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Harmonic Client Side Ad Tracking for Android

A library for sending ad beacons on Android devices. Library is currently integrated with Google PAL & OM SDK. The project also includes a demo app that hosts an ExoPlayer that allows users to test their custom DAI assets with Google PAL & OM SDK signaling.


  • Harmonic VOS metadata parsing
  • Google Programmatic Access Libraries (PAL)
  • Fire ad beacons via Open Measurement SDK (OMSDK)
  • Google AdChoices (Why this ad?)
  • Android TV ads library (AT&C rendering)
  • An overlay showing ad break parameters (ID, duration, fired beacons)


Android 8.0 (API 26) or above

  • Min SDK 26
  • Target SDK 33
  • Compile SDK 34


  1. Include this library in your project


    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.harmonicinc-com:client-side-ad-tracking-android:0.1.4' 


    dependencies {

    Change version to the latest available. You may find the latest version here.

  2. Include the OMSDK library as dependency

    As of now (Oct 2023), Google still has no support on bundling local modules into a single AAR (Fat AAR). That blocks us from shipping the OMSDK AAR together with the library.

    • Create a directory on your app root (we use libs as an example)
    • Download the AAR that we've included in this repo: omsdk-android-1.4.5-release.aar
    • Place it under libs
    • Add the following lines in your dependency block
      dependencies {
          implementation fileTree(include: ['*.aar'], dir: 'libs')
      dependencies {
          implementation(fileTree(mapOf("dir" to "libs", "include" to listOf("*.aar"))))
          // or just include everything
  3. Declare AD_ID permission

    • To enable Google WTA, add the following line to your AndroidManifest.xml
      <uses-permission android:name=""/>
  4. Initialize parameters & interfaces

    • Create an instance of AdTrackingManager in activity (preferably, could be somewhere else).
      class PlayerActivity: FragmentActivity() {
          private val adTrackingManager = AdTrackingManager(this)
    • Create an instance of AdTrackingManagerParams. Fill in all the required parameters:
      val adTrackingParams = AdTrackingManagerParams(
          descriptionUrl, // String: Description URL of video being played
          iconSupported, // Boolean: True if WTA (Why this ad?) icon is supported
          playerType, // String: Name of partner player used to play the ad
          playerVersion, // String: Version of partner player used
          ppid, // String: Publisher Provided ID
          supportedApiFrameworks, // Set<Int>: Supported API frameworks. See appendix for details
          playerHeight, // Int: Player height
          playerWidth, // Int: Player width
          willAdAutoplay, // Boolean: Will ad begin playback automatically?
          willAdPlayMuted, // Boolean: Will ad being played while muted?
          continuousPlayback, // Boolean: Will the player continues to play content videos after ad?
          omidPartnerVersion?, // String?: OMID partner version
          omidPartnerName?, // String: OMID partner name
          omidCustomReferenceData? // String?: OMID custom reference data in JSON string
    • Create a class that implements PlayerAdapter. Override all mandatory methods and return appropriate values from your player. The demo project includes an example ExoPlayerAdapter.kt for your reference.
      class YourPlayerAdapter(private val player: YourPlayer): PlayerAdapter {
          override fun getCurrentPositionMs(): Long {
              // TO BE IMPLEMENTED
          override fun getPresentationStartTimeMs(): Long {
              // TO BE IMPLEMENTED
          override fun getPlaybackRate(): Float {
              // TO BE IMPLEMENTED
          override fun getDuration(): Long {
              // TO BE IMPLEMENTED
          override fun getAudioVolume(): Float {
              // TO BE IMPLEMENTED
          override fun isPaused(): Boolean {
              // TO BE IMPLEMENTED
    • Fire the events in PlayerAdapter when specific conditions are met. You might need to listen events emitted from your player.
      val playerAdapter = YourPlayerAdapter(player)
      // Call when player starts to buffer
      // Call when playback resumes after buffering
      // Call when user clicks pause (no need to check if ad is playing. The lib will handle it)
      // Call when user clicks play (no need to check if ad is playing. The lib will handle it)
      // Call when the user clicks an ad
      // Call when the user clicks somewhere other than an ad (e.g. skip, mute, etc.)
      // Call when user changes the audio volume (no need to check if ad is playing. The lib will handle it)
  5. Using the library

    • Before loading the asset, call prepareBeforeLoad to preload the library. Note that it should be called within a coroutine scope.
      val manifestUrl = "" // put your URL here
      CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
          adTrackingManager.prepareBeforeLoad(manifestUrl, adTrackingParams)
    • After preloading, check if the asset supports Harmonic SSAI using isSSAISupported. Make sure the asset is supported by the library before continuing.
      val isSSAISupported = adTrackingManager.isSSAISupported()
    • To obtain the generated nonce, call appendNonceToUrl
      val manifestUrls = listOf("")
      val urlsWithNonce = adTrackingManager.appendNonceToUrl(manifestUrls)
    • Finally, call onPlay to start the library
         playerContext, // context in your player view
         playerAdapter, // adapter created above
         overlayFrameLayout?, // Optional. A frame layout for showing overlays (e.g. WTA icon, tracking debug overlay)
         playerView // Your player view. Fallback to this if no overlay frame layout is provided
  6. Stop the library after playback

    • Remember to clean the library after unloading the asset. Otherwise it will keep querying ads metadata.


Monitor traffic with Charles Proxy

Follow below steps so traffic (especially HTTPS) can be proxied & decrypted by Charles

  1. Open Charles Proxy, go to Help > SSL Proxying > Save Charles Root Certificate
  2. Save as <your_android_app_project_root>/src/main/res/raw/charles_ssl_cert.pem
  3. Create an XML under <root>/src/main/res/xml/network_security_config.xml with the following content:
                <!-- Trust user added CAs while debuggable only -->
                <certificates src="user" />
                <certificates src="@raw/charles_ssl_cert" />
  4. Reference to the new config in your app's manifest (i.e. AndroidManifest.xml)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <application android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config">
  5. Configure the proxy settings on your Android device/emulator. Please refer to your device documentation for instructions.
  6. You should now be able to capture SSL traffic in Charles. Look for segments/manifest/metadata requests and see if you can view the response body.

HTTP requests


Allowing insecure traffic is not recommended in production environment. Remember to undo the changes before publishing.

Android apps by default blocks plain text traffic. If you would like to play insecure streams (HTTP):

  • In your app's manifest (i.e. AndroidManifest.xml), add an extra flag
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <application android:usesCleartextTraffic="true">

If your Android is running P (aka Android 9) or higher, do also:

  • Create an XML under <root>/src/main/res/xml/network_security_config.xml with the following content:
        <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true" />
  • Reference to the new config in your app's manifest (i.e. AndroidManifest.xml)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <application android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config">


Tracking overlay

To show/hide the tracking overlay, call showTrackingOverlay


API frameworks

Reference: IAB AdCOM v1.0 FINAL

The following table is a list of API frameworks either supported by a placement or required by an ad.

Value Definition
1 VPAID 1.0
2 VPAID 2.0
3 MRAID 1.0
5 MRAID 2.0
6 MRAID 3.0
7 OMID 1.0
8 SIMID 1.0
9 SIMID 1.1
500+ Vendor-specific codes.