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Use the proper GHC version given by cabal
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Kleidukos authored and fendor committed Feb 6, 2021
1 parent c16e571 commit 09b10fb
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Showing 4 changed files with 141 additions and 60 deletions.
170 changes: 115 additions & 55 deletions src/HIE/Bios/Cradle.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module HIE.Bios.Cradle (
, loadCradle
Expand All @@ -27,7 +28,6 @@ import Control.Exception (handleJust)
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import Data.Void
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import HIE.Bios.Types hiding (ActionName(..))
import qualified HIE.Bios.Types as Types
Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad
import System.Info.Extra
import System.Info.Extra (isWindows)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import System.Environment
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), optional)
Expand All @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import Data.Ord (Down(..))

import System.PosixCompat.Files
import HIE.Bios.Wrappers
import System.IO
import System.IO (hClose, hGetContents, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(LineBuffering), hPutStr, withFile, IOMode(..))
import Control.DeepSeq

import Data.Conduit.Process
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,12 +413,38 @@ cabalCradle wdir mc =
-- ./dist-newstyle/tmp/environment.-24811: createDirectory: does not exist (No such file or directory)
createDirectoryIfMissing True (buildDir </> "tmp")
-- Need to pass -v0 otherwise we get "resolving dependencies..."
wrapper_fp <- withCabalWrapperTool ("ghc", []) wdir
wdir "cabal" (["--builddir="<>buildDir,"v2-exec","--with-compiler", wrapper_fp, "ghc", "-v0", "--"] ++ args) ""
cabalProcLoadResult <- cabalProcess wdir "v2-exec" $ ["ghc", "-v0", "--"] ++ args
cabalProcLoadResult `bindIO` \cabalProc ->
readProcessWithCwd' cabalProc ""

-- | Execute a cabal process in our custom cache-build directory configured
-- with the custom ghc executable.
-- The created process has its working directory set to the given working directory.
-- Invokes the cabal process in the given directory.
-- Finds the appropriate @ghc@ version as a fallback and provides the path
-- to the custom ghc wrapper via 'HIE_BIOS_GHC' environment variable which
-- the custom ghc wrapper may use as a fallback if it can not respond to certain
-- queries, such as ghc version or location of the libdir.
cabalProcess :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO (CradleLoadResult CreateProcess)
cabalProcess workDir command args = do
ghcDirLoadResult <- cabalGHCDir workDir
ghcDirLoadResult `bindIO` \ghcDir -> do
let ghcBin = ghcDir </> "ghc"
let ghcPkg = ghcDir </> "ghc-pkg"
environment <- getCleanEnvironment
let newEnvironment = ("HIE_BIOS_GHC", ghcBin):environment
wrapper_fp <- withCabalWrapperTool ("ghc", []) workDir
buildDir <- cabalBuildDir workDir
let cabalArgs = ["--builddir=" <> buildDir, command, "--with-hc-pkg", ghcPkg, "--with-compiler", wrapper_fp] ++ args
let cabalProc = proc "cabal" cabalArgs
pure $ CradleSuccess (cabalProc
{ env = Just newEnvironment
, cwd = Just workDir

-- | @'cabalCradleDependencies' rootDir componentDir@.
-- Compute the dependencies of the cabal cradle based
-- on the cradle root and the component directory.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -493,37 +519,57 @@ withCabalWrapperTool (mbGhc, ghcArgs) wdir = do
-- | Given the root directory, get the build dir we are using for cabal
-- In the `hie-bios` cache directory
cabalBuildDir :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
cabalBuildDir work_dir = do
abs_work_dir <- makeAbsolute work_dir
cabalBuildDir workDir = do
abs_work_dir <- makeAbsolute workDir
let dirHash = show (fingerprintString abs_work_dir)
getCacheDir ("dist-"<>filter (not . isSpace) (takeBaseName abs_work_dir)<>"-"<>dirHash)
getCacheDir ("dist-" <> filter (not . isSpace) (takeBaseName abs_work_dir)<>"-"<>dirHash)

