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Add tokenizing minifier.
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Ideally we should prefer a minifier that calls for GHC to parse the file
and then define a custom printer for GHC's internal representation. But
for now this.
  • Loading branch information
kindaro authored and simonmichael committed Feb 9, 2023
1 parent 569765b commit 6a1648f
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 0 deletions.
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions minify.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S runghc-9.2.4 -XUnicodeSyntax -XBlockArguments

import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath

overlay function list =
let pairs = fmap function (zip list (tail list))
in (fst . head) pairs : fmap snd pairs

specialTokens =
[ "("
, ","
, ")"
, "{"
, ";"
, "}"
, "["
, "]"
, ""
, ""
, "<-"
, "->"
, ""
, "::"
, "@"
, "\\"

isAllowedInName = or . flip fmap [isAlphaNum, (== '_'), (== '\'')] . flip ($)

addWhiteRoom = overlay \(this, next)
if this `elem` specialTokens
then (this, next)
if (isAllowedInName . last) this && (isAllowedInName . head) next
then (this, " " <> next)
else (this, next)

cut fit list = (last . filter (fit . fst)) (zipWith splitAt [0 ..] (replicate (length list + 1) list))

main = do
target fmap (!! 0) getArgs
if takeExtension target /= ".hs"
then exitFailure
else tailor target

tailor target = do
cloth readFile target
(snowflakes, leftovers) = cut (all \line (head line == '#')) (lines cloth)
tokens = words (unlines leftovers)
tokensWithWhiteRoom = addWhiteRoom tokens
cuts = flip
if null tokens
then Nothing
else let (chunk, leftovers) = cut (\chunk sum (fmap length chunk) <= 80) tokens in Just (concat chunk, leftovers)
shirt = unlines snowflakes <> unlines cuts
if shirt == cloth
then exitSuccess
else writeFile (replaceExtension target ".minified.hs") shirt

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