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Move tactic tests to be standalone
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isovector committed Feb 22, 2021
1 parent ff9a182 commit 7d0ac3f
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Showing 71 changed files with 152 additions and 80 deletions.
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions haskell-language-server.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -458,12 +458,9 @@ test-suite func-test

default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
Expand Down
50 changes: 44 additions & 6 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/hls-tactics-plugin.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,26 +78,64 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: DataKinds, TypeOperators

executable test-server
default-language: Haskell2010
, base
, data-default
, ghcide
, hls-tactics-plugin
, hls-plugin-api
, shake
main-is: Server.hs
hs-source-dirs: test
"-with-rtsopts=-I0 -A128M"
-threaded -Wall -Wno-name-shadowing -Wredundant-constraints

test-suite tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -Wall -Wredundant-constraints -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
, aeson
, base
, bytestring
, checkers
, containers
, data-default
, deepseq
, directory
, filepath
, ghc
, ghcide >=
, hie-bios
, hls-plugin-api
, hls-tactics-plugin
, hspec
, hspec-expectations
, lens
, lsp-test
, lsp-types
, megaparsec
, mtl
, hls-tactics-plugin
, hls-plugin-api
, hie-bios
, ghc
, containers
build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover
, tasty
, tasty-ant-xml >=1.1.6
, tasty-expected-failure
, tasty-golden
, tasty-hunit
, tasty-rerun
, text
, hls-tactics-plugin:test-server -any
default-language: Haskell2010

4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/test/AutoTupleSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,6 @@ import TysPrim (alphaTyVars)
import TysWiredIn (mkBoxedTupleTy)

instance Show Type where
show = unsafeRender

spec :: Spec
spec = describe "auto for tuple" $ do
it "should always be able to discover an auto solution" $ do
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Tactic
( tests
module GoldenSpec where

import Control.Applicative.Combinators ( skipManyTill )
import Control.Lens hiding ((<.>))
Expand All @@ -28,33 +25,18 @@ import Ide.Plugin.Tactic.FeatureSet (FeatureSet, allFeatures)
import Ide.Plugin.Tactic.TestTypes
import Language.LSP.Test
import Language.LSP.Types
import Language.LSP.Types.Lens hiding (id, capabilities, message, executeCommand, applyEdit, rename)
import Language.LSP.Types.Lens hiding (id, capabilities, message, executeCommand, applyEdit, rename, line, title, name, actions)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath
import Test.Hls.Util
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure (ignoreTestBecause)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Rerun
import Test.Tasty.Runners (consoleTestReporter, listingTests)
import Test.Tasty.Runners.AntXML

-- | Get a range at the given line and column corresponding to having nothing
-- selected.
-- NB: These coordinates are in "file space", ie, 1-indexed.
pointRange :: Int -> Int -> Range
(subtract 1 -> line)
(subtract 1 -> col) =
Range (Position line col) (Position line $ col + 1)

-- | Get the title of a code action.
codeActionTitle :: (Command |? CodeAction) -> Maybe Text
codeActionTitle InL{} = Nothing
codeActionTitle (InR(CodeAction title _ _ _ _ _ _)) = Just title

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,41 +78,72 @@ tests = testGroup
"T2.hs" 11 25
[ (not, DestructLambdaCase, "")
, goldenTest "GoldenIntros.hs" 2 8 Intros ""
, goldenTest "GoldenEitherAuto.hs" 2 11 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenJoinCont.hs" 4 12 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenIdentityFunctor.hs" 3 11 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenIdTypeFam.hs" 7 11 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenEitherHomomorphic.hs" 2 15 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenNote.hs" 2 8 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenPureList.hs" 2 12 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenListFmap.hs" 2 12 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenFromMaybe.hs" 2 13 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenFoldr.hs" 2 10 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenSwap.hs" 2 8 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenFmapTree.hs" 4 11 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenGADTDestruct.hs" 7 17 Destruct "gadt"
, goldenTest "GoldenGADTDestructCoercion.hs" 8 17 Destruct "gadt"
, goldenTest "GoldenGADTAuto.hs" 7 13 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenSwapMany.hs" 2 12 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenBigTuple.hs" 4 12 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenShow.hs" 2 10 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenShowCompose.hs" 2 15 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenShowMapChar.hs" 2 8 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenSuperclass.hs" 7 8 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenIntros.hs"
2 8 Intros ""
, autoTest "GoldenEitherAuto.hs" 2 11
, autoTest "GoldenJoinCont.hs" 4 12
, autoTest "GoldenIdentityFunctor.hs" 3 11
, autoTest "GoldenIdTypeFam.hs" 7 11
, autoTest "GoldenEitherHomomorphic.hs" 2 15
, autoTest "GoldenNote.hs" 2 8
, autoTest "GoldenPureList.hs" 2 12
, autoTest "GoldenListFmap.hs" 2 12
, autoTest "GoldenFromMaybe.hs" 2 13
, autoTest "GoldenFoldr.hs" 2 10
, autoTest "GoldenSwap.hs" 2 8
, autoTest "GoldenFmapTree.hs" 4 11
, goldenTest "GoldenGADTDestruct.hs"
7 17 Destruct "gadt"
, goldenTest "GoldenGADTDestructCoercion.hs"
8 17 Destruct "gadt"
, autoTest "GoldenGADTAuto.hs" 7 13
, autoTest "GoldenSwapMany.hs" 2 12
, autoTest "GoldenBigTuple.hs" 4 12
, autoTest "GoldenShow.hs" 2 10
, autoTest "GoldenShowCompose.hs" 2 15
, autoTest "GoldenShowMapChar.hs" 2 8
, autoTest "GoldenSuperclass.hs" 7 8
, ignoreTestBecause "It is unreliable in circleci builds"
$ goldenTest "GoldenApplicativeThen.hs" 2 11 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenSafeHead.hs" 2 12 Auto ""
, expectFail "GoldenFish.hs" 5 18 Auto ""
, goldenTest "GoldenArbitrary.hs" 25 13 Auto ""
, goldenTest "FmapBoth.hs" 2 12 Auto ""
, goldenTest "RecordCon.hs" 7 8 Auto ""
, goldenTest "FmapJoin.hs" 2 14 Auto ""
, goldenTest "Fgmap.hs" 2 9 Auto ""
, goldenTest "FmapJoinInLet.hs" 4 19 Auto ""
$ autoTest "GoldenApplicativeThen.hs" 2 11
, autoTest "GoldenSafeHead.hs" 2 12
, expectFail "GoldenFish.hs"
5 18 Auto ""
, autoTest "GoldenArbitrary.hs" 25 13
, autoTest "FmapBoth.hs" 2 12
, autoTest "RecordCon.hs" 7 8
, autoTest "FmapJoin.hs" 2 14
, autoTest "Fgmap.hs" 2 9
, autoTest "FmapJoinInLet.hs" 4 19

spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "GoldenTests" $
[antXMLRunner, rerunningTests [listingTests, consoleTestReporter]]

-- | Get a range at the given line and column corresponding to having nothing
-- selected.
-- NB: These coordinates are in "file space", ie, 1-indexed.
pointRange :: Int -> Int -> Range
(subtract 1 -> line)
(subtract 1 -> col) =
Range (Position line col) (Position line $ col + 1)

-- | Get the title of a code action.
codeActionTitle :: (Command |? CodeAction) -> Maybe Text
codeActionTitle InL{} = Nothing
codeActionTitle (InR(CodeAction title _ _ _ _ _ _)) = Just title

-- | Make a tactic unit test.
Expand All @@ -146,7 +159,7 @@ mkTest
-> TestTree
mkTest name fp line col ts =
testCase name $ do
runSession hlsCommand fullCaps tacticPath $ do
runSession testCommand fullCaps tacticPath $ do
doc <- openDoc fp "haskell"
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actions <- getCodeActions doc $ pointRange line col
Expand All @@ -158,6 +171,10 @@ mkTest name fp line col ts =
@? ("Expected a code action with title " <> T.unpack title)

autoTest :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> TestTree
autoTest fp line col = goldenTest fp line col Auto ""

setFeatureSet :: FeatureSet -> Session ()
setFeatureSet features = do
let unObject (Object obj) = obj
Expand All @@ -174,13 +191,15 @@ setFeatureSet features = do
DidChangeConfigurationParams $
toJSON config

goldenTest :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> TacticCommand -> Text -> TestTree
goldenTest = goldenTest' allFeatures

goldenTest' :: FeatureSet -> FilePath -> Int -> Int -> TacticCommand -> Text -> TestTree
goldenTest' features input line col tc occ =
testCase (input <> " (golden)") $ do
runSession hlsCommand fullCaps tacticPath $ do
runSession testCommand fullCaps tacticPath $ do
setFeatureSet features
doc <- openDoc input "haskell"
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
Expand All @@ -201,7 +220,7 @@ goldenTest' features input line col tc occ =
expectFail :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> TacticCommand -> Text -> TestTree
expectFail input line col tc occ =
testCase (input <> " (golden)") $ do
runSession hlsCommand fullCaps tacticPath $ do
runSession testCommand fullCaps tacticPath $ do
doc <- openDoc input "haskell"
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actions <- getCodeActions doc $ pointRange line col
Expand All @@ -213,11 +232,16 @@ expectFail input line col tc occ =

tacticPath :: FilePath
tacticPath = "test/testdata/tactic"
tacticPath = "test/golden"

testCommand :: String
testCommand = "test-server"

executeCommandWithResp :: Command -> Session (ResponseMessage WorkspaceExecuteCommand)

executeCommandWithResp :: Command -> Session (ResponseMessage 'WorkspaceExecuteCommand)
executeCommandWithResp cmd = do
let args = decode $ encode $ fromJust $ cmd ^. arguments
execParams = ExecuteCommandParams Nothing (cmd ^. command) args
request SWorkspaceExecuteCommand execParams

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/test/Server.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Main(main) where

import Data.Default
import Development.IDE.Main
import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.HLS.GhcIde as Ghcide
import Ide.Plugin.Tactic as T
import Ide.PluginUtils

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain def
{ argsHlsPlugins = pluginDescToIdePlugins $
[ T.descriptor "tactic"
] <>

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File renamed without changes.
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File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
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File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions test/functional/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import Reference
import Rename
import Symbol
import Splice
import Tactic
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Rerun
import Test.Tasty.Runners (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +57,6 @@ main =
, Reference.tests
, Rename.tests
, Symbol.tests
, Tactic.tests
, TypeDefinition.tests
, Splice.tests
, HaddockComments.tests
Expand Down

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