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fix(aot): Use the proper path when statically analyzing lazy routes.
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Before, we were using paths relative to base at all time, but these
might not be the paths we get in System.import(), therefore we have to
keep the relative path.

BREAKING CHANGES: Using relative paths might lead to path clashing. We
now properly output an error in this case.

Fixes angular#2452
Fixes angular#2900
hansl committed Nov 3, 2016


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1 parent cabc9dc commit 3739374
Showing 7 changed files with 105 additions and 36 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "angular-cli",
"version": "1.0.0-beta.19",
"version": "1.0.0-beta.19-3",
"description": "CLI tool for Angular",
"main": "packages/angular-cli/lib/cli/index.js",
"trackingCode": "UA-8594346-19",
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/angular-cli/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "angular-cli",
"version": "1.0.0-beta.19",
"version": "1.0.0-beta.19-3",
"description": "CLI tool for Angular",
"main": "lib/cli/index.js",
"trackingCode": "UA-8594346-19",
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/webpack/src/loader.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ export function ngcLoader(source: string) {
if (plugin && plugin instanceof AotPlugin) {
const cb: any = this.async();

.then(() => _removeDecorators(this.resource, source))
.then(sourceText => _replaceBootstrap(this.resource, sourceText, plugin))
.then(sourceText => {
120 changes: 93 additions & 27 deletions packages/webpack/src/plugin.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import {WebpackResourceLoader} from './resource_loader';
import {createResolveDependenciesFromContextMap} from './utils';
import {WebpackCompilerHost} from './compiler_host';
import {resolveEntryModuleFromMain} from './entry_resolver';
import {StaticSymbol} from '@angular/compiler-cli';

@@ -25,8 +26,24 @@ export interface AotPluginOptions {

export interface LazyRoute {
moduleRoute: ModuleRoute;
moduleRelativePath: string;
moduleAbsolutePath: string;

export interface LazyRouteMap {
[path: string]: LazyRoute;

export class ModuleRoute {
constructor(public readonly path: string, public readonly className: string = null) {}
constructor(public readonly path: string, public readonly className: string = null) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
[this.path, this.className] = path.split('#');

toString() {
return `${this.path}#${this.className}`;
@@ -168,9 +185,9 @@ export class AotPlugin {

// Virtual file system.
compiler.resolvers.normal.plugin('resolve', (request: any, cb?: () => void) => {
// Populate the file system cache with the virtual module.
if (cb) {
if (request.request.match(/\.ts$/)) {
this.done.then(() => cb());
} else {
@@ -227,49 +244,85 @@ export class AotPlugin {
throw new Error(message);
.then(() => {
// Populate the file system cache with the virtual module.
.then(() => {
// Process the lazy routes
this._lazyRoutes =
this._processNgModule(this._entryModule, null)
.map(module => ModuleRoute.fromString(module))
.reduce((lazyRoutes: any, module: ModuleRoute) => {
lazyRoutes[`${module.path}.ngfactory`] = path.join(
this.genDir, module.path + '.ngfactory.ts');
return lazyRoutes;
}, {});
this._lazyRoutes = {};
const allLazyRoutes = this._processNgModule(this._entryModule, null);
.forEach(k => {
const lazyRoute = allLazyRoutes[k];
this._lazyRoutes[k + '.ngfactory'] = lazyRoute.moduleRelativePath + '.ngfactory.ts';
.then(() => cb(), (err: any) => cb(err));
.then(() => cb(), (err: any) => { cb(err); });

private _resolveModule(module: ModuleRoute, containingFile: string) {
private _resolveModulePath(module: ModuleRoute, containingFile: string) {
if (module.path.startsWith('.')) {
return path.join(path.dirname(containingFile), module.path);
return module.path;

private _processNgModule(module: ModuleRoute, containingFile: string | null): string[] {
private _processNgModule(module: ModuleRoute, containingFile: string | null): LazyRouteMap {
const modulePath = containingFile ? module.path : ('./' + path.basename(module.path));
if (containingFile === null) {
containingFile = module.path + '.ts';
const relativeModulePath = this._resolveModulePath(module, containingFile);

