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Improve haddock comments (#3207)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* remove 'buildable: False' in cabal

* remove constraint on ghc-exactprint

* wip

* revert HaddockComments.hs

* generate haddock comments for constructors

* fix tests

* restore constraints

* make it compatible with ghc 9.0

* add more tests

* add comments & fix dp calculation for inline case

* add kokobd to codeowners of haddock-comments plugin

* fix a comment

* rephrase some comments to make them clearer

Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
kokobd and mergify[bot] authored Sep 26, 2022
1 parent 6f9b435 commit 217573f
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Showing 12 changed files with 294 additions and 74 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion CODEOWNERS
Validating CODEOWNERS rules …
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
/plugins/hls-floskell-plugin @Ailrun
/plugins/hls-fourmolu-plugin @georgefst
/plugins/hls-gadt-plugin @July541
/plugins/hls-haddock-comments-plugin @berberman
/plugins/hls-haddock-comments-plugin @berberman @kokobd
/plugins/hls-hlint-plugin @jneira @eddiemundo
/plugins/hls-ormolu-plugin @georgefst
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ library
buildable: False
buildable: True
exposed-modules: Ide.Plugin.HaddockComments
hs-source-dirs: src
-Wall -Wno-name-shadowing -Wredundant-constraints
Expand All @@ -43,6 +46,8 @@ library
, lsp-types
, text
, unordered-containers
, transformers
, mtl

default-language: Haskell2010
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
Expand All @@ -8,8 +9,9 @@

module Ide.Plugin.HaddockComments (descriptor) where

import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad (join, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
Expand All @@ -19,6 +21,8 @@ import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.ExactPrint
import Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint (GetAnnotatedParsedSource (..))
import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint as E
import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction
import Ide.Plugin.HaddockComments.Data (genForDataDecl)
import Ide.Plugin.HaddockComments.Prelude
import Ide.Types
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types hiding (GhcPs)
Expand All @@ -40,47 +44,49 @@ codeActionProvider ideState _pId (CodeActionParams _ _ (TextDocumentIdentifier u
(join -> pm) <- liftIO $ runAction "HaddockComments.GetAnnotatedParsedSource" ideState $ use GetAnnotatedParsedSource `traverse` nfp
let locDecls = hsmodDecls . unLoc . astA <$> pm
anns = annsA <$> pm
edits = [runGenComments gen locDecls anns range | noErr, gen <- genList]
edits = [gen locDecls anns range | noErr, gen <- genList]
return $ Right $ List [InR $ toAction title uri edit | (Just (title, edit)) <- edits]

genList :: [GenComments]
genList :: [Maybe [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> Maybe Anns -> Range -> Maybe (T.Text, TextEdit)]
genList =
[ genForSig,
[ runGenCommentsSimple genForSig,
runGenComments genForDataDecl


-- | Defines how to generate haddock comments by tweaking annotations of AST
data GenComments = forall a.
{ title :: T.Text,
fromDecl :: HsDecl GhcPs -> Maybe a,
collectKeys :: a -> [AnnKey],
isFresh :: Annotation -> Bool,
updateAnn :: Annotation -> Annotation,
updateDeclAnn :: Annotation -> Annotation

runGenComments :: GenComments -> Maybe [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> Maybe Anns -> Range -> Maybe (T.Text, TextEdit)
runGenComments GenComments {..} mLocDecls mAnns range
runGenComments GenComments{..} mLocDecls mAnns range
| Just locDecls <- mLocDecls,
Just anns <- mAnns,
[(locDecl, src, x)] <- [(locDecl, l, x) | locDecl@(L l (fromDecl -> Just x)) <- locDecls, range `isIntersectWith` l],
annKeys <- collectKeys x,
not $ null annKeys,
and $ maybe False isFresh . flip Map.lookup anns <$> annKeys,
declKey <- mkAnnKey locDecl,
anns' <- Map.adjust updateDeclAnn declKey $ foldr (Map.adjust updateAnn) anns annKeys,
[(locDecl, src)] <- [(locDecl, l) | locDecl@(L l _) <- locDecls, range `isIntersectWith` l],
Just range' <- toRange src,
result <- T.strip . T.pack $ exactPrint locDecl anns' =
Just (title, TextEdit range' result)
Just (_, (anns', _), _) <- runTransformT anns (updateAnns locDecl),
result <- T.strip . T.pack $ exactPrint locDecl anns'
= Just (title, TextEdit range' result)
| otherwise = Nothing

