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Fix #248 and #250 (#267)
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* Fix #248 and #250

This fixes hover for types, classes and type variables.

Information about spans includes a `Maybe Type` which is `Just` for data-level
expressions and `Nothing` for type-level expressions.

`AtPoint.atPoint` which is the oddly-named function responsible for constructing
hover information, runs in the `Maybe` monad, and aborted at the first sight of
a `Nothing`, thus producing no hover information for type-level spans.

In the process of fixing this, I have refactored the function to

+ separate the construction of data-level and type-level hover info

+ make the components that make up the hover info (and their construction) more

I can see plenty little improvements that could be made to the functionality of
the code (and lots that could be made to its organization), but the most
important fixes of the basic missing functionality are here.

Fix #248
Fix #250

* Revert behaviour of locationsAtPoint to match its name

The name suggests that it returns all locations, while the last commit changed
this to return at most one.

* Fix issue numbers in test titles

There was some confusion about which tests addressed issue 248 vs 249
  • Loading branch information
jacg authored and aherrmann-da committed Dec 18, 2019
1 parent b2ad2eb commit bbb75c2
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Showing 4 changed files with 58 additions and 40 deletions.
64 changes: 41 additions & 23 deletions src/Development/IDE/Spans/AtPoint.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,33 +55,52 @@ atPoint
-> [SpanInfo]
-> Position
-> Maybe (Maybe Range, [T.Text])
atPoint IdeOptions{..} tcs srcSpans pos = do
SpanInfo{..} <- listToMaybe $ orderSpans $ spansAtPoint pos srcSpans
ty <- spaninfoType
let mbName = getNameM spaninfoSource
mbDefinedAt = fmap (\name -> "**Defined " <> T.pack (showSDocUnsafe $ pprNameDefnLoc name) <> "**\n") mbName
docInfo = maybe [] (\name -> getDocumentation name tcs) mbName
range = Range
(Position spaninfoStartLine spaninfoStartCol)
(Position spaninfoEndLine spaninfoEndCol)
colon = if optNewColonConvention then ":" else "::"
wrapLanguageSyntax x = T.unlines [ "```" <> T.pack optLanguageSyntax, x, "```"]
typeSig = wrapLanguageSyntax $ case mbName of
Nothing -> colon <> " " <> showName ty
Just name ->
let modulePrefix = maybe "" (<> ".") (getModuleNameAsText name)
in modulePrefix <> showName name <> "\n " <> colon <> " " <> showName ty
hoverInfo = docInfo <> [typeSig] <> maybeToList mbDefinedAt
return (Just range, hoverInfo)
atPoint IdeOptions{..} tcs pos srcSpans = do
firstSpan <- listToMaybe $ deEmpasizeGeneratedEqShow $ spansAtPoint srcSpans pos
return (Just (range firstSpan), hoverInfo firstSpan)
-- Hover info for types, classes, type variables
hoverInfo SpanInfo{spaninfoType = Nothing , ..} =
documentation <> (wrapLanguageSyntax <$> name <> kind) <> location
documentation = findDocumentation mbName
name = [maybe shouldNotHappen showName mbName]
location = [maybe shouldNotHappen definedAt mbName]
kind = [] -- TODO
shouldNotHappen = "ghcide: did not expect a type level component without a name"
mbName = getNameM spaninfoSource

-- Hover info for values/data
hoverInfo SpanInfo{spaninfoType = (Just typ), ..} =
documentation <> (wrapLanguageSyntax <$> nameOrSource <> typeAnnotation) <> location
mbName = getNameM spaninfoSource
documentation = findDocumentation mbName
typeAnnotation = [colon <> showName typ]
nameOrSource = [maybe literalSource qualifyNameIfPossible mbName]
literalSource = "" -- TODO: literals: display (length-limited) source
qualifyNameIfPossible name' = modulePrefix <> showName name'
where modulePrefix = maybe "" (<> ".") (getModuleNameAsText name')
location = [maybe "" definedAt mbName]

findDocumentation = maybe [] (getDocumentation tcs)
definedAt name = "**Defined " <> T.pack (showSDocUnsafe $ pprNameDefnLoc name) <> "**\n"

range SpanInfo{..} = Range
(Position spaninfoStartLine spaninfoStartCol)
(Position spaninfoEndLine spaninfoEndCol)

colon = if optNewColonConvention then ": " else ":: "
wrapLanguageSyntax x = T.unlines [ "```" <> T.pack optLanguageSyntax, x, "```"]

