sudo mkdir -p /data/oasis/mainnet
sudo wget -O /data/oasis/mainnet/genesis.json
docker-compose -f mainnet.yml up -d
Replace mainnet
with testnet
if setting up testnet node.
Follow the steps creating entity, signing transactions, etc
Docker image has metadata-registry-tools and runtime-stats+proposal-results build in.
docker-compose pull
export EXTIP=<your external IP here>
Mainnet with Cipher paratime:
docker-compose -f mainnet.yml up -d
Testnet with Cipher+Emerald paratimes:
docker-compose -f testnet.yml up -d
EXTIP can be set in .env
file, check .env.example
Create entity:
cd /node/entity
oasis-node registry entity init
Initialize validator:
cd /node/data
oasis-node registry node init \
--node.entity_id $ENTITY_ID \
--node.role validator
Adding the Node to the Entity Descriptor
cd /node/entity
oasis-node registry entity update \
--entity.node.descriptor /node/data/node_genesis.json
Check that your node is synced
oasis-node control is-synced -a unix:/node/data/internal.sock
Obtain Account Address From Entity's ID
Public Key available in /node/entity/entity.json
oasis-node stake pubkey2address \
--public_key nyjbDRKAXgUkL6CYfJP0WVA0XbF0pAGuvObZNMufgfY=