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generate linkables only when Evaluating
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In addition, we tune the newness check of the redefined NeedsCompilation rule so that the generated linkables are not thrown away unnecessarily, as described in:

  • Loading branch information
pepeiborra committed Oct 23, 2021
1 parent 4118111 commit fb8fcc6
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Showing 3 changed files with 57 additions and 15 deletions.
22 changes: 16 additions & 6 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Core/Shake.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -871,17 +871,25 @@ usesWithStale key files = do
data RuleBody k v
= Rule (k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe BS.ByteString, IdeResult v))
| RuleNoDiagnostics (k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe BS.ByteString, Maybe v))

| RuleWithCustomNewnessCheck
{ newnessCheck :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> Bool
, build :: k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe BS.ByteString, Maybe v)

-- | Define a new Rule with early cutoff
:: IdeRule k v
=> RuleBody k v
-> Rules ()
defineEarlyCutoff (Rule op) = addRule $ \(Q (key, file)) (old :: Maybe BS.ByteString) mode -> otTracedAction key file mode traceA $ do
defineEarlyCutoff' True key file old mode $ op key file
defineEarlyCutoff' True (==) key file old mode $ op key file
defineEarlyCutoff (RuleNoDiagnostics op) = addRule $ \(Q (key, file)) (old :: Maybe BS.ByteString) mode -> otTracedAction key file mode traceA $ do
defineEarlyCutoff' False key file old mode $ second (mempty,) <$> op key file
defineEarlyCutoff' False (==) key file old mode $ second (mempty,) <$> op key file
defineEarlyCutoff RuleWithCustomNewnessCheck{..} =
addRule $ \(Q (key, file)) (old :: Maybe BS.ByteString) mode ->
otTracedAction key file mode traceA $
defineEarlyCutoff' False newnessCheck key file old mode $
second (mempty,) <$> build key file

defineNoFile :: IdeRule k v => (k -> Action v) -> Rules ()
defineNoFile f = defineNoDiagnostics $ \k file -> do
Expand All @@ -896,13 +904,15 @@ defineEarlyCutOffNoFile f = defineEarlyCutoff $ RuleNoDiagnostics $ \k file -> d
:: IdeRule k v
=> Bool -- ^ update diagnostics
-- | compare previous and current for freshness
-> (BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> Bool)
-> k
-> NormalizedFilePath
-> Maybe BS.ByteString
-> RunMode
-> Action (Maybe BS.ByteString, IdeResult v)
-> Action (RunResult (A (RuleResult k)))
defineEarlyCutoff' doDiagnostics key file old mode action = do
defineEarlyCutoff' doDiagnostics cmp key file old mode action = do
extras@ShakeExtras{state, progress, logger, dirtyKeys} <- getShakeExtras
options <- getIdeOptions
(if optSkipProgress options key then id else inProgress progress file) $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -947,8 +957,8 @@ defineEarlyCutoff' doDiagnostics key file old mode action = do
then updateFileDiagnostics file (Key key) extras $ map (\(_,y,z) -> (y,z)) diags
else forM_ diags $ \d -> liftIO $ logWarning logger $ showDiagnosticsColored [d]
let eq = case (bs, fmap decodeShakeValue old) of
(ShakeResult a, Just (ShakeResult b)) -> a == b
(ShakeStale a, Just (ShakeStale b)) -> a == b
(ShakeResult a, Just (ShakeResult b)) -> cmp a b
(ShakeStale a, Just (ShakeStale b)) -> cmp a b
-- If we do not have a previous result
-- or we got ShakeNoCutoff we always return False.
_ -> False
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions plugins/hls-eval-plugin/src/Ide/Plugin/Eval/CodeLens.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import Development.IDE (Action, GetDependencies (..),
HiFileResult (hirHomeMod, hirModSummary),
HscEnvEq, IdeState,
ModSummaryResult (..),
NeedsCompilation (NeedsCompilation),
prettyPrint, runAction,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +110,10 @@ import UnliftIO.Temporary (withSystemTempFile)
import GHC.Driver.Session (unitDatabases, unitState)
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (UnhelpfulSpanReason (UnhelpfulInteractive))
import Development.IDE.Core.FileStore (setSomethingModified)
import Development.IDE.Types.Shake (toKey)
import DynFlags
import Ide.Plugin.Eval.Rules (queueForEvaluation)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,6 +200,10 @@ runEvalCmd st EvalParams{..} =
let nfp = toNormalizedFilePath' fp
mdlText <- moduleText _uri

