Send emails with Gmail API using an OAuth2 object
#install and save
npm install gmail-sender-oauth --save
Require the module.
var gmailSender = require('gmail-sender-oauth');
Load Google Api Project client secret. To get this file follow Step 1 .
Send an email specifying all the headers (i.e 'from', 'to', 'subject', 'body').
var params = {
from: '[email protected]',
to: '[email protected]',
subject: 'Win an iPhone 7 today!!!',
body: 'This is a test'
gmailSender.send(accessToken, params, function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
return console.error('Something went wrong: ' + err);
else {
console.log('Message sent with id: ' +;
This assumes you already have an access token from Google Api. To get one, see test Generate Access Token and if you need to start from scratch, generate a Server Auth code first, see test Generate Server Auth code .
#Terminal output
~/personal/gmail-sender-oauth/test$ node generate_server_auth.js
Authorize this app by visiting this url:
If you need a accessToken to be generated as well, run:
node generate_access_token <SERVER_AUTH_CODE>, with the code you received from the visited URL.
~/personal/gmail-sender-oauth/test$ node generate_access_token.js 4/AR34xAC0Z437ItI_27FmpDYmCeNMpMWNyZk0G6cV6EQ
token: {"access_token":"ya29.Gls0BCt9gHK7Bmn5mPQFff6JCaVyt8ZcRiUgLPQL4SmAFk-msJOTIaISi-UiPhRD7QHR2n_8dJXymn08helwDCcnHpGK14sqHXhsH3fgTlvaNz1dZbA7P6LJO4BH","refresh_token":"1/kVLTLeR7vb1e6tuT6XHWBqZ0nG-qwldfeO1uhwdwBok","token_type":"Bearer","expiry_date":1492885695675}