cabalGHCDir :: FilePath -> IO (CradleLoadResult FilePath)
cabalGHCDir workDir = do
readProcessWithCwd workDir "cabal" ["exec", "-v0", "--", "ghc", "--print-libdir"] ""
>>= \case
CradleSuccess r -> do
let strippedPath = T.unpack $ T.stripEnd $ T.pack r
pure $ CradleSuccess $
if isWindows
then strippedPath </>"../bin"
else strippedPath </> "../../bin"
cradleResult -> pure cradleResult

cabalAction :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> LoggingFunction -> FilePath -> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions)
cabalAction work_dir mc l fp = do
wrapper_fp <- withCabalWrapperTool ("ghc", []) work_dir
buildDir <- cabalBuildDir work_dir
let cab_args = ["--builddir="<>buildDir,"v2-repl", "--with-compiler", wrapper_fp, fromMaybe (fixTargetPath fp) mc]
(ex, output, stde, [(_,mb_args)]) <-
readProcessWithOutputs [hie_bios_output] l work_dir (proc "cabal" cab_args)
let args = fromMaybe [] mb_args
case processCabalWrapperArgs args of
Nothing -> do
-- Best effort. Assume the working directory is the
-- the root of the component, so we are right in trivial cases at least.
deps <- cabalCradleDependencies work_dir work_dir
pure $ CradleFail (CradleError deps ex
["Failed to parse result of calling cabal"
, unlines output
, unlines stde
, unlines $ args])
Just (componentDir, final_args) -> do
deps <- cabalCradleDependencies work_dir componentDir
pure $ makeCradleResult (ex, stde, componentDir, final_args) deps
cabalAction workDir mc l fp = do
cabalProcess workDir "v2-repl" [fromMaybe (fixTargetPath fp) mc]
>>= \case
CradleNone -> pure CradleNone
CradleFail err -> do
-- Provide some dependencies an IDE can look for to trigger a reload.
-- Best effort. Assume the working directory is the
-- root of the component, so we are right in trivial cases at least.
deps <- cabalCradleDependencies workDir workDir
pure $ CradleFail err { cradleErrorDependencies = cradleErrorDependencies err ++ deps }
CradleSuccess cabalProc -> do
(ex, output, stde, [(_, maybeArgs)]) <- readProcessWithOutputs [hie_bios_output] l workDir cabalProc

let args = fromMaybe [] maybeArgs
case processCabalWrapperArgs args of
Nothing -> do
-- Provide some dependencies an IDE can look for to trigger a reload.
-- Best effort. Assume the working directory is the
-- root of the component, so we are right in trivial cases at least.
deps <- cabalCradleDependencies workDir workDir
pure $ CradleFail (CradleError deps ex
["Failed to parse result of calling cabal"
, unlines output
, unlines stde
, unlines $ args])
Just (componentDir, final_args) -> do
deps <- cabalCradleDependencies workDir componentDir
pure $ makeCradleResult (ex, stde, componentDir, final_args) deps
-- Need to make relative on Windows, due to a Cabal bug with how it
-- parses file targets with a C: drive in it
fixTargetPath x
| isWindows && hasDrive x = makeRelative work_dir x
| isWindows && hasDrive x = makeRelative workDir x
| otherwise = x

removeInteractive :: [String] -> [String]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -624,26 +670,26 @@ stackCradleDependencies wdir componentDir syaml = do
cabalFiles ++ [relFp </> "package.yaml", stackYamlLocationOrDefault syaml]

stackAction :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> StackYaml -> LoggingFunction -> FilePath -> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions)
stackAction work_dir mc syaml l _fp = do
stackAction workDir mc syaml l _fp = do
let ghcProcArgs = ("stack", stackYamlProcessArgs syaml <> ["exec", "ghc", "--"])
-- Same wrapper works as with cabal
wrapper_fp <- withCabalWrapperTool ghcProcArgs work_dir
(ex1, _stdo, stde, [(_, mb_args)]) <-
readProcessWithOutputs [hie_bios_output] l work_dir $
wrapper_fp <- withCabalWrapperTool ghcProcArgs workDir
(ex1, _stdo, stde, [(_, maybeArgs)]) <-
readProcessWithOutputs [hie_bios_output] l workDir $
stackProcess syaml
$ ["repl", "--no-nix-pure", "--with-ghc", wrapper_fp]
<> [ comp | Just comp <- [mc] ]
(ex2, pkg_args, stdr, _) <-
readProcessWithOutputs [hie_bios_output] l work_dir $
readProcessWithOutputs [hie_bios_output] l workDir $
stackProcess syaml ["path", "--ghc-package-path"]
let split_pkgs = concatMap splitSearchPath pkg_args
pkg_ghc_args = concatMap (\p -> ["-package-db", p] ) split_pkgs
args = fromMaybe [] mb_args
args = fromMaybe [] maybeArgs
case processCabalWrapperArgs args of
Nothing -> do
-- Best effort. Assume the working directory is the
-- the root of the component, so we are right in trivial cases at least.
deps <- stackCradleDependencies work_dir work_dir syaml
deps <- stackCradleDependencies workDir workDir syaml
pure $ CradleFail
(CradleError deps ex1 $
[ "Failed to parse result of calling stack" ]
Expand All @@ -652,7 +698,7 @@ stackAction work_dir mc syaml l _fp = do