-- NOTE(RJR): This is a bit hacky.
-- We don't want to show the user type signatures generated from Eq and Show
-- instances, as they do not appear in the source program.
-- However the user could have written an `==` or `show` function directly,
-- in which case we still want to show information for that.
-- Hence we just move such information later in the list of spans.
orderSpans :: [SpanInfo] -> [SpanInfo]
orderSpans = uncurry (++) . partition (not . isTypeclassDeclSpan)
deEmpasizeGeneratedEqShow :: [SpanInfo] -> [SpanInfo]
deEmpasizeGeneratedEqShow = uncurry (++) . partition (not . isTypeclassDeclSpan)
isTypeclassDeclSpan :: SpanInfo -> Bool
isTypeclassDeclSpan spanInfo =
case getNameM (spaninfoSource spanInfo) of
Expand All @@ -90,9 +109,7 @@ atPoint IdeOptions{..} tcs srcSpans pos = do

locationsAtPoint :: forall m . MonadIO m => (FilePath -> m (Maybe HieFile)) -> IdeOptions -> HscEnv -> Position -> [SpanInfo] -> m [Location]
locationsAtPoint getHieFile IdeOptions{..} pkgState pos =
fmap (map srcSpanToLocation) .
mapMaybeM (getSpan . spaninfoSource) .
spansAtPoint pos
fmap (map srcSpanToLocation) . mapMaybeM (getSpan . spaninfoSource) . spansAtPoint pos
where getSpan :: SpanSource -> m (Maybe SrcSpan)
getSpan NoSource = pure Nothing
getSpan (SpanS sp) = pure $ Just sp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,6 +138,7 @@ locationsAtPoint getHieFile IdeOptions{..} pkgState pos =
setFileName f (RealSrcSpan span) = RealSrcSpan (span { srcSpanFile = mkFastString f })
setFileName _ span@(UnhelpfulSpan _) = span

-- | Filter out spans which do not enclose a given point
spansAtPoint :: Position -> [SpanInfo] -> [SpanInfo]
spansAtPoint pos = filter atp where
line = _line pos
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Development/IDE/Spans/Documentation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ import SrcLoc

:: Name -- ^ The name you want documentation for.
-> [TypecheckedModule] -- ^ All of the possible modules it could be defined in.
:: [TypecheckedModule] -- ^ All of the possible modules it could be defined in.
-> Name -- ^ The name you want documentation for.
-> [T.Text]
-- This finds any documentation between the name you want
-- documentation for and the one before it. This is only an
Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ getDocumentation
-- may be edge cases where it is very wrong).
-- TODO : Build a version of GHC exactprint to extract this information
-- more accurately.
getDocumentation targetName tcs = fromMaybe [] $ do
getDocumentation tcs targetName = fromMaybe [] $ do
-- Find the module the target is defined in.
targetNameSpan <- realSpan $ nameSrcSpan targetName
tc <-
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/data/GotoHover.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ a +! b = a - b
hhh (Just a) (><) = a >< a
iii a b = a `b` a
jjj s = pack $ s <> s
class Class a where
class MyClass a where
method :: a -> Int
instance Class Int where
instance MyClass Int where
method = succ
kkk :: Class a => Int -> a -> Int
kkk :: MyClass a => Int -> a -> Int
kkk n c = n + method c

