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Decrease contention in Progress reporting (#2357)
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* STM stats in ghcide

* improve contention in progress reporting

STM transaction statistics (2021-12-12 09:30:40.138006 UTC):
Transaction               Commits    Retries      Ratio
_anonymous_                 15297        118       0.01
action queue - pop              2          2       1.00
actionQueue - done              2          0       0.00
actionQueue - peek             29          0       0.00
actionQueue - push              2          0       0.00
builder                    282354        853       0.00
compute                     16882         16       0.00
debouncer                    6842        195       0.03
define - dirtyKeys          16895          2       0.00
define - read 1             10710         11       0.00
define - read 2              6232          5       0.00
define - write               6225          1       0.00
diagnostics - hidden         6871          9       0.00
diagnostics - publish        4073        188       0.05
diagnostics - read           6886          4       0.00
diagnostics - update         6871         23       0.00
incDatabase                 10966          0       0.00
lastValueIO 4                2200          0       0.00
lastValueIO 5                2200          0       0.00
recordProgress              31238      13856       0.44
updateReverseDeps           64994        358       0.01
STM transaction statistics (2021-12-12 09:24:24.769304 UTC):
Transaction               Commits    Retries      Ratio
_anonymous_                 15199        134       0.01
action queue - pop              2          2       1.00
actionQueue - done              2          0       0.00
actionQueue - peek             29          0       0.00
actionQueue - push              2          0       0.00
builder                    282244        744       0.00
compute                     16882         26       0.00
debouncer                    6847        220       0.03
define - dirtyKeys          16908          1       0.00
define - read 1             10710          8       0.00
define - read 2              6244          2       0.00
define - write               6236          1       0.00
diagnostics - hidden         6876         18       0.00
diagnostics - publish        3978        184       0.05
diagnostics - read           6886          2       0.00
diagnostics - update         6876         24       0.00
incDatabase                 10966          0       0.00
lastValueIO 4                2200          1       0.00
lastValueIO 5                2200          0       0.00
recordProgress              31252        403       0.01
recordProgress2             31252        207       0.01
updateReverseDeps           64994        430       0.01

* fix tests

* Remove reads (@michaelpj suggestion)

STM transaction statistics (2021-12-12 22:11:20.016977 UTC):
Transaction               Commits    Retries      Ratio
_anonymous_                 15227        116       0.01
action queue - pop              2          2       1.00
actionQueue - done              2          0       0.00
actionQueue - peek             29          0       0.00
actionQueue - push              2          0       0.00
builder                    282373        771       0.00
compute                     16882         32       0.00
debouncer                    6864        215       0.03
define - dirtyKeys          16900          0       0.00
define - read 1             10710          3       0.00
define - read 2              6254          3       0.00
define - write               6248          1       0.00
diagnostics - hidden         6893         10       0.00
diagnostics - publish        4006        200       0.05
diagnostics - read           6901          1       0.00
diagnostics - update         6893         22       0.00
incDatabase                 10966          0       0.00
lastValueIO 4                2200          0       0.00
lastValueIO 5                2200          0       0.00
recordProgress              31238        387       0.01
recordProgress2             31238         79       0.00
updateReverseDeps           64994        387       0.01

Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
pepeiborra and mergify[bot] authored Dec 13, 2021
1 parent 0c3f1c4 commit 3b581a1
Show file tree
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Showing 4 changed files with 39 additions and 43 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Core/Compile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ import GHC (GetDocsFailure (..),

import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Concurrent.STM hiding (orElse)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.Stats hiding (orElse)
import Data.Aeson (toJSON)
import Data.Binary
import Data.Coerce
Expand Down
32 changes: 14 additions & 18 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Core/ProgressReporting.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ module Development.IDE.Core.ProgressReporting

import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM.Stats (STM, TVar, atomically,
newTVarIO, readTVar,
readTVarIO, writeTVar)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.Stats (TVar, atomicallyNamed,
modifyTVar', newTVarIO,
import Control.Concurrent.Strict
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,21 +82,17 @@ data InProgressState = InProgressState
newInProgress :: IO InProgressState
newInProgress = InProgressState <$> newTVarIO 0 <*> newTVarIO 0 <*> STM.newIO

