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improve memory usage of ExportsMap
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Storing rendered names as `Text`, especially for parents, adds a lot of duplication to the ExportsMap.
Instead we store the `OccName`s directly, which have hash-consed symbols due stored as `FastStrings`
and render it out on demand (which is just decoding the UTF-8 FastString to UTF-16 text for text <2.0,
and essentially free on text >2.0).
  • Loading branch information
wz1000 committed Sep 28, 2022
1 parent f91edea commit 795dfa5
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Showing 4 changed files with 76 additions and 60 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/GHC/Compat.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ module Development.IDE.GHC.Compat(

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,6 +208,7 @@ import VarEnv (emptyInScopeSet,

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Core
import GHC.Data.StringBuffer
import GHC.Driver.Session hiding (ExposePackage)
Expand All @@ -224,6 +227,7 @@ import GHC.Iface.Make (mkIfaceExports)
import qualified GHC.SysTools.Tasks as SysTools
import qualified GHC.Types.Avail as Avail
import FastString
import qualified Avail
import DynFlags hiding (ExposePackage)
import HscTypes
Expand Down
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/Completions/Logic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -284,24 +284,26 @@ mkExtCompl label =

fromIdentInfo :: Uri -> IdentInfo -> Maybe T.Text -> CompItem
fromIdentInfo doc IdentInfo{..} q = CI
fromIdentInfo doc id@IdentInfo{..} q = CI
{ compKind= occNameToComKind name
, insertText=rendered
, provenance = DefinedIn moduleNameText
, label=rendered
, insertText=rend
, provenance = DefinedIn mod
, label=rend
, isInfix=Nothing
, isTypeCompl= not isDatacon && isUpper (T.head rendered)
, isTypeCompl= not (isDatacon id) && isUpper (T.head rend)
, additionalTextEdits= Just $
{ doc,
thingParent = parent,
importName = moduleNameText,
thingParent = occNameText <$> parent,
importName = mod,
importQual = q,
newThing = rendered
newThing = rend
, nameDetails = Nothing
, isLocalCompletion = False
where rend = rendered id
mod = moduleNameText id

cacheDataProducer :: Uri -> [ModuleName] -> Module -> GlobalRdrEnv-> GlobalRdrEnv -> [LImportDecl GhcPs] -> CachedCompletions
cacheDataProducer uri visibleMods curMod globalEnv inScopeEnv limports =
Expand Down
82 changes: 45 additions & 37 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Types/Exports.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ module Development.IDE.Types.Exports
Expand All @@ -24,6 +28,7 @@ import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.List (foldl', isSuffixOf)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
import Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans ()
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,55 +66,63 @@ instance Monoid ExportsMap where
type IdentifierText = Text
type ModuleNameText = Text

rendered :: IdentInfo -> IdentifierText
rendered = occNameText . name

-- | Render an identifier as imported or exported style.
-- TODO: pattern synonymoccNameText :: OccName -> Text
occNameText :: OccName -> IdentifierText
occNameText name
| isTcOcc name && isSymOcc name = "type " <> renderOcc
| otherwise = renderOcc
renderOcc = decodeUtf8 . bytesFS . occNameFS $ name

moduleNameText :: IdentInfo -> ModuleNameText
moduleNameText = moduleNameText' . identModuleName

moduleNameText' :: ModuleName -> ModuleNameText
moduleNameText' = decodeUtf8 . bytesFS . moduleNameFS

data IdentInfo = IdentInfo
{ name :: !OccName
, rendered :: Text
, parent :: !(Maybe Text)
, isDatacon :: !Bool
, moduleNameText :: !Text
{ name :: !OccName
, parent :: !(Maybe OccName)
, identModuleName :: !ModuleName
deriving (Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass Hashable

isDatacon :: IdentInfo -> Bool
isDatacon = isDataOcc . name

instance Eq IdentInfo where
a == b = name a == name b
&& parent a == parent b
&& isDatacon a == isDatacon b
&& moduleNameText a == moduleNameText b
&& identModuleName a == identModuleName b

instance NFData IdentInfo where
rnf IdentInfo{..} =
-- deliberately skip the rendered field
rnf name `seq` rnf parent `seq` rnf isDatacon `seq` rnf moduleNameText

