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Naming style guidelines

Anton-Latukha edited this page Nov 9, 2021 · 2 revisions
  • As function is the process, - therefore in the function names the main strong word is the verb. It is best for the verb to be the first or only word in the function name. The most useful writing advice (for literature writers) - is to use strong verbs instead of auxiliary words ("very") or adjectives. A good thing to look at.

    • Builders are functions - they start with mk.

    • Unnamed local functions are fun.

    • Unnamed recursive local functions are go. If the function does not have recursion - please, do not name it go name. & recursion is always a special thing important to know about.

      For counterexample - adi is a bad name for a function, acronyms generally are, especially if consider no sufficient explanation is given for it, adi is for Abstract Definitional Interpreters - which is just great ... It still does not say much but at least some direction to several Computer Science papers to read. In reality, all it does & is for is to interleave actions or data layers in data type, embellish, addsMetaInformation/Annotation to something. But general adi is interleave.

    • Please, use {fold,sequence,traverse,show,put,map,bind} & other verbs of famous type classes inside the function names with that main assence.

    • Since HNix is also a library, functions that are generalized/customizable/transformation-able versions of a default implementation function & ends with an F, as having a higher-order functor nature added to the main implementation. Examples would be MonadThunk{,F} type classes with functions accordingly named ending in {,F}, as F functions take in a Kleisli arrow they pass around.

    • Instead of F names can have A for applicative and M for monad - if they indeed have Applicative of Monad nature of computation, but since applicatives & monads are functors (in terms of theory - applicative functor and every functor is a monad, every monad is a functor), F is recommended default choice.

      Quite frequently the code implementation is too generalized (for example the Value module methods) for "project as a library" purposes, while for "project as an implementation" purposes the default implementation are created, in that case, the generalized versions become renamed to have F.

  • Main word in an object (variable/data type (kind *)) - is (mainly) a noun.

    • Data & type constructors are considered variables - they are nouns (or adjectives).
    • Data record:
      • Start with a get.
      • newtypes go without record & use Haskell Core's coerce with adding type-level signatures (documentation) to local functions. If newtype is too hard for GHC to infer coerce in polymorphism - only then add a record unTypeName to use it.
  • Starting anything with _ reserved to named bottom/typed holes. GHC & HLS specifically support this way. Those provide code readability, for example otherwise says nothing, _NixStringOrStringLike - is descriptive, so when bottom trap bug is found - contributor can tell for what case that bottom was created for. They also give a hint at the functionality to implement, or functionality/argument that can be reduced.

In other cases is recommended.

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