recordProgress :: InProgressState -> NormalizedFilePath -> (Int -> Int) -> STM ()
recordProgress :: InProgressState -> NormalizedFilePath -> (Int -> Int) -> IO ()
recordProgress InProgressState{..} file shift = do
done <- readTVar doneVar
todo <- readTVar todoVar
(prev, new) <- STM.focus alterPrevAndNew file currentVar
let (done',todo') =
case (prev,new) of
(Nothing,0) -> (done+1, todo+1)
(Nothing,_) -> (done, todo+1)
(Just 0, 0) -> (done , todo)
(Just 0, _) -> (done-1, todo)
(Just _, 0) -> (done+1, todo)
(Just _, _) -> (done , todo)
writeTVar todoVar todo'
writeTVar doneVar done'
(prev, new) <- atomicallyNamed "recordProgress" $ STM.focus alterPrevAndNew file currentVar
atomicallyNamed "recordProgress2" $ do
case (prev,new) of
(Nothing,0) -> modifyTVar' doneVar (+1) >> modifyTVar' todoVar (+1)
(Nothing,_) -> modifyTVar' todoVar (+1)
(Just 0, 0) -> pure ()
(Just 0, _) -> modifyTVar' doneVar pred
(Just _, 0) -> modifyTVar' doneVar (+1)
(Just _, _) -> pure()
alterPrevAndNew = do
prev <- Focus.lookup
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +182,7 @@ delayedProgressReporting before after lspEnv optProgressStyle = do
-- Do not remove the eta-expansion without profiling a session with at
-- least 1000 modifications.
f shift = atomically $ recordProgress inProgress file shift
f shift = recordProgress inProgress file shift

mRunLspT :: Applicative m => Maybe (LSP.LanguageContextEnv c ) -> LSP.LspT c m () -> m ()
mRunLspT (Just lspEnv) f = LSP.runLspT lspEnv f
Expand Down
46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Core/Shake.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ import GHC.Fingerprint
import Language.LSP.Types.Capabilities
import OpenTelemetry.Eventlog

import Control.Concurrent.STM.Stats (atomicallyNamed)
import Control.Exception.Extra hiding (bracket_)
import Data.Aeson (toJSON)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ lastValueIO s@ShakeExtras{positionMapping,persistentKeys,state} k file = do
f <- MaybeT $ pure $ HMap.lookup (Key k) pmap
(dv,del,ver) <- MaybeT $ runIdeAction "lastValueIO" s $ f file
MaybeT $ pure $ (,del,ver) <$> fromDynamic dv
atomically $ case mv of
atomicallyNamed "lastValueIO" $ case mv of
Nothing -> do
STM.focus (Focus.alter (alterValue $ Failed True)) (toKey k file) state
return Nothing
Expand All @@ -358,13 +359,13 @@ lastValueIO s@ShakeExtras{positionMapping,persistentKeys,state} k file = do
-- Something already succeeded before, leave it alone
_ -> old

atomically (STM.lookup (toKey k file) state) >>= \case
atomicallyNamed "lastValueIO 4" (STM.lookup (toKey k file) state) >>= \case
Nothing -> readPersistent
Just (ValueWithDiagnostics v _) -> case v of
Succeeded ver (fromDynamic -> Just v) ->
atomically $ Just . (v,) <$> mappingForVersion positionMapping file ver
atomicallyNamed "lastValueIO 5" $ Just . (v,) <$> mappingForVersion positionMapping file ver
Stale del ver (fromDynamic -> Just v) ->
atomically $ Just . (v,) . maybe id addDelta del <$> mappingForVersion positionMapping file ver
atomicallyNamed "lastValueIO 6" $ Just . (v,) . maybe id addDelta del <$> mappingForVersion positionMapping file ver
Failed p | not p -> readPersistent
_ -> pure Nothing

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,7 +457,6 @@ recordDirtyKeys ShakeExtras{dirtyKeys} key file = do
return $ withEventTrace "recordDirtyKeys" $ \addEvent -> do
addEvent (fromString $ "dirty " <> show key) (fromString $ unlines $ map fromNormalizedFilePath file)

