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Add arguments to direct logs to various locations
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This adds arguments to HLS to allow the user to select whether to send
logs to any or all of:
- a file
- stderr
- the client

Importantly, we can toggle off the default stderr logging, so the vscode
extension can turn it off to avoid the double logging that arises from
logging to both the client and stderr.

I've set the default to _not_ log to the client. This is a change of
behaviour (today we log to the client by default), but I think it gives
the best experience by default, since most clients do show stderr output
somewhere, and then we probably want to make a case-by-case decision on
whether to use the client logging instead.
  • Loading branch information
michaelpj committed Jun 16, 2023
1 parent 139dcf5 commit 187003c
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Showing 3 changed files with 107 additions and 69 deletions.
91 changes: 56 additions & 35 deletions exe/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main(main) where

import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
Expand All @@ -10,13 +12,14 @@ import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Development.IDE.Main as GhcideMain
import Development.IDE.Types.Logger (Doc, Priority (Error, Info),
WithPriority (WithPriority, priority),
cfilter, cmapWithPrio,
layoutPretty, logWith,
payload, renderStrict,
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as Logger
import qualified HlsPlugins as Plugins
import Ide.Arguments (Arguments (..),
Expand All @@ -30,7 +33,11 @@ import Ide.Types (PluginDescriptor (pluginNotificat
import Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import Prettyprinter (Pretty (pretty), vsep)
import Prettyprinter (Pretty (pretty), vcat, vsep)
import Control.Exception (displayException)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)

data Log
= LogIdeMain IdeMain.Log
Expand All @@ -43,13 +50,27 @@ instance Pretty Log where

main :: IO ()
main = do
stderrRecorder <- makeDefaultStderrRecorder Nothing
-- plugin cli commands use stderr logger for now unless we change the args
-- parser to get logging arguments first or do more complicated things
pluginCliRecorder <- cmapWithPrio pretty <$> makeDefaultStderrRecorder Nothing
let pluginCliRecorder = cmapWithPrio pretty stderrRecorder
args <- getArguments "haskell-language-server" (Plugins.idePlugins (cmapWithPrio LogPlugins pluginCliRecorder))

(lspLogRecorder, cb1) <- Logger.withBacklog Logger.lspClientLogRecorder
(lspMessageRecorder, cb2) <- Logger.withBacklog Logger.lspClientMessageRecorder
-- Recorder that logs to the LSP client with logMessage
(lspLogRecorder, cb1) <-
Logger.withBacklog Logger.lspClientLogRecorder
<&> first (cmapWithPrio renderDoc)
-- Recorder that logs to the LSP client with showMessage
(lspMessageRecorder, cb2) <-
Logger.withBacklog Logger.lspClientMessageRecorder
<&> first (cmapWithPrio renderDoc)
-- Recorder that logs Error severity logs to the client with showMessage and some extra text
let lspErrorMessageRecorder = lspMessageRecorder
& cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= Error)
& cmapWithPrio (\msg -> vsep
["Error condition, please check your setup and/or the [issue tracker](" <> issueTrackerUrl <> "): "
, msg
-- This plugin just installs a handler for the `initialized` notification, which then
-- picks up the LSP environment and feeds it to our recorders
let lspRecorderPlugin = (defaultPluginDescriptor "LSPRecorderCallback")
Expand All @@ -58,28 +79,35 @@ main = do
liftIO $ (cb1 <> cb2) env

let (argsTesting, minPriority, logFilePath) =
let (minPriority, logFilePath, logStderr, logClient) =
case args of
Ghcide GhcideArguments{ argsTesting, argsLogLevel, argsLogFile} ->
(argsTesting, argsLogLevel, argsLogFile)
_ -> (False, Info, Nothing)
Ghcide GhcideArguments{ argsLogLevel, argsLogFile, argsLogStderr, argsLogClient} ->
(argsLogLevel, argsLogFile, argsLogStderr, argsLogClient)
_ -> (Info, Nothing, True, False)

withDefaultRecorder logFilePath Nothing $ \textWithPriorityRecorder -> do
-- Adapter for withFileRecorder to handle the case where we don't want to log to a file
let withLogFileRecorder action = case logFilePath of
Just p -> withFileRecorder p Nothing $ \case
Left e -> do
let exceptionMessage = pretty $ displayException e
let message = vcat [exceptionMessage, "Couldn't open log file; not logging to it."]
logWith stderrRecorder Error message
action Nothing
Right r -> action (Just r)
Nothing -> action Nothing

withLogFileRecorder $ \logFileRecorder -> do
recorder = cmapWithPrio (pretty &&& id) $ mconcat
& cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= minPriority)
& cmapWithPrio fst
, lspMessageRecorder
& cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= Error)
& cmapWithPrio (renderDoc . fst)
, lspLogRecorder
& cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= minPriority)
& cmapWithPrio (renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions . fst)
-- do not log heap stats to the LSP log as they interfere with the
-- ability of lsp-test to detect a stuck server in tests and benchmarks
& if argsTesting then cfilter (not . heapStats . snd . payload) else id
lfr = logFileRecorder
ser = if logStderr then Just stderrRecorder else Nothing
lemr = Just lspErrorMessageRecorder
llr = if logClient then Just lspLogRecorder else Nothing
recorder :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) =
[lfr, ser, lemr, llr]
& catMaybes
& mconcat
& cmapWithPrio pretty
& cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= minPriority)
plugins = Plugins.idePlugins (cmapWithPrio LogPlugins recorder)

