This is a working database of reporters being tracked for digitization by LIL. Data is not final. Feedback welcome - please use issues or pull requests.
Explanation of fields:
- id - our internal reporter ID
- state - jurisdiction (either a state, U.S., or regional designation)
- reporter - full reporter name
- short - abbreviated reporter name
- volumes - estimated total number of volumes that exist for this reporter, based on catalog records
- observed_volumes - volumes that we have physically counted for this reporter, so far
- start_date - estimated earliest date this reporter covers, based on catalog records
- observed_start_date - earliest date this we've observed during book-in-hand evaluations of this reporter
- end_date - estimated latest date this reporter covers, based on catalog records
- observed_end_date - latest date this we've observed during book-in-hand evaluations of this reporter