Command line interface for LED lighting systems.
lightshow - Manage color and dimmable LEDs
lightshow <command> [options] [@profile]
lightshow <on|off|dim|dimest|bright|brightest>
lightshow color <color-number>
lightshow list
lightshow server
lightshow <macro>
on Turn all lights on.
off Turn all lights off.
dim Dim all lights by one dim step.
dimest Dim all lights to the lowest setting.
bright Brighten all lights by one dim step.
dimest Birghten all lights to the highest setting.
color [color-number]
Set all lights to the color code specified. The color code must
be between 0 and 255 or 'white'.
list List all available macros.
<macro> Run a Lightshow macro.
You can use 'list' to get a list of available macros.
server Start the Lightshow REST server and listen for commands.
See SERVER for more information.
version Display various version informaiton about the lightshow macro.
Specifies which profile to use when addressing Lightshow.
# Display version information fod the default profile
lightshow version
# Use profile 'upstairs' specifically
lightshow version @upstairs
-n Dry run mode. When enabled Lightshow will continue as normal but
no actual call to the remote interface is made. This can be
useful for debugging when combined with '--verbose'.
-server-port [port]
-p [port]
Specify an alternate server port other than the default '8080'.
This is only useful if Lightshow is executed with the 'server'
Be more verbose when outputting information to STDERR. Specify
multiple times to increase verbosity.
When started with the 'server' command lightshow will daemonize as a
listening REST server.
By default the server will listen on port 8080 unless it is overridden
with '-p'.
The easiest way of commanding the server is using Wget:
wget -qF -O - http://localhost:8080/json/list
The following commands are accepted:
Return a JSON response of the macros supported by Lightshow.
Run a macro.
Lightshow will actually fork and continue running the macro as a
seperate process from the server. This means that macros that
run in a loop can continue to do so until stopped or the
lightshow process killed.
Stop running any macros.
A command line tool for the manipulation LED lighting systems.
lightshow on
Turn on all lights.
lightshow color 50 @upstairs
Set all lights under the profile 'upstairs' to color number 50.
lightshow strobe
Run the macro 'strobe' on the default profile.
System global Lightshow file.
Lightshow config file for the local user.
Lightshow macro files for the local user.
The /etc/lightshowrc and .lightshowrc files will be processed to
determine Lightshow's configuration, the latter file taking precedence.
The layout of the config file spcifies which profiles to use.
profile = Downstairs
protocol = udp
syslog = off
kill = off
verbose = 0
address =
port = 50000
mode = white
address =
port = 50000
mode = color
address The IP address of the server to use.
kill Attempt to find and kill all other versions of Lightshow before
mode Which mode to support. Valid options are: color and white
port The port to use on the remote server.
profile Specify the default profile to use if none is explicity stated.
Set the protocol to use. Valid options are: tcp and udp
verbose The amount of verbosity to use.
syslog Also log all output to SysLog.
VMM requires a few external modules before it can work correctly. Follow
the following stages to get everything working.
Install all the required CPAN modules:
cpan Config::IniFiles Getopt::Long
Quite probably.
Please report to if found.
Matt Carter <[email protected]>