-- | Render an identifier as imported or exported style.
-- TODO: pattern synonym
renderIEWrapped :: Name -> Text
renderIEWrapped n
| isTcOcc occ && isSymOcc occ = "type " <> pack (printName n)
| otherwise = pack $ printName n
occ = occName n
rnf name `seq` rnf parent `seq` rnf identModuleName

mkIdentInfos :: Text -> AvailInfo -> [IdentInfo]
mkIdentInfos :: ModuleName -> AvailInfo -> [IdentInfo]
mkIdentInfos mod (AvailName n) =
[IdentInfo (nameOccName n) (renderIEWrapped n) Nothing (isDataConName n) mod]
[IdentInfo (nameOccName n) Nothing mod]
mkIdentInfos mod (AvailFL fl) =
[IdentInfo (nameOccName n) (renderIEWrapped n) Nothing (isDataConName n) mod]
[IdentInfo (nameOccName n) Nothing mod]
n = flSelector fl
mkIdentInfos mod (AvailTC parent (n:nn) flds)
-- Following the GHC convention that parent == n if parent is exported
| n == parent
= [ IdentInfo (nameOccName n) (renderIEWrapped n) (Just $! parentP) (isDataConName n) mod
= [ IdentInfo (nameOccName n) (Just $! nameOccName parent) mod
| n <- nn ++ map flSelector flds
] ++
[ IdentInfo (nameOccName n) (renderIEWrapped n) Nothing (isDataConName n) mod]
parentP = pack $ printName parent
[ IdentInfo (nameOccName n) Nothing mod]

mkIdentInfos mod (AvailTC _ nn flds)
= [ IdentInfo (nameOccName n) (renderIEWrapped n) Nothing (isDataConName n) mod
= [ IdentInfo (nameOccName n) Nothing mod
| n <- nn ++ map flSelector flds

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,25 +173,20 @@ createExportsMapHieDb withHieDb = do
mods <- withHieDb getAllIndexedMods
idents <- forM (filter (nonInternalModules . modInfoName . hieModInfo) mods) $ \m -> do
let mn = modInfoName $ hieModInfo m
mText = pack $ moduleNameString mn
fmap (wrap . unwrap mText) <$> withHieDb (\hieDb -> getExportsForModule hieDb mn)
fmap (wrap . unwrap mn) <$> withHieDb (\hieDb -> getExportsForModule hieDb mn)
let exportsMap = Map.fromListWith (<>) (concat idents)
return $ ExportsMap exportsMap $ buildModuleExportMap (concat idents)
return $! ExportsMap exportsMap $ buildModuleExportMap (concat idents)
wrap identInfo = (rendered identInfo, Set.fromList [identInfo])
-- unwrap :: ExportRow -> IdentInfo
unwrap m ExportRow{..} = IdentInfo exportName n p exportIsDatacon m
n = pack (occNameString exportName)
p = pack . occNameString <$> exportParent
unwrap m ExportRow{..} = IdentInfo exportName exportParent m

unpackAvail :: ModuleName -> IfaceExport -> [(Text, Text, [IdentInfo])]
unpackAvail mn
| nonInternalModules mn = map f . mkIdentInfos mod
| nonInternalModules mn = map f . mkIdentInfos mn
| otherwise = const []
!mod = pack $ moduleNameString mn
f id@IdentInfo {..} = (printOutputable name, moduleNameText,[id])
f id@IdentInfo {..} = (printOutputable name, moduleNameText id,[id])

identInfoToKeyVal :: IdentInfo -> (ModuleNameText, IdentInfo)
Expand All @@ -198,9 +206,9 @@ buildModuleExportMapFrom modIfaces = do

extractModuleExports :: ModIface -> (Text, HashSet IdentInfo)
extractModuleExports modIFace = do
let modName = pack $ moduleNameString $ moduleName $ mi_module modIFace
let modName = moduleName $ mi_module modIFace
let functionSet = Set.fromList $ concatMap (mkIdentInfos modName) $ mi_exports modIFace
(modName, functionSet)
(moduleNameText' modName, functionSet)

