This project has been moved to hawtio-core
A core plugin that provides the main navigation bar and an API to manipulate the navigation bar for the hawtio web console.
yarn add @hawtio/core-navigation
git clone
cd hawtio-core-navigation
yarn install:dev
To proxy to a local JVM running on a different port than 8282
specify the --port
CLI arguement to gulp:
gulp --port=8181
In your hawtio plugin you can configure your routes and the navigation bar in one go:
var tab = undefined;
var module = angular.module("MyAwesomePlugin", []);
// configure our tabs and routing
module.config(['$routeProvider', 'HawtioNavBuilderProvider', function($routeProvider, builder) {
tab = builder.create()
.title(function () { return "Hello"; })
.href(function () { return "/test1"l })
.subPath("World!", "page1", "partials/page1.html")
builder.configureRouting($routeProvider, tab);
// add our tabs to the nav bar["HawtioNav", function(HawtioNav) {
You can also configure your routes separately for more control and configure the tabs in your module's run method:
var module = angular.module("MyAwesomePlugin", []);
// configure routing...
module.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
/// snip
}]);["HawtioNav", function(HawtioNav) {
// get a builder object to create nav objects
var builder = HawtioNav.builder();
// Create a subtab
var subTab ='fooSubTab')
.href(function() { return '/foo/bar'; })
.title(function() { return 'My Sub Tab'; })
// Create a top-level tab
var tab ='foo')
.href(function() { return '/foo'; })
.isValid(function() { return true; })
.title(function() { return 'My Tab'; })
// Add to the nav bar
Tabs can also influence what the initial page/route will be by adding a 'defaultPage' attribute, for example:
var module = angular.module("MyAwesomePlugin", []);
// configure routing...
module.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
/// snip
}]);["HawtioNav", function(HawtioNav) {
// get a builder object to create nav objects
var builder = HawtioNav.builder();
// Create a subtab
var subTab ='fooSubTab')
.href(function() { return '/foo/bar'; })
.title(function() { return 'My Sub Tab'; })
// Create a top-level tab
var tab ='foo')
rank: 30, // rank is used to handle multiple default pages, higher values win
isValid: (yes, no) => { // isValid is used to test if a page can be the default page or not. You need to call either the yes or no function passed in based on some criteria, can be async.
if (someKindOfTest) {
} else {
.href(function() { return '/foo'; })
.isValid(function() { return true; })
.title(function() { return 'My Tab'; })
// Add to the nav bar
See index.html and hawtio-nav-example.js for more details and examples.