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Remove some partial functions from Shake.hs
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Also removes a partial pattern match from Action.hs.
  • Loading branch information
michaelpj committed Jun 24, 2022
1 parent efcb8e2 commit 01c090d
Show file tree
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Showing 6 changed files with 38 additions and 28 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions .hlint.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,6 @@
- Main
- Experiments
- Development.IDE.Core.Shake
- Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction
- Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions
- Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.ExactPrint
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,7 +136,6 @@
- Wingman.CaseSplit
- Wingman.Simplify

- name: Data.Text.head
- Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction
Expand Down
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Core/Shake.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ import Data.EnumMap.Strict (EnumMap)
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import Data.Foldable (for_, toList)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -920,21 +921,21 @@ defineNoDiagnostics recorder op = defineEarlyCutoff recorder $ RuleNoDiagnostics
-- | Request a Rule result if available
use :: IdeRule k v
=> k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe v)
use key file = head <$> uses key [file]
use key file = runIdentity <$> uses key (Identity file)

-- | Request a Rule result, it not available return the last computed result, if any, which may be stale
useWithStale :: IdeRule k v
=> k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe (v, PositionMapping))
useWithStale key file = head <$> usesWithStale key [file]
useWithStale key file = runIdentity <$> usesWithStale key (Identity file)

-- | Request a Rule result, it not available return the last computed result which may be stale.
-- Errors out if none available.
useWithStale_ :: IdeRule k v
=> k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (v, PositionMapping)
useWithStale_ key file = head <$> usesWithStale_ key [file]
useWithStale_ key file = runIdentity <$> usesWithStale_ key (Identity file)

-- | Plural version of 'useWithStale_'
usesWithStale_ :: IdeRule k v => k -> [NormalizedFilePath] -> Action [(v, PositionMapping)]
usesWithStale_ :: (Traversable f, IdeRule k v) => k -> f NormalizedFilePath -> Action (f (v, PositionMapping))
usesWithStale_ key files = do
res <- usesWithStale key files
case sequence res of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -999,37 +1000,37 @@ useNoFile :: IdeRule k v => k -> Action (Maybe v)
useNoFile key = use key emptyFilePath

use_ :: IdeRule k v => k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action v
use_ key file = head <$> uses_ key [file]
use_ key file = runIdentity <$> uses_ key (Identity file)

useNoFile_ :: IdeRule k v => k -> Action v
useNoFile_ key = use_ key emptyFilePath

uses_ :: IdeRule k v => k -> [NormalizedFilePath] -> Action [v]
uses_ :: (Traversable f, IdeRule k v) => k -> f NormalizedFilePath -> Action (f v)
uses_ key files = do
res <- uses key files
case sequence res of
Nothing -> liftIO $ throwIO $ BadDependency (show key)
Just v -> return v

-- | Plural version of 'use'
uses :: IdeRule k v
=> k -> [NormalizedFilePath] -> Action [Maybe v]
uses key files = map (\(A value) -> currentValue value) <$> apply (map (Q . (key,)) files)
uses :: (Traversable f, IdeRule k v)
=> k -> f NormalizedFilePath -> Action (f (Maybe v))
uses key files = fmap (\(A value) -> currentValue value) <$> apply (fmap (Q . (key,)) files)

-- | Return the last computed result which might be stale.
usesWithStale :: IdeRule k v
=> k -> [NormalizedFilePath] -> Action [Maybe (v, PositionMapping)]
usesWithStale :: (Traversable f, IdeRule k v)
=> k -> f NormalizedFilePath -> Action (f (Maybe (v, PositionMapping)))
usesWithStale key files = do
_ <- apply (map (Q . (key,)) files)
_ <- apply (fmap (Q . (key,)) files)
-- We don't look at the result of the 'apply' since 'lastValue' will
-- return the most recent successfully computed value regardless of
-- whether the rule succeeded or not.
mapM (lastValue key) files
traverse (lastValue key) files

useWithoutDependency :: IdeRule k v
=> k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe v)
useWithoutDependency key file =
(\[A value] -> currentValue value) <$> applyWithoutDependency [Q (key, file)]
(\(Identity (A value)) -> currentValue value) <$> applyWithoutDependency (Identity (Q (key, file)))

data RuleBody k v
= Rule (k -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Maybe BS.ByteString, IdeResult v))
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hls-graph/hls-graph.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,4 +134,5 @@ test-suite tests
, tasty-hunit
, tasty-rerun
, text
, unordered-containers
build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover -any
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions hls-graph/src/Development/IDE/Graph/Internal/Action.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.IORef
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Classes
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Rules (RuleResult)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,19 +113,19 @@ actionFinally a b = do
Action $ lift $ finally (runReaderT (fromAction a) v) b

