This asset uses scripts and images that are governed under the Tenor API Terms of Service; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.
NOTE: This plugin is not a GIF decoder, it does not support .gif file formats
This is a plugin that communicates with TenorAPI and grabs the .MP4 version.
With GIF Toolkit you can make search requests to the Tenor API, then display them in-game using Unity's Video Player component.
● Search any GIF on Tenor
● Get GIF by specific ID - Pinical for an online chat system that supports GIFs.
● Filter search results by Content Rating - G, PG, PG-13, and R(No Nudity).
● Select from different qualities Nano, Tiny and Normal.
● Get the GIF's thumbnail, title, size, etc.
● Play Tenor GIFs with sound on supported GIFs.\
● This toolkit is UI safe. You can make API calls without holing up the Update thread.
● GIFs are played through .mp4 file format, vastly superior in quality and data size.
In some cases .mp4 is half the size of a .gif file.
● It comes with an example scene and code that's got everything you need to get working straight from get-go!\