Expand All @@ -88,14 +116,7 @@ main = do
(plugins <> pluginDescToIdePlugins [lspRecorderPlugin])

renderDoc :: Doc a -> Text
renderDoc d = renderStrict $ layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions $ vsep
["Error condition, please check your setup and/or the [issue tracker](" <> issueTrackerUrl <> "): "
renderDoc d = renderStrict $ layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions d

issueTrackerUrl :: Doc a
issueTrackerUrl = ""

heapStats :: Log -> Bool
heapStats (LogIdeMain (IdeMain.LogIDEMain (GhcideMain.LogHeapStats _))) = True
heapStats _ = False
35 changes: 11 additions & 24 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Types/Logger.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Types.Logger
, cmap
, cmapIO
, cfilter
, withDefaultRecorder
, withFileRecorder
, makeDefaultStderrRecorder
, makeDefaultHandleRecorder
, LoggingColumn(..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,35 +156,22 @@ makeDefaultStderrRecorder columns = do
lock <- liftIO newLock
makeDefaultHandleRecorder columns lock stderr

-- | If no path given then use stderr, otherwise use file.
:: MonadUnliftIO m
=> Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Log file path. `Nothing` uses stderr
=> FilePath
-- ^ Log file path.
-> Maybe [LoggingColumn]
-- ^ logging columns to display. `Nothing` uses `defaultLoggingColumns`
-> (Recorder (WithPriority (Doc d)) -> m a)
-- ^ action given a recorder
-> (Either IOException (Recorder (WithPriority (Doc d))) -> m a)
-- ^ action given a recorder, or the exception if we failed to open the file
-> m a
withDefaultRecorder path columns action = do
withFileRecorder path columns action = do
lock <- liftIO newLock
let makeHandleRecorder = makeDefaultHandleRecorder columns lock
case path of
Nothing -> do
recorder <- makeHandleRecorder stderr
let message = "No log file specified; using stderr."
logWith recorder Info message
action recorder
Just path -> do
fileHandle :: Either IOException Handle <- liftIO $ try (openFile path AppendMode)
case fileHandle of
Left e -> do
recorder <- makeHandleRecorder stderr
let exceptionMessage = pretty $ displayException e
let message = vcat [exceptionMessage, "Couldn't open log file" <+> pretty path <> "; falling back to stderr."]
logWith recorder Warning message
action recorder
Right fileHandle -> finally (makeHandleRecorder fileHandle >>= action) (liftIO $ hClose fileHandle)
fileHandle :: Either IOException Handle <- liftIO $ try (openFile path AppendMode)
case fileHandle of
Left e -> action $ Left e
Right fileHandle -> finally ((Right <$> makeHandleRecorder fileHandle) >>= action) (liftIO $ hClose fileHandle)

:: MonadIO m
Expand Down
50 changes: 40 additions & 10 deletions src/Ide/Arguments.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,14 +40,16 @@ data Arguments
| PrintLibDir

data GhcideArguments = GhcideArguments
{argsCommand :: Command
,argsCwd :: Maybe FilePath
,argsShakeProfiling :: Maybe FilePath
,argsTesting :: Bool
,argsExamplePlugin :: Bool
{ argsCommand :: Command
, argsCwd :: Maybe FilePath
, argsShakeProfiling :: Maybe FilePath
, argsTesting :: Bool
, argsExamplePlugin :: Bool
, argsLogLevel :: Priority
, argsLogFile :: Maybe String
-- ^ the minimum log level to show
, argsLogStderr :: Bool
, argsLogClient :: Bool
, argsThreads :: Int
, argsProjectGhcVersion :: Bool
} deriving Show
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,12 +140,40 @@ arguments plugins = GhcideArguments
<> help "Sets the log level to Debug, alias for '--log-level Debug'"
<*> optional (strOption
(long "logfile"
<> short 'l'
-- This option is a little inconsistent with the other log options, since
-- it's not a boolean and there is no way to turn it off. That's okay
-- since the default is off.
<*> (optional (strOption
( long "log-file"
<> metavar "LOGFILE"
<> help "File to log to, defaults to stdout"
<> help "Send logs to a file"
)) <|> (optional (strOption
( long "logfile"
<> metavar "LOGFILE"
<> help "Send logs to a file"
-- deprecated alias so users don't need to update their CLI calls
-- immediately
<> internal
-- Boolean option so we can toggle the default in a consistent way
<*> option auto
( long "log-stderr"
<> help "Send logs to stderr"
<> metavar "BOOL"
<> value True
<> showDefault
-- Boolean option so we can toggle the default in a consistent way
<*> option auto
( long "log-client"
<> help "Send logs to the client using the window/logMessage LSP method"
<> metavar "BOOL"
-- This is off by default, since some clients will show duplicate logs
-- if we log both to stderr and the client
<> value False
<> showDefault
<*> option auto
(short 'j'
<> help "Number of threads (0: automatic)"
Expand Down

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