-- | We return Nothing if the rule has not run and Just Failed if it has failed to produce a value.
getValues ::
forall k v.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -629,8 +629,8 @@ shakeRestart IdeState{..} reason acts =
(\runner -> do
(stopTime,()) <- duration (cancelShakeSession runner)
res <- shakeDatabaseProfile shakeDb
backlog <- readTVarIO (dirtyKeys shakeExtras)
queue <- atomically $ peekInProgress $ actionQueue shakeExtras
backlog <- readTVarIO $ dirtyKeys shakeExtras
queue <- atomicallyNamed "actionQueue - peek" $ peekInProgress $ actionQueue shakeExtras
let profile = case res of
Just fp -> ", profile saved at " <> fp
_ -> ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ notifyTestingLogMessage extras msg = do
shakeEnqueue :: ShakeExtras -> DelayedAction a -> IO (IO a)
shakeEnqueue ShakeExtras{actionQueue, logger} act = do
(b, dai) <- instantiateDelayedAction act
atomically $ pushQueue dai actionQueue
atomicallyNamed "actionQueue - push" $ pushQueue dai actionQueue
let wait' b =
waitBarrier b `catches`
[ Handler(\BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar ->
Expand All @@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ shakeEnqueue ShakeExtras{actionQueue, logger} act = do
, Handler (\e@AsyncCancelled -> do
logPriority logger Debug $ T.pack $ actionName act <> " was cancelled"

atomically $ abortQueue dai actionQueue
atomicallyNamed "actionQueue - abort" $ abortQueue dai actionQueue
throw e)
return (wait' b >>= either throwIO return)
Expand All @@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ newSession
-> IO ShakeSession
newSession extras@ShakeExtras{..} shakeDb acts reason = do
IdeOptions{optRunSubset} <- getIdeOptionsIO extras
reenqueued <- atomically $ peekInProgress actionQueue
reenqueued <- atomicallyNamed "actionQueue - peek" $ peekInProgress actionQueue
allPendingKeys <-
if optRunSubset
then Just <$> readTVarIO dirtyKeys
Expand All @@ -696,14 +696,14 @@ newSession extras@ShakeExtras{..} shakeDb acts reason = do
-- A daemon-like action used to inject additional work
-- Runs actions from the work queue sequentially
pumpActionThread otSpan = do
d <- liftIO $ atomically $ popQueue actionQueue
d <- liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "action queue - pop" $ popQueue actionQueue
actionFork (run otSpan d) $ \_ -> pumpActionThread otSpan

-- TODO figure out how to thread the otSpan into defineEarlyCutoff
run _otSpan d = do
start <- liftIO offsetTime
getAction d
liftIO $ atomically $ doneQueue d actionQueue
liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "actionQueue - done" $ doneQueue d actionQueue
runTime <- liftIO start
let msg = T.pack $ "finish: " ++ actionName d
++ " (took " ++ showDuration runTime ++ ")"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ garbageCollectKeys label maxAge checkParents agedKeys = do
| age > maxAge
, Just (kt,_) <- fromKeyType k
, not(kt `HSet.member` preservedKeys checkParents)
= atomically $ do
= atomicallyNamed "GC" $ do
gotIt <- STM.focus (Focus.member <* Focus.delete) k values
when gotIt $
modifyTVar' dk (HSet.insert k)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ useWithStaleFast' key file = do
wait <- delayedAction $ mkDelayedAction ("C:" ++ show key ++ ":" ++ fromNormalizedFilePath file) Debug $ use key file

