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Prevent accidental Cthulhu summons #1760

merged 10 commits into from
Apr 20, 2021
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/hls-tactics-plugin.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ library
, text
, transformers
, unordered-containers
, hyphenation

default-language: Haskell2010
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224 changes: 191 additions & 33 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/src/Wingman/Naming.hs
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@@ -1,58 +1,204 @@
module Wingman.Naming where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Aeson (camelTo2)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Char
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.List.Extra (split)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Traversable
import GhcPlugins (charTy, maybeTyCon)
import Name
import TcType
import Text.Hyphenation (hyphenate, english_US)
import TyCon
import Type
import TysWiredIn (listTyCon, pairTyCon, unitTyCon)
import TysWiredIn (listTyCon, unitTyCon)
import Wingman.GHC (tcTyVar_maybe)

-- | Use type information to create a reasonable name.
mkTyName :: Type -> String
-- eg. mkTyName (a -> B) = "fab"
mkTyName (tcSplitFunTys -> ([a@(isFunTy -> False)], b))
= "f" ++ mkTyName a ++ mkTyName b
-- eg. mkTyName (a -> b -> C) = "f_C"
mkTyName (tcSplitFunTys -> (_:_, b))
= "f_" ++ mkTyName b
-- eg. mkTyName (Either A B) = "eab"
mkTyName (splitTyConApp_maybe -> Just (c, args))
= mkTyConName c ++ foldMap mkTyName args
-- eg. mkTyName (f a) = "fa"
mkTyName (tcSplitAppTys -> (t, args@(_:_)))
= mkTyName t ++ foldMap mkTyName args
-- eg. mkTyName a = "a"
mkTyName (getTyVar_maybe -> Just tv)
= occNameString $ occName tv
-- eg. mkTyName (forall x. y) = "y"
mkTyName (tcSplitSigmaTy -> (_:_, _, t))
= mkTyName t
mkTyName _ = "x"
-- | A classification of a variable, for which we have specific naming rules.
-- A variable can have multiple purposes simultaneously.
data Purpose
= Function [Type] Type
| Predicate
| Continuation
| Integral
| Number
| String
| List Type
| Maybe Type
| TyConned TyCon [Type]
-- ^ Something of the form @TC a b c@
| TyVarred TyVar [Type]
-- ^ Something of the form @m a b c@

pattern IsPredicate :: Type
pattern IsPredicate <-
(tcSplitFunTys -> ([isFunTy -> False], isBoolTy -> True))

pattern IsFunction :: [Type] -> Type -> Type
pattern IsFunction args res <-
(tcSplitFunTys -> (args@(_:_), res))

pattern IsString :: Type
pattern IsString <-
(splitTyConApp_maybe -> Just ((== listTyCon) -> True, [eqType charTy -> True]))

pattern IsMaybe :: Type -> Type
pattern IsMaybe a <-
(splitTyConApp_maybe -> Just ((== maybeTyCon) -> True, [a]))

pattern IsList :: Type -> Type
pattern IsList a <-
(splitTyConApp_maybe -> Just ((== listTyCon) -> True, [a]))

pattern IsTyConned :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
pattern IsTyConned tc args <-
(splitTyConApp_maybe -> Just (id &&& isSymOcc . getOccName -> (tc, False), args))

pattern IsTyVarred :: TyVar -> [Type] -> Type
pattern IsTyVarred v args <-
(tcSplitAppTys -> (tcTyVar_maybe -> Just v, args))

-- | Get the 'Purpose's of a type. A type can have multiple purposes
-- simultaneously, so the order of purposes in this function corresponds to the
-- precedence of that naming rule. Which means, eg, that if a type is both
-- a 'Predicate' and a 'Function', we should prefer to use the predicate naming
-- rules, since they come first.
getPurposes :: Type -> [Purpose]
getPurposes ty = mconcat
[ [ Predicate | IsPredicate <- [ty] ]
, [ Function args res | IsFunction args res <- [ty] ]
, with (isIntegerTy ty) [ Integral, Number ]
, with (isIntTy ty) [ Integral, Number ]
, [ Number | isFloatingTy ty ]
, [ String | isStringTy ty ]
, [ Maybe a | IsMaybe a <- [ty] ]
, [ List a | IsList a <- [ty] ]
, [ TyVarred v args | IsTyVarred v args <- [ty] ]
, [ TyConned tc args | IsTyConned tc args <- [ty]
, not (isTupleTyCon tc)
, tc /= listTyCon ]