runGenCommentsSimple :: GenCommentsSimple -> Maybe [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> Maybe Anns -> Range -> Maybe (T.Text, TextEdit)
runGenCommentsSimple GenCommentsSimple {..} = runGenComments GenComments {
title = title,
updateAnns = updateAnns
updateAnns :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> TransformT Maybe ()
updateAnns locDecl@(L _ decl) = do
x <- lift $ fromDecl decl
let annKeys = collectKeys x
anns <- getAnnsT
when (null annKeys || not (and $ maybe False isFresh . flip Map.lookup anns <$> annKeys)) $
lift Nothing
let declKey = mkAnnKey locDecl
anns' = Map.adjust updateDeclAnn declKey $ foldr (Map.adjust updateAnn) anns annKeys
putAnnsT anns'


genForSig :: GenComments
genForSig = GenComments {..}
genForSig :: GenCommentsSimple
genForSig = GenCommentsSimple {..}
title = "Generate signature comments"

Expand All @@ -102,30 +108,6 @@ genForSig = GenComments {..}
dp = [(AnnComment comment, DP (0, 1)), (G AnnRarrow, DP (1, 2))]

genForRecord :: GenComments
genForRecord = GenComments {..}
title = "Generate fields comments"

fromDecl (TyClD _ DataDecl {tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn {dd_cons = cons}}) =
Just [x | (L _ ConDeclH98 {con_args = x}) <- cons]
fromDecl _ = Nothing

updateAnn x = x {annEntryDelta = DP (1, 2), annPriorComments = [(comment, DP (1, 2))]}
updateDeclAnn = cleanPriorComments

isFresh Ann {annPriorComments} = null annPriorComments

collectKeys = keyFromCon

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
comment = mkComment "-- | " (spanAsAnchor noSrcSpan)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
comment = mkComment "-- | " badRealSrcSpan
comment = mkComment "-- | " noSrcSpan


toAction :: T.Text -> Uri -> TextEdit -> CodeAction
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +158,4 @@ keyFromTyVar dep (L _ (HsParTy _ x)) = keyFromTyVar (succ dep) x
keyFromTyVar dep (L _ (HsBangTy _ _ x)) = keyFromTyVar dep x
keyFromTyVar _ _ = []

keyFromCon :: [HsConDeclDetails GhcPs] -> [AnnKey]
keyFromCon cons = mconcat [mkAnnKey <$> xs | (RecCon (L _ xs)) <- cons]

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@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Ide.Plugin.HaddockComments.Data
( genForDataDecl
) where

import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Development.IDE (realSpan)
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
import Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint
import Ide.Plugin.HaddockComments.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types hiding (GhcPs)
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Utils (mkComment)

genForDataDecl :: GenComments
genForDataDecl =
GenComments {
title = "Generate haddock comments",
updateAnns = updateDataAnns

updateDataAnns :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> TransformT Maybe ()
updateDataAnns decl@(L declLoc (TyClD _ DataDecl {tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_cons = cons }})) = do
-- skip if all constructors and fields already have a haddock comment
getAnnsT >>= (\anns -> unless (missingSomeHaddock anns cons) (lift Nothing))

-- visit each constructor and field
addHaddockCommentsToList True declLoc (G AnnVbar) cons
for_ cons $ \case
L conLoc ConDeclH98 { con_args = RecCon (L _ fields) } -> addHaddockCommentsToList False conLoc (G AnnComma) fields
_ -> pure ()
modifyAnnsT $ Map.adjust (\ann -> ann {annPriorComments = []}) (mkAnnKey decl)
updateDataAnns _ = lift Nothing

