This document describes how to learn linear transformation between different word embeddings (e.g. CBOW and word2vec). For more details, see our paper:
Bollegala, Hayashi, Kawarabayashi. Learning Linear Transformations between Counting-based and Prediction-based Word Embeddings. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0184544, 2017.
Unfortunately, the original code is dirty, so I decided to show the core recipe of our learning algorithm.
Let u_i
be the m
-dimensional embedding vector and v_i
be the n
-dimensional embedding vector for word i
. The core idea is to learn C
, the m
by n
matrix that transforms v_i
to u_i
such that u_i ~= Cv_i
. For this purpose, we define the objective function over p
words as \sum_{i=1}^p ||u_i - Cv_i||^2 = ||U-VC||^2_F
, where U
and V
are collections of embeddings over p
words and ||.||_F
denotes the Frobenius norm.
We use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to learn C
. For SGD, vowpal wabbit (VW) is helpful, because it efficiently works for large scale data.
Note that the problem is equivalent to m
-variate linear regression. However, because VW cannot handle multidimensional output, we separate the problem as m
scalar-output linear regression problems. For each prediction dimension j=1,...,m
, we need to create a file in the VW input format.
In the VW format, each line corresponds to a training sample, and the entire file is something like this:
u_1j | 1:v_11 2:v_12 ... n:v_1n
u_2j | 1:v_21 2:v_22 ... n:v_2n
u_pj | 1:v_p1 2:v_p2 ... n:v_pn
By running VW with the file for j=1,...,m
, we can obtain c_j
as the part of the transformation C=[c_1;...;c_m]