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jneira authored Jun 25, 2021
2 parents 1df73aa + a1e7193 commit 7916fc2
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Showing 16 changed files with 220 additions and 76 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/nix.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ jobs:
- if: ${{ needs.pre_job.outputs.should_skip_develop != 'true' }}
uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v13
install_options: '--tarball-url-prefix'
extra_nix_config: |
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ jobs:
submodules: true
- uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v13
install_options: '--tarball-url-prefix'
extra_nix_config: |
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
Expand Down
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/src/Wingman/EmptyCase.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,16 +150,19 @@ emptyCaseScrutinees state nfp = do
hscenv <- stale GhcSessionDeps

let scrutinees = traverse (emptyCaseQ . tcg_binds) tcg
for scrutinees $ \aged@(unTrack -> (ss, scrutinee)) -> do
fmap catMaybes $ for scrutinees $ \aged@(unTrack -> (ss, scrutinee)) -> do
ty <- MaybeT
. fmap (scrutinzedType <=< sequence)
. traverse (typeCheck (hscEnv $ untrackedStaleValue hscenv) tcg')
$ scrutinee
case ss of
RealSrcSpan r -> do
rss' <- liftMaybe $ mapAgeTo tcg_map $ unsafeCopyAge aged r
pure (rss', ty)
UnhelpfulSpan _ -> empty
case null $ tacticsGetDataCons ty of
True -> pure empty
False ->
case ss of
RealSrcSpan r -> do
rss' <- liftMaybe $ mapAgeTo tcg_map $ unsafeCopyAge aged r
pure $ Just (rss', ty)
UnhelpfulSpan _ -> empty

data EmptyCaseSort a
= EmptyCase a
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake (IdeState (..))
import Development.IDE.Core.UseStale
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
import GhcPlugins (containsSpan, realSrcLocSpan)
import GhcPlugins (containsSpan, realSrcLocSpan, realSrcSpanStart)
import Ide.Types
import Language.LSP.Types
import Prelude hiding (span)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,8 +50,9 @@ hoverProvider state plId (HoverParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) (unsafeMkCurr
case (find (flip containsSpan (unTrack loc) . unTrack . fst) holes) of
Just (trss, program) -> do
let tr_range = fmap realSrcSpanToRange trss
rsl = realSrcSpanStart $ unTrack trss
HoleJudgment{hj_jdg=jdg, hj_ctx=ctx} <- judgementForHole state nfp tr_range cfg
z <- liftIO $ attempt_it ctx jdg $ T.unpack program
z <- liftIO $ attempt_it rsl ctx jdg $ T.unpack program
pure $ Hover
{ _contents = HoverContents
$ MarkupContent MkMarkdown
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Traversable
import DataCon (dataConName)
Expand All @@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (span)
import Wingman.Auto
import Wingman.GHC
import Wingman.Judgements
import Wingman.Machinery (useNameFromHypothesis)
import Wingman.Machinery (useNameFromHypothesis, uncoveredDataCons)
import Wingman.Metaprogramming.Parser (parseMetaprogram)
import Wingman.Tactics
import Wingman.Types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ commandProvider DestructLambdaCase =
commandProvider HomomorphismLambdaCase =
requireHoleSort (== Hole) $
requireExtension LambdaCase $
filterGoalType ((== Just True) . lambdaCaseable) $
filterGoalType (liftLambdaCase False homoFilter) $
provide HomomorphismLambdaCase ""
commandProvider DestructAll =
requireHoleSort (== Hole) $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,8 +314,20 @@ tcCommandId c = coerce $ T.pack $ "tactics" <> show c <> "Command"
-- | We should show homos only when the goal type is the same as the binding
-- type, and that both are usual algebraic types.
homoFilter :: Type -> Type -> Bool
homoFilter (algebraicTyCon -> Just t1) (algebraicTyCon -> Just t2) = t1 == t2
homoFilter _ _ = False
homoFilter codomain domain =
case uncoveredDataCons domain codomain of
Just s -> S.null s
_ -> False

-- | Lift a function of (codomain, domain) over a lambda case.
liftLambdaCase :: r -> (Type -> Type -> r) -> Type -> r
liftLambdaCase nil f t =
case tacticsSplitFunTy t of
(_, _, arg : _, res) -> f res arg
_ -> nil

Expand Down
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/src/Wingman/Machinery.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Refinery.Tactic.Internal
import TcType
import Type (tyCoVarsOfTypeWellScoped)
import Wingman.Context (getInstance)
import Wingman.GHC (tryUnifyUnivarsButNotSkolems, updateSubst)
import Wingman.GHC (tryUnifyUnivarsButNotSkolems, updateSubst, tacticsGetDataCons)
import Wingman.Judgements
import Wingman.Simplify (simplify)
import Wingman.Types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,3 +412,15 @@ getCurrentDefinitions = do
for ctx_funcs $ \res@(occ, _) ->
pure . maybe res (occ,) =<< lookupNameInContext occ