-- | Add haddock comments to a list of nodes
:: (Data a, Monad m)
=> Bool -- ^ If true, for each node, use previous node in the list as the anchor. Otherwise, use the outer node
-> SrcSpan -- ^ The outer node
-> KeywordId -- ^ The seperator between adjacent nodes
-> [Located a] -- ^ The list of nodes. Haddock comments will be added to each of them
-> TransformT m ()
addHaddockCommentsToList usePrevNodeAsAnchor outerLoc seperator nodes =
-- If you want to understand this function, please first read this page carefully:
-- The important part is that for DP(r,c), if r is zero, c is the offset start from the end of the previous node.
-- However, if r is greater than zero, c is the offset start from the 'anchor'.
-- Generally speaking, the 'anchor' is the node that "enclose" the current node. But it's not always the case.
-- Sometimes 'anchor' is just the previous node. It depends on the the syntactic structure.
-- For constructors, the anchor is the previous node (if there is any).
-- For record fields, the anchor is always the constructor they belong to.
for_ (zip nodes (Nothing: fmap Just nodes)) $ \(node, prevNode) -> do
addHaddockCommentToCurrentNode <- fmap (not . fromMaybe True . flip hasHaddock node) getAnnsT
-- We don't add new haddock comments to nodes with existing ones.
when addHaddockCommentToCurrentNode $ do
-- 'sameLineAsPrev' is a flag to determine the inline case, for example:
-- data T = A { a :: Int, b :: String } | B { b :: Double }
-- Note that it's a 'Maybe (Located a)', containing the previous node if the current node
-- and the previous node are on the same line.
-- For the multiline case (which is the most common), we keep the original indentation of each constructor
-- and field.
-- For the inline case, we use the first construcotr/field as the base, and align all following items
-- to them.
let sameLineAsPrev = prevNode >>= (
\prevNode' -> if notSeperatedByLineEnding prevNode' node
then pure prevNode'
else Nothing
-- For the inline case, we need to move the seperator to the next line.
-- For constructors, it's vertical bar; for fields, it's comma.
-- The seperator is passed in as function argument.
when (isJust sameLineAsPrev) $ modifyAnnsT $ \anns ->
let newSepCol :: Annotation -> Int
newSepCol ann =
if usePrevNodeAsAnchor then 0 else deltaColumn (annEntryDelta ann)
updateSepAnn :: Annotation -> Annotation
updateSepAnn ann = ann {annsDP =
Map.toList . Map.adjust (const $ DP (1, newSepCol ann)) seperator . Map.fromList $ annsDP ann}
in flip (maybe anns) prevNode $ \prevNode' -> Map.adjust updateSepAnn (mkAnnKey prevNode') anns
-- Calculate the real column of the anchor
let anchorCol = maybe 0 srcSpanStartCol . realSpan . maybe outerLoc getLoc $
if usePrevNodeAsAnchor then prevNode else Nothing
-- 'dpCol' is what we will use for the current node's entry delta's column
dpCol <- flip fmap getAnnsT $ \anns ->
case sameLineAsPrev of
Just prevNode' ->
-- If the previous node is the anchor, using 0 as column will make current code align with
-- the previous one.
-- Otherwise, use the column of entry delta of the previous node.
-- The map lookup should not fail. '2' is used as a fallback value to make sure the syntax
-- is correct after the changes.
if usePrevNodeAsAnchor then 0 else maybe 2 (deltaColumn . annEntryDelta)
$ anns Map.!? mkAnnKey prevNode'
-- We subtract the real column to get dp column.
Nothing -> (maybe 2 srcSpanStartCol . realSpan $ getLoc node) - anchorCol
-- Modify the current node
modifyAnnsT $
let updateCurrent :: Annotation -> Annotation
updateCurrent ann = ann {
-- If there exist non-haddock comments, we simply inherit the first one's delta pos,
-- and move them two lines below, to seperate them from our newly added haddock comments
-- Otherwise, inherit the node's entry delta pos.
annPriorComments = case annPriorComments ann of
(c, dp) : rem -> (emptyPriorHaddockComment, dp) : (c, DP (2,0)) : rem
_ -> [(emptyPriorHaddockComment, annEntryDelta ann)],
annEntryDelta = DP (1, dpCol)
in Map.adjust updateCurrent (mkAnnKey node)