apply1 :: (RuleResult key ~ value, ShakeValue key, Typeable value) => key -> Action value
apply1 k = head <$> apply [k]
apply1 k = runIdentity <$> apply (Identity k)

apply :: (RuleResult key ~ value, ShakeValue key, Typeable value) => [key] -> Action [value]
apply :: (Traversable f, RuleResult key ~ value, ShakeValue key, Typeable value) => f key -> Action (f value)
apply ks = do
db <- Action $ asks actionDatabase
stack <- Action $ asks actionStack
(is, vs) <- liftIO $ build db stack ks
ref <- Action $ asks actionDeps
liftIO $ modifyIORef ref (ResultDeps is <>)
liftIO $ modifyIORef ref (ResultDeps (toList is) <>)
pure vs

-- | Evaluate a list of keys without recording any dependencies.
applyWithoutDependency :: (RuleResult key ~ value, ShakeValue key, Typeable value) => [key] -> Action [value]
applyWithoutDependency :: (Traversable f, RuleResult key ~ value, ShakeValue key, Typeable value) => f key -> Action (f value)
applyWithoutDependency ks = do
db <- Action $ asks actionDatabase
stack <- Action $ asks actionStack
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20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions hls-graph/src/Development/IDE/Graph/Internal/Database.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@

module Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Database (newDatabase, incDatabase, build, getDirtySet, getKeysAndVisitAge) where

import Prelude hiding (unzip)

import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Concurrent.STM.Stats (STM, atomically,
Expand All @@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ import Data.Foldable (for_, traverse_)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HSet
import Data.IORef.Extra
import Data.List.NonEmpty (unzip)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Tuple.Extra
Expand All @@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ import qualified StmContainers.Map as SMap
import System.Time.Extra (duration, sleep)
import System.IO.Unsafe

newDatabase :: Dynamic -> TheRules -> IO Database
newDatabase databaseExtra databaseRules = do
databaseStep <- newTVarIO $ Step 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,13 +82,17 @@ updateDirty = Focus.adjust $ \(KeyDetails status rdeps) ->
in KeyDetails status' rdeps
-- | Unwrap and build a list of keys in parallel
:: forall key value . (RuleResult key ~ value, Typeable key, Show key, Hashable key, Eq key, Typeable value)
=> Database -> Stack -> [key] -> IO ([Key], [value])
:: forall f key value . (Traversable f, RuleResult key ~ value, Typeable key, Show key, Hashable key, Eq key, Typeable value)
=> Database -> Stack -> f key -> IO (f Key, f value)
-- build _ st k | traceShow ("build", st, k) False = undefined
build db stack keys = do
(ids, vs) <- runAIO $ fmap unzip $ either return liftIO =<<
builder db stack (map Key keys)
pure (ids, map (asV . resultValue) vs)
built <- runAIO $ do
built <- builder db stack (fmap Key keys)
case built of
Left clean -> return clean
Right dirty -> liftIO dirty
let (ids, vs) = unzip built
pure (ids, fmap (asV . resultValue) vs)
asV :: Value -> value
asV (Value x) = unwrapDynamic x
Expand All @@ -93,7 +101,7 @@ build db stack keys = do
-- If none of the keys are dirty, we can return the results immediately.
-- Otherwise, a blocking computation is returned *which must be evaluated asynchronously* to avoid deadlock.
:: Database -> Stack -> [Key] -> AIO (Either [(Key, Result)] (IO [(Key, Result)]))
:: Traversable f => Database -> Stack -> f Key -> AIO (Either (f (Key, Result)) (IO (f (Key, Result))))
-- builder _ st kk | traceShow ("builder", st,kk) False = undefined
builder db@Database{..} stack keys = withRunInIO $ \(RunInIO run) -> do
-- Things that I need to force before my results are ready
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions hls-graph/test/ActionSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
Expand All @@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ import Development.IDE.Graph.Database (shakeNewDatabase, shakeRunDatabase)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Action (apply1)
import Development.IDE.Graph.Internal.Types
import Development.IDE.Graph.Rule
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Example
import qualified StmContainers.Map as STM
import Test.Hspec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ spec = do
apply1 theKey
res `shouldBe` [True]
Just KeyDetails {..} <- atomically $ STM.lookup (Key (Rule @())) databaseValues
keyReverseDeps `shouldBe` [Key theKey]
keyReverseDeps `shouldBe` HashSet.fromList [Key theKey]
it "rethrows exceptions" $ do
db <- shakeNewDatabase shakeOptions $ do
addRule $ \(Rule :: Rule ()) old mode -> error "boom"
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