This is the Permissions module extracted out of the Hobo framework and packaged into it’s own gem for use in your Ruby on Rails project.
Currently I do not have this available on a Gem server as it’s in beta, but you can ‘git clone` and `sudo rake install` to place it in your gems folder. Be sure to use `sudo` or else it will install into ~/.gem, which is never a good thing :)
Big shoutout to Tom Locke & co. for making Hobo awesome enough that I can do this! Hopefully I will get some feedback from them regarding making this a full-featured, well rounded gem (tests, enhanced docs, etc.)
$ git clone git://
$ cd hobo-permissions
$ sudo gem install –local ./pkg/hobo-permissions-0.1.0.gem
or this might work, too:
$ sudo rake install
In your RAILS_ROOT/config/environment.rb file: do |config|
config.gem 'hobo-permissions',
:lib => ‘hobo/permissions’,
:version => '>= 0.1.0'
Now, in your ActiveRecord::Base model, just include it!
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base include Hobo::Permissions end
And now you can do stuff like:
Article.user_new(@current_user, params) #=> #<Article name: ‘Jesus Walks on Ice, Kid still drowns.’, user_id: 23>
Add tests from Hobo, stripped down for just this module.
Verify that association_permissions.rb actually works (haven’t tested it yet in a real project)
Ooooooo, a wiki! Me likey…
I JUST started this gem (my first one!), and I JUST started using Hobo. Fork me and send a pull request to get this ball rolling!
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2009 Tom Locke, Adam Grant. See LICENSE for details.