-- | Given two types, see if we can construct a homomorphism by mapping every
-- data constructor in the domain to the same in the codomain. This function
-- returns 'Just' when all the lookups succeeded, and a non-empty value if the
-- homomorphism *is not* possible.
uncoveredDataCons :: Type -> Type -> Maybe (S.Set (Uniquely DataCon))
uncoveredDataCons domain codomain = do
(g_dcs, _) <- tacticsGetDataCons codomain
(hi_dcs, _) <- tacticsGetDataCons domain
pure $ S.fromList (coerce hi_dcs) S.\\ S.fromList (coerce g_dcs)

21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/src/Wingman/Metaprogramming/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import Wingman.Metaprogramming.Parser.Documentation
import Wingman.Metaprogramming.ProofState (proofState, layout)
import Wingman.Tactics
import Wingman.Types
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat (RealSrcLoc, srcLocLine, srcLocCol, srcLocFile)
import FastString (unpackFS)

nullary :: T.Text -> TacticsM () -> Parser (TacticsM ())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,17 +423,30 @@ wrapError :: String -> String
wrapError err = "```\n" <> err <> "\n```\n"

fixErrorOffset :: RealSrcLoc -> P.ParseErrorBundle a b -> P.ParseErrorBundle a b
fixErrorOffset rsl (P.ParseErrorBundle ne (P.PosState a n (P.SourcePos _ line col) pos s))
= P.ParseErrorBundle ne
$ P.PosState a n
(unpackFS $ srcLocFile rsl)
((<>) line $ P.mkPos $ srcLocLine rsl - 1)
((<>) col $ P.mkPos $ srcLocCol rsl - 1 + length @[] "[wingman|")

-- | Attempt to run a metaprogram tactic, returning the proof state, or the
-- errors.
:: Context
:: RealSrcLoc
-> Context
-> Judgement
-> String
-> IO (Either String String)
attempt_it ctx jdg program =
attempt_it rsl ctx jdg program =
case P.runParser tacticProgram "<splice>" (T.pack program) of
Left peb -> pure $ Left $ wrapError $ P.errorBundlePretty peb
Left peb -> pure $ Left $ wrapError $ P.errorBundlePretty $ fixErrorOffset rsl peb
Right tt -> do
res <- runTactic
Expand Down
35 changes: 26 additions & 9 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/src/Wingman/Tactics.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,21 +127,23 @@ intros' names = rule $ \jdg -> do
let g = jGoal jdg
case tacticsSplitFunTy $ unCType g of
(_, _, [], _) -> throwError $ GoalMismatch "intros" g
(_, _, as, b) -> do
(_, _, args, res) -> do
ctx <- ask
let vs = fromMaybe (mkManyGoodNames (hyNamesInScope $ jEntireHypothesis jdg) as) names
num_args = length vs
let occs = fromMaybe (mkManyGoodNames (hyNamesInScope $ jEntireHypothesis jdg) args) names
num_occs = length occs
top_hole = isTopHole ctx jdg
hy' = lambdaHypothesis top_hole $ zip vs $ coerce as
bindings = zip occs $ coerce args
bound_occs = fmap fst bindings
hy' = lambdaHypothesis top_hole bindings
jdg' = introduce ctx hy'
$ withNewGoal (CType $ mkFunTys' (drop num_args as) b) jdg
$ withNewGoal (CType $ mkFunTys' (drop num_occs args) res) jdg
ext <- newSubgoal jdg'
pure $
& #syn_trace %~ rose ("intros {" <> intercalate ", " (fmap show vs) <> "}")
& #syn_trace %~ rose ("intros {" <> intercalate ", " (fmap show bound_occs) <> "}")
. pure
& #syn_scoped <>~ hy'
& #syn_val %~ noLoc . lambda (fmap bvar' vs) . unLoc
& #syn_val %~ noLoc . lambda (fmap bvar' bound_occs) . unLoc

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,8 +200,23 @@ destructPun hi = requireConcreteHole $ tracing "destructPun(user)" $
-- | Case split, using the same data constructor in the matches.
homo :: HyInfo CType -> TacticsM ()
homo = requireConcreteHole . tracing "homo" . rule . destruct' False (\dc jdg ->
buildDataCon False jdg dc $ snd $ splitAppTys $ unCType $ jGoal jdg)
homo hi = requireConcreteHole . tracing "homo" $ do
jdg <- goal
let g = jGoal jdg