-- | Return 'mempty' if the give bool is false.
with :: Monoid a => Bool -> a -> a
with False _ = mempty
with True a = a

-- | Names we can give functions
functionNames :: [String]
functionNames = ["f", "g", "h"]

-- | Get a ranked ordering of names for a given purpose.
purposeToName :: Purpose -> [String]
purposeToName (Function args res)
| Just tv_args <- traverse tcTyVar_maybe $ args <> pure res
= fmap (<> foldMap (occNameString . occName) tv_args) functionNames
purposeToName (Function _ _) = functionNames
purposeToName Predicate = pure "p"
purposeToName Continuation = pure "k"
purposeToName Integral = ["n", "i", "j"]
purposeToName Number = ["x", "y", "z", "w"]
purposeToName String = ["s", "str"]
purposeToName (List t) = fmap (<> "s") $ purposeToName =<< getPurposes t
purposeToName (Maybe t) = fmap ("m_" <>) $ purposeToName =<< getPurposes t
purposeToName (TyVarred tv args)
| Just tv_args <- traverse tcTyVar_maybe args
= pure $ foldMap (occNameString . occName) $ tv : tv_args
purposeToName (TyVarred tv _) = pure $ occNameString $ occName tv
purposeToName (TyConned tc args@(_:_))
| Just tv_args <- traverse tcTyVar_maybe args
= [ mkTyConName tc
-- We insert primes to everything later, but it gets the lowest
-- precedence. Here we'd like to prefer it over the more specific type
-- name.
, mkTyConName tc <> "'"
, mconcat
[ mkTyConName tc
, bool mempty "_" $ length (mkTyConName tc) > 1
, foldMap (occNameString . occName) tv_args
purposeToName (TyConned tc _)
= pure
$ mkTyConName tc

mkTyName :: Type -> [String]
mkTyName = purposeToName <=< getPurposes

-- | Get a good name for a type constructor.
mkTyConName :: TyCon -> String
mkTyConName tc
| tc == listTyCon = "l_"
| tc == pairTyCon = "p_"
| tc == unitTyCon = "unit"
| otherwise
| tc == unitTyCon = "u"
| isSymOcc occ
= take 1
. fmap toLower
. filterReplace isSymbol 's'
. filterReplace isPunctuation 'p'
. occNameString
$ getOccName tc
$ name
| camels@(_:_:_) <- camelTerms name
= foldMap (fmap toLower . take 1) camels
| otherwise
= getStem
$ fmap toLower
$ name
occ = getOccName tc
name = occNameString occ

-- | Split a string into its camel case components.
camelTerms :: String -> [String]
camelTerms = split (== '@') . camelTo2 '@'

-- | A stem of a string is either a special-case shortened form, or a shortened
-- first syllable. If the string is one syllable, we take the full word if it's
-- short, or just the first two characters if it's long. Otherwise, just take
-- the first syllable.
-- NOTE: There's no rhyme or reason here, I just experimented until I got
-- results that were reasonably consistent with the names I would give things.
getStem :: String -> String
getStem str =
let s = stem str
in case (s == str, length str) of
(False, _) -> s
(True, (<= 3) -> True) -> str
_ -> take 2 str

-- | Get a special-case stem, or, failing that, give back the first syllable.
stem :: String -> String
stem "char" = "c"
stem "function" = "func"
stem "bool" = "b"
stem "either" = "e"
stem "text" = "txt"
stem s = join $ take 1 $ hyphenate english_US s

Expand All @@ -67,11 +213,23 @@ mkGoodName
:: Set OccName -- ^ Bindings in scope; used to ensure we don't shadow anything
-> Type -- ^ The type to produce a name for
-> OccName
mkGoodName in_scope t =
let tn = mkTyName t
in mkVarOcc $ case S.member (mkVarOcc tn) in_scope of
True -> tn ++ show (length in_scope)
False -> tn
mkGoodName in_scope (mkTyName -> tn)
= mkVarOcc
. fromMaybe (mkNumericSuffix in_scope $ fromMaybe "x" $ listToMaybe tn)
. getFirst
. foldMap (\n -> bool (pure n) mempty $ check n)
$ tn <> fmap (<> "'") tn
check n = S.member (mkVarOcc n) in_scope

