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Vertx Sandbox

Eclipse Vertx playgroud


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Sample Codes

name description
post-service Simple CRUD RESTful APIs with PgClient example
post-service-spring Spring intergration example
post-service-cdi Weld/CDI intergration example
rxjava2 Simple CRUD RESTful APIs example but using RxJava2
rxjava3 Simple CRUD RESTful APIs example but using RxJava3
mutiny-spring-hibernate Simple CRUD RESTful APIs example with SmallRye Mutiny bindings, Spring and Hibernate Reactive
kotlin Simple CRUD RESTful APIs example written in Kotlin
kotlin-co Simple CRUD RESTful APIs example written in Kotlin Coroutines
graphql Simple GraphQL API exmaple
graphql-webclient Simple Vertx WebCleint example consuming GraphQL API
graphql-transport-ws GraphQL example using GraphQL over WebSocket protocol