-- Ensure that every data constructor in the domain type is covered in the
-- codomain; otherwise 'homo' will produce an ill-typed program.
case (uncoveredDataCons (coerce $ hi_type hi) (coerce g)) of
Just uncovered_dcs ->
unless (S.null uncovered_dcs) $
throwError $ TacticPanic "Can't cover every datacon in domain"
_ -> throwError $ TacticPanic "Unable to fetch datacons"

$ destruct'
(\dc jdg -> buildDataCon False jdg dc $ snd $ splitAppTys $ unCType $ jGoal jdg)
$ hi

Expand Down
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/test/CodeAction/DestructSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,3 +35,81 @@ spec = do
destructTest "a" 7 17 "LayoutSplitPattern"
destructTest "a" 8 26 "LayoutSplitPatSyn"

describe "providers" $ do
"Produces destruct and homomorphism code actions"
"T2" 2 21
[ (id, Destruct, "eab")
, (id, Homomorphism, "eab")
, (not, DestructPun, "eab")

"Won't suggest homomorphism on the wrong type"
"T2" 8 8
[ (not, Homomorphism, "global")

"Produces (homomorphic) lambdacase code actions"
"T3" 4 24
[ (id, HomomorphismLambdaCase, "")
, (id, DestructLambdaCase, "")

"Produces lambdacase code actions"
"T3" 7 13
[ (id, DestructLambdaCase, "")

"Doesn't suggest lambdacase without -XLambdaCase"
"T2" 11 25
[ (not, DestructLambdaCase, "")

"Doesn't suggest destruct if already destructed"
"ProvideAlreadyDestructed" 6 18
[ (not, Destruct, "x")

"...but does suggest destruct if destructed in a different branch"
"ProvideAlreadyDestructed" 9 7
[ (id, Destruct, "x")

"Doesn't suggest destruct on class methods"
"ProvideLocalHyOnly" 2 12
[ (not, Destruct, "mempty")

"Suggests homomorphism if the domain is bigger than the codomain"
"ProviderHomomorphism" 12 13
[ (id, Homomorphism, "g")

"Doesn't suggest homomorphism if the domain is smaller than the codomain"
"ProviderHomomorphism" 15 14
[ (not, Homomorphism, "g")
, (id, Destruct, "g")

"Suggests lambda homomorphism if the domain is bigger than the codomain"
"ProviderHomomorphism" 18 14
[ (id, HomomorphismLambdaCase, "")

"Doesn't suggest lambda homomorphism if the domain is smaller than the codomain"
"ProviderHomomorphism" 21 15
[ (not, HomomorphismLambdaCase, "")
, (id, DestructLambdaCase, "")

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,4 +38,5 @@ spec = do
metaTest 4 28 "MetaUseSymbol"
metaTest 7 53 "MetaDeepOf"
metaTest 2 34 "MetaWithArg"
metaTest 2 12 "IntrosTooMany"

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/test/CodeLens/EmptyCaseSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Utils
spec :: Spec
spec = do
let test = mkCodeLensTest
noTest = mkNoCodeLensTest

describe "golden" $ do
test "EmptyCaseADT"
Expand All @@ -19,3 +20,6 @@ spec = do
test "EmptyCaseGADT"
test "EmptyCaseLamCase"

describe "no code lenses" $ do
noTest "EmptyCaseSpuriousGADT"

48 changes: 1 addition & 47 deletions plugins/hls-tactics-plugin/test/ProviderSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,55 +14,9 @@ spec = do
"T1" 2 14
[ (id, Intros, "")
"Produces destruct and homomorphism code actions"
"T2" 2 21
[ (id, Destruct, "eab")
, (id, Homomorphism, "eab")
, (not, DestructPun, "eab")
"Won't suggest homomorphism on the wrong type"
"T2" 8 8
[ (not, Homomorphism, "global")

"Won't suggest intros on the wrong type"
"T2" 8 8
[ (not, Intros, "")
"Produces (homomorphic) lambdacase code actions"
"T3" 4 24
[ (id, HomomorphismLambdaCase, "")
, (id, DestructLambdaCase, "")
"Produces lambdacase code actions"
"T3" 7 13
[ (id, DestructLambdaCase, "")
"Doesn't suggest lambdacase without -XLambdaCase"
"T2" 11 25
[ (not, DestructLambdaCase, "")

"Doesn't suggest destruct if already destructed"
"ProvideAlreadyDestructed" 6 18
[ (not, Destruct, "x")

"...but does suggest destruct if destructed in a different branch"
"ProvideAlreadyDestructed" 9 7
[ (id, Destruct, "x")

"Doesn't suggest destruct on class methods"
"ProvideLocalHyOnly" 2 12
[ (not, Destruct, "mempty")


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