s@ShakeExtras{state} <- askShake
r <- liftIO $ atomically $ getValues state key file
r <- liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "useStateFast" $ getValues state key file
liftIO $ case r of
-- block for the result if we haven't computed before
Nothing -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ defineEarlyCutoff' doDiagnostics cmp key file old mode action = do
(if optSkipProgress options key then id else inProgress progress file) $ do
val <- case old of
Just old | mode == RunDependenciesSame -> do
v <- liftIO $ atomically $ getValues state key file
v <- liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "define - read 1" $ getValues state key file
case v of
-- No changes in the dependencies and we have
-- an existing successful result.
Expand All @@ -1038,10 +1038,10 @@ defineEarlyCutoff' doDiagnostics cmp key file old mode action = do
(do v <- action; liftIO $ evaluate $ force v) $
\(e :: SomeException) -> do
pure (Nothing, ([ideErrorText file $ T.pack $ show e | not $ isBadDependency e],Nothing))
modTime <- liftIO $ (currentValue . fst =<<) <$> atomically (getValues state GetModificationTime file)
modTime <- liftIO $ (currentValue . fst =<<) <$> atomicallyNamed "define - read 2" (getValues state GetModificationTime file)
(bs, res) <- case res of
Nothing -> do
staleV <- liftIO $ atomically $ getValues state key file
staleV <- liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "define -read 3" $ getValues state key file
pure $ case staleV of
Nothing -> (toShakeValue ShakeResult bs, Failed False)
Just v -> case v of
Expand All @@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ defineEarlyCutoff' doDiagnostics cmp key file old mode action = do
(Failed b, _) ->
(toShakeValue ShakeResult bs, Failed b)
Just v -> pure (maybe ShakeNoCutoff ShakeResult bs, Succeeded (vfsVersion =<< modTime) v)
liftIO $ atomically $ setValues state key file res (Vector.fromList diags)
liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "define - write" $ setValues state key file res (Vector.fromList diags)
doDiagnostics diags
let eq = case (bs, fmap decodeShakeValue old) of
(ShakeResult a, Just (ShakeResult b)) -> cmp a b
Expand All @@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ defineEarlyCutoff' doDiagnostics cmp key file old mode action = do
(if eq then ChangedRecomputeSame else ChangedRecomputeDiff)
(encodeShakeValue bs) $
A res
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' dirtyKeys (HSet.delete $ toKey key file)
liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "define - dirtyKeys" $ modifyTVar' dirtyKeys (HSet.delete $ toKey key file)
return res

traceA :: A v -> String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ updateFileDiagnostics :: MonadIO m
-> [(ShowDiagnostic,Diagnostic)] -- ^ current results
-> m ()
updateFileDiagnostics fp k ShakeExtras{logger, diagnostics, hiddenDiagnostics, publishedDiagnostics, state, debouncer, lspEnv} current = liftIO $ do
modTime <- (currentValue . fst =<<) <$> atomically (getValues state GetModificationTime fp)
modTime <- (currentValue . fst =<<) <$> atomicallyNamed "diagnostics - read" (getValues state GetModificationTime fp)
let (currentShown, currentHidden) = partition ((== ShowDiag) . fst) current
uri = filePathToUri' fp
ver = vfsVersion =<< modTime
Expand All @@ -1162,13 +1162,13 @@ updateFileDiagnostics fp k ShakeExtras{logger, diagnostics, hiddenDiagnostics, p
-- published. Otherwise, we might never publish certain diagnostics if
-- an exception strikes between modifyVar but before
-- publishDiagnosticsNotification.
newDiags <- liftIO $ atomically $ update (map snd currentShown) diagnostics
_ <- liftIO $ atomically $ update (map snd currentHidden) hiddenDiagnostics
newDiags <- liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "diagnostics - update" $ update (map snd currentShown) diagnostics
_ <- liftIO $ atomicallyNamed "diagnostics - hidden" $ update (map snd currentHidden) hiddenDiagnostics
let uri = filePathToUri' fp
let delay = if null newDiags then 0.1 else 0
registerEvent debouncer delay uri $ do
join $ mask_ $ do
lastPublish <- atomically $ STM.focus (Focus.lookupWithDefault [] <* Focus.insert newDiags) uri publishedDiagnostics
lastPublish <- atomicallyNamed "diagnostics - publish" $ STM.focus (Focus.lookupWithDefault [] <* Focus.insert newDiags) uri publishedDiagnostics
let action = when (lastPublish /= newDiags) $ case lspEnv of
Nothing -> -- Print an LSP event.
logInfo logger $ showDiagnosticsColored $ map (fp,ShowDiag,) newDiags
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ghcide/test/exe/Progress.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ reportProgressTests = testGroup "recordProgress"
decrease = recordProgressModel "A" succ increase
done = recordProgressModel "A" pred decrease
recordProgressModel key change state =
model state $ \st -> atomically $ recordProgress st key change
model state $ \st -> recordProgress st key change
model stateModelIO k = do
state <- fromModel =<< stateModelIO
k state
Expand Down

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