doBind :: Maybe ()
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22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions test/exe/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -825,17 +825,17 @@ findDefinitionAndHoverTests = let
aaaL14 = Position 14 20 ; aaa = [mkR 7 0 7 3]
dcL7 = Position 7 11 ; tcDC = [mkR 3 23 5 16]
dcL12 = Position 12 11 ;
xtcL5 = Position 5 11 ; xtc = [ExpectExternFail]
tcL6 = Position 6 11 ; tcData = [mkR 3 0 5 16]
xtcL5 = Position 5 11 ; xtc = [ExpectExternFail, ExpectHoverText ["Int", "Defined in ‘GHC.Types’"]]
tcL6 = Position 6 11 ; tcData = [mkR 3 0 5 16, ExpectHoverText ["TypeConstructor", "GotoHover.hs:4:1"]]
vvL16 = Position 16 12 ; vv = [mkR 16 4 16 6]
opL16 = Position 16 15 ; op = [mkR 17 2 17 4]
opL18 = Position 18 22 ; opp = [mkR 18 13 18 17]
aL18 = Position 18 20 ; apmp = [mkR 18 10 18 11]
b'L19 = Position 19 13 ; bp = [mkR 19 6 19 7]
xvL20 = Position 20 8 ; xvMsg = [ExpectHoverText ["Data.Text.pack", ":: String -> Text"], ExpectExternFail]
clL23 = Position 23 11 ; cls = [mkR 21 0 22 20]
xvL20 = Position 20 8 ; xvMsg = [ExpectExternFail, ExpectHoverText ["Data.Text.pack", ":: String -> Text"]]
clL23 = Position 23 11 ; cls = [mkR 21 0 22 20, ExpectHoverText ["MyClass", "GotoHover.hs:22:1"]]
clL25 = Position 25 9
eclL15 = Position 15 8 ; ecls = [ExpectHoverText ["Num"], ExpectExternFail]
eclL15 = Position 15 8 ; ecls = [ExpectExternFail, ExpectHoverText ["Num", "Defined in ‘GHC.Num’"]]
dnbL29 = Position 29 18 ; dnb = [ExpectHoverText [":: ()"], mkR 29 12 29 21]
dnbL30 = Position 30 23
lcbL33 = Position 33 26 ; lcb = [ExpectHoverText [":: Char"], mkR 33 26 33 27]
Expand All @@ -852,24 +852,24 @@ findDefinitionAndHoverTests = let
, test yes yes aaaL14 aaa "top-level name" -- 120
, test broken broken dcL7 tcDC "data constructor record #247"
, test yes yes dcL12 tcDC "data constructor plain" -- 121
, test yes broken tcL6 tcData "type constructor #249" -- 147
, test broken broken xtcL5 xtc "type constructor external #249"
, test yes yes tcL6 tcData "type constructor #248" -- 147
, test broken yes xtcL5 xtc "type constructor external #248,249"
, test broken yes xvL20 xvMsg "value external package #249" -- 120
, test yes yes vvL16 vv "plain parameter" -- 120
, test yes yes aL18 apmp "pattern match name" -- 120
, test yes yes opL16 op "top-level operator" -- 120, 123
, test yes yes opL18 opp "parameter operator" -- 120
, test yes yes b'L19 bp "name in backticks" -- 120
, test yes broken clL23 cls "class in instance declaration #250"
, test yes broken clL25 cls "class in signature #250" -- 147
, test broken broken eclL15 ecls "external class in signature #249,250"
, test yes yes clL23 cls "class in instance declaration #250"
, test yes yes clL25 cls "class in signature #250" -- 147
, test broken yes eclL15 ecls "external class in signature #249,250"
, test yes yes dnbL29 dnb "do-notation bind" -- 137
, test yes yes dnbL30 dnb "do-notation lookup"
, test yes yes lcbL33 lcb "listcomp bind" -- 137
, test yes yes lclL33 lcb "listcomp lookup"
, test yes yes mclL36 mcl "top-level fn 1st clause"
, test yes yes mclL37 mcl "top-level fn 2nd clause #246"
, test no broken docL40 doc "documentation"
, test no broken docL40 doc "documentation #7"
where yes, broken :: (TestTree -> Maybe TestTree)
yes = Just -- test should run and pass
Expand Down

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