Fuzzing powered by grammar coverage.
Building and running tribble requires Java version 11
or greater.
Build tribble by running ./gradlew build
(or .\gradlew.bat build
on Windows) in the project's root directory.
When the build completes, there should be a runnable jar file tribble-1.0.0.jar
located in tribble-tool/build/libs
Let us move and rename the artifact for convenience:
mv tribble-tool/build/libs/tribble-1.0.0.jar tribble.jar
Executing java -jar tribble.jar --help
will print out all available flags and options.
Let us consider some common use cases for tribble:
Let us generate 100 JSON files of approximate size 50 (tree nodes) in the directory json100
java -jar tribble.jar generate --mode=50-random-100 --out-dir=json100 --suffix=.json --grammar-file=tribble-core/src/test/resources/json.tribble
For more precise control over the number of nodes in the generated trees the --mode=min-max-random-n
can be provided
to generate n
files of sizes between min
and max
. E.g. --mode=22-180-random-100
to generate 100 files between 22 and 180 nodes in size.
This mode might not be very efficient and so should be used with care.
tribble can generate sets of files with full k-path
For example to generate a set of Markdown files no deeper than 30 derivations with full 2-path
coverage in the directory out
(the default value) we would execute the following:
java -jar tribble.jar generate --mode=2-path-30 --suffix=.md --grammar-file=tribble-core/src/test/resources/typesafe/Markdown.scala
It is also possible to leave out the depth restriction, in which case --mode=2-path-30
becomes just --mode=2-path
and the generated files are minimal in size.
You can add the parameter --random-seed
to make all runs of tribble reproducible. E.g. --random-seed=42
When generating sets of files, tribble can measure the k-path
coverage achieved.
This is governed by the two parameters --report-file
and --report-kcoverage
. For example the configuration
--report-file=3-path-coverage.csv --report-kcoverage=3
will report the 1-
, 2-
, and 3-path
achieved by the set generated by this run in the file 3-path-coverage.csv
The default value for --report-kcoverage
is 4
, while the presence of the --report-file
parameter determines
whether measurements will be done at all.
Let us generate 100 JSON files while adhering to probabilities annotated in the grammar, while also never generating optional elements below a tree depth of 10.
java -jar tribble.jar generate --mode=10-probabilistic-100 --out-dir=json-prob-100 --suffix=.json --grammar-file=tribble-core/src/test/resources/typesafe/JSON.scala
There are two additional parameters involved in probability-base generation: --damping
and --similarity
The actual probabilities used in the generation are calculated from the annotations in several phases:
- Missing probability annotations are filled in by uniformly distributing
1 - sum(annotations)
among them - The resulting probabilities are scaled up such that their sum is
if it is not already. - All probabilities are recalculated to be
p' = (p + damping) ^ similarity
The default values for --damping
and --similarity
are Double.MinPositiveValue
and 1.0
, respectively.
So if we want to use inverted probabilities for generation we should set --similarity=-1.0
There are two formats for tribble grammars: a text-based format and a Scala DSL-based one.
The preferred way of providing a grammar to tribble is using its Scala DSL variant because it profits from type checking and syntax highlighting in IDEs.
Note. If you rely on advanced Scala features to compute (parts of) your grammar programmatically, consider looking into the
option. :warning: This option has a limitation on the size of the grammar. If aStackOverflowError
is thrown during compilation, increasing the available stack size usually helps:-Xss1g
Sometimes, however aToolBoxError: reflective compilation has failed
is thrown indicating that the grammar is simply too large, and the scala compiler generates a method exceeding the 64kb limit of the JVM. If this happens, consider switching to the text-based grammar format presented further down.