-- | Given a desired name, compute a new name for it based on how many names in
-- scope conflict with it. Eg, if we want to name something @x@, but already
-- have @x@, @x'@ and @x2@ in scope, we will give back @x3@.
mkNumericSuffix :: Set OccName -> String -> String
mkNumericSuffix s nm =
mappend nm . show . length . filter (isPrefixOf nm . occNameString) $ S.toList s

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/src/Wingman/Tactics.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ destructAll :: TacticsM ()
destructAll = do
jdg <- goal
let args = fmap fst
$ sortOn (Down . snd)
$ sort
$ mapMaybe (\(hi, prov) ->
case prov of
TopLevelArgPrv _ idx _ -> pure (hi, idx)
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/test/CodeAction/DestructSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ spec = do
let destructTest = goldenTest Destruct

describe "golden" $ do
destructTest "gadt" 7 17 "GoldenGADTDestruct.hs"
destructTest "gadt" 8 17 "GoldenGADTDestructCoercion.hs"
destructTest "a" 7 25 "SplitPattern.hs"
destructTest "a" 6 18 "DestructPun.hs"
destructTest "gadt" 7 17 "GoldenGADTDestruct.hs"
destructTest "gadt" 8 17 "GoldenGADTDestructCoercion.hs"
destructTest "a" 7 25 "SplitPattern.hs"
destructTest "a" 6 18 "DestructPun.hs"
destructTest "fp" 31 14 "DestructCthulhu.hs"

describe "layout" $ do
destructTest "b" 4 3 "LayoutBind.hs"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ instance ( Functor f
-- dictionary, we can get Wingman to generate the right definition.
, Functor (Fix f)
) => Functor (Fix f) where
fmap fab (Fix fffa) = Fix (fmap (fmap fab) fffa)
fmap fab (Fix f) = Fix (fmap (fmap fab) f)

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/test/golden/AutoZip.hs.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
zip_it_up_and_zip_it_out :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip_it_up_and_zip_it_out _ [] = []
zip_it_up_and_zip_it_out [] (_ : _) = []
zip_it_up_and_zip_it_out (a : l_a5) (b : l_b3)
= (a, b) : zip_it_up_and_zip_it_out l_a5 l_b3
zip_it_up_and_zip_it_out (a : as') (b : bs')
= (a, b) : zip_it_up_and_zip_it_out as' bs'

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
and :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and False False = _
and True False = _
and False True = _
and True False = _
and True True = _
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/test/golden/DestructAllMany.hs.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ data ABC = A | B | C

many :: () -> Either a b -> Bool -> Maybe ABC -> ABC -> ()
many () (Left a) False Nothing A = _
many () (Right b5) False Nothing A = _
many () (Left a) False (Just abc') A = _
many () (Right b') False Nothing A = _
many () (Right b') False (Just abc') A = _
many () (Left a) True Nothing A = _
many () (Right b5) True Nothing A = _
many () (Left a6) False (Just a) A = _
many () (Right b6) False (Just a) A = _
many () (Left a6) True (Just a) A = _
many () (Right b6) True (Just a) A = _
many () (Left a) True (Just abc') A = _
many () (Right b') True Nothing A = _
many () (Right b') True (Just abc') A = _
many () (Left a) False Nothing B = _
many () (Right b5) False Nothing B = _
many () (Left a) False (Just abc') B = _
many () (Right b') False Nothing B = _
many () (Right b') False (Just abc') B = _
many () (Left a) True Nothing B = _
many () (Right b5) True Nothing B = _
many () (Left a6) False (Just a) B = _
many () (Right b6) False (Just a) B = _
many () (Left a6) True (Just a) B = _
many () (Right b6) True (Just a) B = _
many () (Left a) True (Just abc') B = _
many () (Right b') True Nothing B = _
many () (Right b') True (Just abc') B = _
many () (Left a) False Nothing C = _
many () (Right b5) False Nothing C = _
many () (Left a) False (Just abc') C = _
many () (Right b') False Nothing C = _
many () (Right b') False (Just abc') C = _
many () (Left a) True Nothing C = _
many () (Right b5) True Nothing C = _
many () (Left a6) False (Just a) C = _
many () (Right b6) False (Just a) C = _
many () (Left a6) True (Just a) C = _
many () (Right b6) True (Just a) C = _
many () (Left a) True (Just abc') C = _
many () (Right b') True Nothing C = _
many () (Right b') True (Just abc') C = _
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
and :: (a, b) -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and (a, b) False False = _
and (a, b) True False = _
and (a, b) False True = _
and (a, b) True False = _
and (a, b) True True = _