Just (componentDir, ghc_args) -> do
deps <- stackCradleDependencies work_dir componentDir syaml
deps <- stackCradleDependencies workDir componentDir syaml
pure $ makeCradleResult
( combineExitCodes [ex1, ex2]
, stde ++ stdr, componentDir
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -704,15 +750,15 @@ bazelCommand :: String
bazelCommand = $(embedStringFile "wrappers/bazel")
rulesHaskellAction :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions)
rulesHaskellAction work_dir fp = do
rulesHaskellAction workDir fp = do
wrapper_fp <- writeSystemTempFile "wrapper" bazelCommand
setFileMode wrapper_fp accessModes
let rel_path = makeRelative work_dir fp
let rel_path = makeRelative workDir fp
(ex, args, stde) <-
readProcessWithOutputFile work_dir wrapper_fp [rel_path] []
readProcessWithOutputFile workDir wrapper_fp [rel_path] []
let args' = filter (/= '\'') args
let args'' = filter (/= "\"$GHCI_LOCATION\"") (words args')
deps <- rulesHaskellCradleDependencies work_dir
deps <- rulesHaskellCradleDependencies workDir
return $ makeCradleResult (ex, stde, args'') deps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -743,11 +789,11 @@ obeliskCradle wdir =
obeliskAction :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions)
obeliskAction work_dir _fp = do
obeliskAction workDir _fp = do
(ex, args, stde) <-
readProcessWithOutputFile work_dir "ob" ["ide-args"] []
readProcessWithOutputFile workDir "ob" ["ide-args"] []
o_deps <- obeliskCradleDependencies work_dir
o_deps <- obeliskCradleDependencies workDir
return (makeCradleResult (ex, stde, words args) o_deps )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -782,7 +828,7 @@ findFile p dir = do
getFiles = filter p <$> getDirectoryContents dir
doesPredFileExist file = doesFileExist $ dir </> file

-- Some environments (e.g. stack exec) include GHC_PACKAGE_PATH.
-- | Some environments (e.g. stack exec) include GHC_PACKAGE_PATH.
-- Cabal v2 *will* complain, even though or precisely because it ignores them
-- Unset them from the environment to sidestep this
getCleanEnvironment :: IO [(String, String)]
Expand All @@ -805,16 +851,17 @@ readProcessWithOutputs
-> FilePath -- ^ Working directory. Process is executed in this directory.
-> CreateProcess -- ^ Parameters for the process to be executed.
-> IO (ExitCode, [String], [String], [(OutputName, Maybe [String])])
readProcessWithOutputs outputNames l work_dir cp = flip runContT return $ do
readProcessWithOutputs outputNames l workDir cp = flip runContT return $ do
old_env <- liftIO getCleanEnvironment
output_files <- traverse (withOutput old_env) outputNames

let process = cp { env = Just $ output_files ++ fromMaybe old_env (env cp),
cwd = Just work_dir
cwd = Just workDir

-- Windows line endings are not converted so you have to filter out `'r` characters
let loggingConduit = C.decodeUtf8 C..| C.lines C..| C.filterE (/= '\r') C..| T.unpack C..| C.iterM l C..| C.sinkList
let loggingConduit = C.decodeUtf8 C..| C.lines C..| C.filterE (/= '\r')
C..| T.unpack C..| C.iterM l C..| C.sinkList
(ex, stdo, stde) <- liftIO $ sourceProcessWithStreams process mempty loggingConduit loggingConduit

res <- forM output_files $ \(name,path) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -864,15 +911,28 @@ runGhcCmdOnPath wdir args = readProcessWithCwd wdir "ghc" args ""
-- case mResult of
-- Nothing