// optional import statement which enables syntax highlighting and type checking in IDEs
import de.cispa.se.tribble.dsl._
'Grammar := 'Import.? ~ "Grammar" ~ "(" ~ 'Production ~ ("," ~ 'Production).rep ~ ")",
'Import := "import de.cispa.se.tribble.dsl._\n",
'Production := 'Reference ~ ":=" ~ 'Alternation,
'Alternation := 'Concatenation ~ ("|" ~ 'Concatenation).rep,
'Concatenation := 'Atom.rep(1) ~ ("@@" ~ 'prob).?,
'Atom := ( "(" ~ 'Alternation ~ ")" | 'Regex | 'Literal | 'Reference ) ~ 'Quant.?,
'Quant := ".?" | ".rep" | ".rep(" ~ 'num ~ ")" | ".rep(" ~ 'num ~ "," ~ 'num ~ ")",
'num := "0|([1-9][0-9]*)".regex,
'prob := "[0-9.xXa-fA-FpP-]+".regex,
'Reference := "'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*".regex,
'Literal := "\"" ~ ("[^\"\\\\]".regex | "\\" ~ "[nrt\"\\\\]".regex).rep ~ "\"",
'Regex := "\"" ~ 'regexp ~ "\".regex"
// NOTE: 'regexp is defined as below
Here is an example grammar for JSON written using the Scala DSL:
import de.cispa.se.tribble.dsl._
'start := 'object | 'array,
'object := "{" ~ 'members.? ~ "}",
'members := 'pair | 'pair ~ "," ~ 'members,
'pair := 'string ~ ":" ~ 'value,
'array := "[" ~ 'elements.? ~ "]",
'elements := 'value | 'value ~ "," ~ 'elements,
'value := 'string | 'number | 'object | 'array | "true" | "false" | "null",
'string := "\"" ~ 'chars.? ~ "\"",
'chars := 'char | 'char ~ 'chars,
'char :=
| "\\\""
| "\\\\"
| "\\/"
| "\\b"
| "\\f"
| "\\n"
| "\\r"
| "\\t"
| "\\u" ~ "[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}".regex,
'number := 'int
| 'int ~ 'frac
| 'int ~ 'exp
| 'int ~ 'frac ~ 'exp,
'int := 'digit | "[1-9]".regex ~ 'digits | "-" ~ 'digit | "-" ~ "[1-9]".regex ~ 'digits,
'frac := "." ~ 'digits,
'exp := 'e ~ 'digits,
'digits := 'digit | 'digit ~ 'digits,
'digit := "[0-9]".regex,
'e := "e" | "e+" | "e-" | "E" | "E+" | "E-"
The grammars can also be provided in the format described by the following PEG-like form:
Grammar ::= Production+
Production ::= NonTerminal '=' Alternation ';'
Alternation ::= Concatenation ( '|' Concatenation )*
Concatenation ::= Atom+ ('@@' Probability)?
Atom ::= ( '(' Alternation ')' | Regex | Literal | NonTerminal ) Quant?
Quant ::= [?+*]
| '{,' num '}'
| '{' num ',}'
| '{' num ',' num '}'
num ::= [0-9]+
Probability ::= [0-9A-Fa-fxXpP.-]+
NonTerminal ::= '?[A-Za-z0-9_$]+
Literal ::= '"' ( [^"\] | '\' [nrt"\] )* '"'
Regex ::= '/' regexp '/'
Java style comments are also allowed anywhere whitespace is allowed:
/* block comment */
and // line comment <EOL>
is defined as the following subset of the underlying implementing library dk.brics.automaton:
regexp ::= unionexp
unionexp ::= interexp ( '|' unionexp )?
interexp ::= concatexp ( '&' interexp )?
concatexp ::= repeatexp concatexp?
repeatexp ::= repeatexp '?'
| repeatexp '*'
| repeatexp '+'
| repeatexp '{' num '}'
| repeatexp '{' num ',}'
| repeatexp '{' num ',' num '}'
| complexp
complexp ::= '~' complexp
| charclassexp
charclassexp ::= '[' charclasses ']'
| '[^' charclasses ']'
| simpleexp
charclasses ::= charclass charclasses?
charclass ::= charexp ('-' charexp)?
simpleexp ::= charexp
| '.' (any single character)
| " <Unicode string without double-quotes> "
| '( )' (the empty string)
| '(' unionexp ')'
charexp ::= <Unicode character> (a single non-reserved character)
| '\' <Unicode character> (a single character)
In regexes, the /
character must be escaped as \/
Additionally, the characters &
and ~
must be escaped even in character classes with a backslash or double quotes.
This is because the underlying library is instantiated with the flags COMPLEMENT | INTERSECTION
To get more familiar with the text format consider the following grammar for JSON:
// JSON grammar from http://json.org/
start = object | array;
object = "{" members? "}";
members = pair | pair "," members;
pair = string ":" value;
array = "[" elements? "]";
elements = value | value "," elements;
value = string
| number
| object
| array
| "true"
| "false"
| "null";
string = "\"" chars? "\"";
chars = char | char chars;
char = /[^\"]/
| "\\\""
| "\\\\"
| "\\/"
| "\\b"
| "\\f"
| "\\n"
| "\\r"
| "\\t"
| "\\u" /[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}/;
number = int
| int frac
| int exp
| int frac exp;
int = digit | /[1-9]/ digits | "-" digit | "-" /[1-9]/ digits;
frac = "." digits;
exp = e digits;
digits = digit | digit digits;
digit = /[0-9]/;
e = "e" | "e+" | "e-" | "E" | "E+" | "E-";
Tribble can cache grammars in a binary format such that they can be simply loaded from disk instead of being parsed and processed every time. To create a cached version of a grammar use
java -jar tribble.jar cache-grammar --grammar-cache-dir=<path-to-cache> --grammar-file=<path-to-grammar>
The value of --grammar-cache-dir
defaults to ./grammar-cache
The next time tribble has to parse a grammar file, it will first check
in the --grammar-cache-dir
if a cache has been created for this particular
grammar file and load it from there.
To suppress this behavior you can pass the --ignore-grammar-cache
To make the grammars produce more meaningful inputs it is worth considering
- explicitly adding whitespace tokens into the productions
- adding a small vocabulary to constrain the number of produced identifiers