-- | Determine if a list of constructor declarations is missing some haddock comments.
missingSomeHaddock :: Anns -> [LConDecl GhcPs] -> Bool
missingSomeHaddock anns = any $ \lcon@(L _ conDecl) -> case conDecl of
ConDeclH98 { con_args = RecCon (L _ fields) } ->
elem (Just False) $ hasHaddock anns lcon : fmap (hasHaddock anns) fields
_ -> False -- GADT is not supported yet

-- | Returns 'True' if the end of the first node and the start of the second node are on the same line.
notSeperatedByLineEnding :: Located a
-> Located a
-> Bool
notSeperatedByLineEnding (L (RealSrcSpan x _) _) (L (RealSrcSpan y _) _) =
srcLocLine (realSrcSpanEnd x) == srcLocLine (realSrcSpanStart y)
notSeperatedByLineEnding _ _ = False

-- | Empty haddock, suitable for being added to 'annPriorComments'
emptyPriorHaddockComment :: Comment
emptyPriorHaddockComment = mkComment "-- |"
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)

-- | Determines the given node has haddock comments attached to it.
hasHaddock :: Data a => Anns -> Located a -> Maybe Bool
hasHaddock anns node = fmap annHasHaddock (anns Map.!? key)
key = mkAnnKey node
annHasHaddock ann =
any (matchCommentPrefix priorCommentPrefix . fst) (annPriorComments ann)
|| any (matchCommentPrefix followingCommentPrefix . fst) (annFollowingComments ann)
|| any (keywordIdIsHaddockComment . fst) (annsDP ann)

-- | Checks if the given 'KeywordId' is a comment, and specifically, a haddock comment.
keywordIdIsHaddockComment :: KeywordId -> Bool
keywordIdIsHaddockComment (AnnComment comment) = any (`isPrefixOf` commentContents comment) (priorCommentPrefix ++ followingCommentPrefix)
keywordIdIsHaddockComment _ = False

priorCommentPrefix :: [String]
priorCommentPrefix = ["-- |", "{-|", "{- |"]

followingCommentPrefix :: [String]
followingCommentPrefix = ["-- ^", "{-^", "{- ^"]

matchCommentPrefix :: [String] -> Comment -> Bool
matchCommentPrefix prefix comment = any (`isPrefixOf` commentContents comment) prefix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

module Ide.Plugin.HaddockComments.Prelude where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
import Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint (AnnKey, Annotation)

-- | A more generic comments generator
data GenComments = GenComments
{ title :: T.Text,
-- | Use 'Maybe' monad to exit early. 'Nothing' means a code action for haddock comments
-- in the given context is not possible.
updateAnns :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> TransformT Maybe ()

-- | Defines how to generate haddock comments by tweaking annotations of AST
-- This is left here for compatibility reason, so that we don't break the existing code.
data GenCommentsSimple = forall a.
{ title :: T.Text,
fromDecl :: HsDecl GhcPs -> Maybe a,
collectKeys :: a -> [AnnKey],
isFresh :: Annotation -> Bool,
updateAnn :: Annotation -> Annotation,
updateDeclAnn :: Annotation -> Annotation
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions plugins/hls-haddock-comments-plugin/test/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,9 +30,11 @@ tests =
goldenWithHaddockComments "MultivariateFunction" Signature 4 8,
goldenWithHaddockComments "QualFunction" Signature 2 10,
goldenWithHaddockComments "Record" Record 7 2,
goldenWithHaddockComments "Record2" Record 3 6,
goldenWithHaddockComments "InlineRecord" Record 3 20,
expectedNothing "ConstFunction" Signature 2 2,
expectedNothing "StaleFunction" Signature 3 3,
expectedNothing "StaleRecord" Record 3 12
expectedNothing "StaleRecord" Record 4 9

goldenWithHaddockComments :: FilePath -> GenCommentsType -> UInt -> UInt -> TestTree
Expand All @@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ data GenCommentsType = Signature | Record

toTitle :: GenCommentsType -> Text
toTitle Signature = "Generate signature comments"
toTitle Record = "Generate fields comments"
toTitle Record = "Generate haddock comments"

caTitle :: (Command |? CodeAction) -> Maybe Text
caTitle (InR CodeAction {_title}) = Just _title
Expand Down

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