sortAndGroup :: [(ModuleNameText, IdentInfo)] -> Map.HashMap ModuleNameText (HashSet IdentInfo)
sortAndGroup assocs = Map.fromListWith (<>) [(k, Set.fromList [v]) | (k, v) <- assocs]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Utf16.Rope as Rope
import Data.Tuple.Extra (fst3)
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1048,11 +1049,9 @@ suggestExtendImport exportsMap (L _ HsModule {hsmodImports}) Diagnostic{_range=_
-- fallback to using GHC suggestion even though it is not always correct
| otherwise
= Just IdentInfo
{ name = mkVarOcc $ T.unpack binding
, rendered = binding
{ name = mkVarOccFS $ mkFastStringByteString $ T.encodeUtf8 binding
, parent = Nothing
, isDatacon = False
, moduleNameText = mod}
, identModuleName = mkModuleNameFS $ mkFastStringByteString $ T.encodeUtf8 mod}

data HidingMode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1452,18 +1451,18 @@ suggestNewOrExtendImportForClassMethod packageExportsMap ps fileContents Diagnos
"‘([^’]*)’ is not a \\(visible\\) method of class ‘([^’]*)’",
idents <-
maybe [] (Set.toList . Set.filter (\x -> parent x == Just className)) $
maybe [] (Set.toList . Set.filter (\x -> fmap occNameText (parent x) == Just className)) $
Map.lookup methodName $ getExportsMap packageExportsMap =
mconcat $ suggest <$> idents
| otherwise = []
suggest identInfo@IdentInfo {moduleNameText}
suggest identInfo
| importStyle <- NE.toList $ importStyles identInfo,
mImportDecl <- findImportDeclByModuleName (hsmodImports . unLoc . astA $ ps) (T.unpack moduleNameText) =
mImportDecl <- findImportDeclByModuleName (hsmodImports . unLoc . astA $ ps) (T.unpack moduleText) =
case mImportDecl of
-- extend
Just decl ->
[ ( "Add " <> renderImportStyle style <> " to the import list of " <> moduleNameText,
[ ( "Add " <> renderImportStyle style <> " to the import list of " <> moduleText,
quickFixImportKind' "extend" style,
[Right $ uncurry extendImport (unImportStyle style) decl]
Expand All @@ -1474,12 +1473,13 @@ suggestNewOrExtendImportForClassMethod packageExportsMap ps fileContents Diagnos
| Just (range, indent) <- newImportInsertRange ps fileContents
(\(kind, unNewImport -> x) -> (x, kind, [Left $ TextEdit range (x <> "\n" <> T.replicate indent " ")])) <$>
[ (quickFixImportKind' "new" style, newUnqualImport moduleNameText rendered False)
[ (quickFixImportKind' "new" style, newUnqualImport moduleText rendered False)
| style <- importStyle,
let rendered = renderImportStyle style
<> [(quickFixImportKind "new.all", newImportAll moduleNameText)]
<> [(quickFixImportKind "new.all", newImportAll moduleText)]
| otherwise -> []
where moduleText = moduleNameText identInfo

suggestNewImport :: ExportsMap -> Annotated ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, TextEdit)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2039,16 +2039,18 @@ data ImportStyle
deriving Show

importStyles :: IdentInfo -> NonEmpty ImportStyle
importStyles IdentInfo {parent, rendered, isDatacon}
| Just p <- parent
importStyles i@IdentInfo {parent}
| Just p <- pr
-- Constructors always have to be imported via their parent data type, but
-- methods and associated type/data families can also be imported as
-- top-level exports.
= ImportViaParent rendered p
:| [ImportTopLevel rendered | not isDatacon]
= ImportViaParent rend p
:| [ImportTopLevel rend | not (isDatacon i)]
<> [ImportAllConstructors p]
| otherwise
= ImportTopLevel rendered :| []
= ImportTopLevel rend :| []
where rend = rendered i
pr = occNameText <$> parent

-- | Used for adding new imports
renderImportStyle :: ImportStyle -> T.Text
Expand Down

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