This emulator is written in C++, using SDL2 for graphics, audio and keyboard input handling. My motivation for developing this emulator was mainly as an introductory project to learn C++, as well as gaining experience with how emulation works, which I've been interested in for some time.
MSBuild, included in all Visual Studio editions.
CMake added to path.
SDL2 Development path added in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable. Also add a sdl2-config.cmake file in the SDL2/ folder, see here for an example on how to do this.
- CMake
- SDL2
- C++ compiler.
$ sudo apt install cmake libsdl2-dev g++
# Build
$ cmake -S . -B build
# Compile
$ cmake --build build --config Release
OR just launch the project in any IDE and it will recognize the cmake file ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
After compiling the executable and roms can be found in the bin/ folder. There's only 4 roms included, but more can be found by googling.
The emulator takes a few optional parameters: rom name, instruction cycles per second, window size. The default values for these parameters are breakout.ch8, 600 and 10 respectively.
Chip8 [filename] [-S cycles-per-second] [-W window-size]
$ cd bin
# Example 1: Default values
$ Chip8
# Example 2: Custom parameters
$ Chip8 Tetris.ch8 -S 1000 -W 15
While playing the emulator you can press m to mute the game, and p to pause the game.
- High level Chip8 guide.
- Kiwi8, used for SDL2 audio inspiration.
- Using SDL2 with CMake.
This Chip8 emulator is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.