-- enable codegen
liftIO $ queueForEvaluation st nfp
liftIO $ setSomethingModified st [toKey NeedsCompilation nfp] "Eval"

session <- runGetSession st nfp

ms <- fmap msrModSummary $
Expand Down
42 changes: 33 additions & 9 deletions plugins/hls-eval-plugin/src/Ide/Plugin/Eval/Rules.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,25 +3,34 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Ide.Plugin.Eval.Rules (GetEvalComments(..), rules) where
module Ide.Plugin.Eval.Rules (GetEvalComments(..), rules,queueForEvaluation) where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.String (fromString)
import Development.IDE (GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps (GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps),
GetParsedModuleWithComments (GetParsedModuleWithComments),
IsFileOfInterest (IsFileOfInterest),
IsFileOfInterestResult (NotFOI),
NeedsCompilation (NeedsCompilation),
RuleBody (RuleNoDiagnostics),
Rules, defineEarlyCutoff,
useWithStale_, use_)
import Development.IDE.Core.PositionMapping (toCurrentRange)
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules (computeLinkableType,
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake (IsIdeGlobal,
RuleBody (RuleWithCustomNewnessCheck),
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Compat as SrcLoc
import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.Util as FastString
Expand All @@ -33,6 +42,15 @@ rules :: Rules ()
rules = do
addIdeGlobal . EvaluatingVar =<< liftIO(newIORef mempty)

newtype EvaluatingVar = EvaluatingVar (IORef (HashSet NormalizedFilePath))
instance IsIdeGlobal EvaluatingVar

queueForEvaluation :: IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO ()
queueForEvaluation ide nfp = do
EvaluatingVar var <- getIdeGlobalState ide
modifyIORef var (Set.insert nfp)

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
pattern RealSrcSpanAlready :: SrcLoc.RealSrcSpan -> SrcLoc.RealSrcSpan
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,18 +93,24 @@ evalParsedModuleRule = defineEarlyCutoff $ RuleNoDiagnostics $ \GetEvalComments
return (Just fingerPrint, Just comments)

-- Redefine the NeedsCompilation rule to set the linkable type to Just _
-- whenever the module has Eval comments and is of interest.
-- whenever the module is being evaluated
-- This will ensure that the modules are loaded with linkables
-- and the interactive session won't try to compile them on the fly,
-- leading to much better performance of the evaluate code lens
redefinedNeedsCompilation :: Rules ()
redefinedNeedsCompilation = defineEarlyCutoff $ RuleNoDiagnostics $ \NeedsCompilation f -> do
(comments, _) <- useWithStale_ GetEvalComments f
isFOI <- use_ IsFileOfInterest f
if nullComments comments || isFOI == NotFOI then needsCompilationRule f else do
redefinedNeedsCompilation = defineEarlyCutoff $ RuleWithCustomNewnessCheck (<=) $ \NeedsCompilation f -> do
EvaluatingVar var <- getIdeGlobalAction

isEvaluating <- liftIO $ (f `elem`) <$> readIORef var

if not isEvaluating then needsCompilationRule f else do
ms <- msrModSummary . fst <$> useWithStale_ GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps f
let ms' = ms{ms_hspp_opts = df'}
df' = xopt_set (ms_hspp_opts ms) LangExt.TemplateHaskell
linkableType = computeLinkableType ms' [] []
fp = encodeLinkableType linkableType

-- remove the module from the Evaluating state
liftIO $ modifyIORef var (Set.delete f)

pure (Just fp, Just linkableType)

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