-- | Wrapper around 'readCreateProcess' that sets the working directory
-- | Wrapper around 'readCreateProcess' that sets the working directory and
-- clears the environment, suitable for invoking cabal/stack and raw ghc commands.
readProcessWithCwd :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO (CradleLoadResult String)
readProcessWithCwd dir cmd args stdi = do
readProcessWithCwd dir cmd args stdin = do
cleanEnv <- getCleanEnvironment
let createProc = (proc cmd args) { cwd = Just dir, env = Just cleanEnv }
mResult <- optional $ readCreateProcessWithExitCode createProc stdi
readProcessWithCwd' createProc stdin

-- | Wrapper around 'readCreateProcessWithExitCode', wrapping the result in
-- a 'CradleLoadResult'. Provides better error messages than raw 'readCreateProcess'.
readProcessWithCwd' :: CreateProcess -> String -> IO (CradleLoadResult String)
readProcessWithCwd' createdProcess stdin = do
mResult <- optional $ readCreateProcessWithExitCode createdProcess stdin
let cmdString = prettyCmdSpec $ cmdspec createdProcess
case mResult of
Just (ExitSuccess, stdo, _) -> pure $ CradleSuccess stdo
Just (exitCode, stdo, stde) -> pure $ CradleFail $
CradleError [] exitCode ["Error when calling " <> cmd <> " " <> unwords args, stdo, stde]
CradleError [] exitCode ["Error when calling " <> cmdString, stdo, stde]
Nothing -> pure $ CradleFail $
CradleError [] ExitSuccess ["Couldn't execute " <> cmd <> " " <> unwords args]
CradleError [] ExitSuccess ["Couldn't execute " <> cmdString]

-- | Prettify 'CmdSpec', so we can show the command to a user
prettyCmdSpec :: CmdSpec -> String
prettyCmdSpec (ShellCommand s) = s
prettyCmdSpec (RawCommand cmd args) = cmd ++ " " ++ unwords args
23 changes: 21 additions & 2 deletions src/HIE/Bios/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module HIE.Bios.Types where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,8 +76,25 @@ data CradleLoadResult r
= CradleSuccess r -- ^ The cradle succeeded and returned these options.
| CradleFail CradleError -- ^ We tried to load the cradle and it failed.
| CradleNone -- ^ No attempt was made to load the cradle.
deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show, Eq)

instance Applicative CradleLoadResult where
pure = CradleSuccess
CradleSuccess a <*> CradleSuccess b = CradleSuccess (a b)
CradleFail err <*> _ = CradleFail err
_ <*> CradleFail err = CradleFail err
_ <*> _ = CradleNone

instance Monad CradleLoadResult where
return = CradleSuccess
CradleSuccess r >>= k = k r
CradleFail err >>= _ = CradleFail err
CradleNone >>= _ = CradleNone

bindIO :: CradleLoadResult a -> (a -> IO (CradleLoadResult b)) -> IO (CradleLoadResult b)
bindIO (CradleSuccess r) k = k r
bindIO (CradleFail err) _ = return $ CradleFail err
bindIO CradleNone _ = return CradleNone

data CradleError = CradleError
{ cradleErrorDependencies :: [FilePath]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion wrappers/cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ if [ "$1" == "--interactive" ]; then
out "$arg"
"ghc" "$@"
"${HIE_BIOS_GHC:-ghc}" "$@"
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions wrappers/cabal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module Main (main) where

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment (getArgs, getEnv)
import System.Environment (getArgs, getEnv, lookupEnv)
import System.Exit (exitWith)
import System.Process (spawnProcess, waitForProcess)
import System.IO (openFile, hClose, hPutStrLn, IOMode(..))
Expand All @@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ main = do
mapM_ (hPutStrLn h) args
hClose h
_ -> do
ph <- spawnProcess "ghc" (args)
ghc_path <- fromMaybe "ghc" <$> lookupEnv "HIE_BIOS_GHC"
ph <- spawnProcess ghc_path (args)
code <- waitForProcess ph
exitWith code

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