and the local pathname is where you want the file to be on your computer.
scp [username]@tigerfish.lsuhsc.edu:/[CLUSTER PATHNAME] /[LOCAL PATHNAME]
Inspiration for this first SLURM job walkthrough taken from Princeton University's similar guide, HPC beginning workshop, which is located here.