const resolvedModulePath = this._resolveModule(module, containingFile);
const staticSymbol = this._reflectorHost
.findDeclaration(modulePath, module.className, containingFile);
const entryNgModuleMetadata = this.getNgModuleMetadata(staticSymbol);
const loadChildren = this.extractLoadChildren(entryNgModuleMetadata);
const result = => {
return this._resolveModule(new ModuleRoute(route), resolvedModulePath);
const loadChildrenRoute: LazyRoute[] = this.extractLoadChildren(entryNgModuleMetadata)
.map(route => {
const mr = ModuleRoute.fromString(route);
const relativePath = this._resolveModulePath(mr, relativeModulePath);
const absolutePath = path.join(this.genDir, relativePath);
return {
moduleRoute: mr,
moduleRelativePath: relativePath,
moduleAbsolutePath: absolutePath
const resultMap: LazyRouteMap = loadChildrenRoute
.reduce((acc: LazyRouteMap, curr: LazyRoute) => {
const key = curr.moduleRoute.path;
if (acc[key]) {
if (acc[key].moduleAbsolutePath != curr.moduleAbsolutePath) {
throw new Error(`Duplicated path in loadChildren detected: "${key}" is used in 2 ` +
'loadChildren, but they point to different modules. Webpack cannot distinguish ' +
'between the two based on context and would fail to load the proper one.');
} else {
acc[key] = curr;
return acc;
}, {});

// Also concatenate every child of child modules.
for (const route of loadChildren) {
const childModule = ModuleRoute.fromString(route);
const children = this._processNgModule(childModule, resolvedModulePath + '.ts');
for (const lazyRoute of loadChildrenRoute) {
const mr = lazyRoute.moduleRoute;
const children = this._processNgModule(mr, relativeModulePath);
Object.keys(children).forEach(p => {
const child = children[p];
const key = child.moduleRoute.path;
if (resultMap[key]) {
if (resultMap[key].moduleAbsolutePath != child.moduleAbsolutePath) {
throw new Error(`Duplicated path in loadChildren detected: "${key}" is used in 2 ` +
'loadChildren, but they point to different modules. Webpack cannot distinguish ' +
'between the two based on context and would fail to load the proper one.');
} else {
resultMap[key] = child;
return result;
return resultMap;

private getNgModuleMetadata(staticSymbol: ngCompiler.StaticSymbol) {
@@ -281,10 +334,23 @@ export class AotPlugin {

private extractLoadChildren(ngModuleDecorator: any): any[] {
const routes = ngModuleDecorator.imports.reduce((mem: any[], m: any) => {
const routes = (ngModuleDecorator.imports || []).reduce((mem: any[], m: any) => {
return mem.concat(this.collectRoutes(m.providers));
}, this.collectRoutes(ngModuleDecorator.providers));
return this.collectLoadChildren(routes);
return this.collectLoadChildren(routes)
.concat((ngModuleDecorator.imports || [])
// Also recursively extractLoadChildren of modules we import.
.map((staticSymbol: any) => {
if (staticSymbol instanceof StaticSymbol) {
const entryNgModuleMetadata = this.getNgModuleMetadata(staticSymbol);
return this.extractLoadChildren(entryNgModuleMetadata);
} else {
return [];
// Poor man's flat map.
.reduce((acc: any[], i: any) => acc.concat(i), []))
.filter(x => !!x);

private collectRoutes(providers: any[]): any[] {
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions tests/e2e/tests/build/styles/styles-array.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -47,11 +47,10 @@ export default function() {
.then(() => expectFileToMatch('dist/styles.bundle.js', /.upper.*.lower.*background.*#def/))

.then(() => ng('build', '--prod'))
.then(() => new Promise<string>(() =>
glob.sync('dist/styles.*.bundle.css').find(file => !!file)))
.then(() => glob.sync('dist/styles.*.bundle.css').find(file => !!file))
.then((styles) =>
expectFileToMatch(styles, 'body { background-color: blue; }')
.then(() => expectFileToMatch(styles, 'p { background-color: red; }')
expectFileToMatch(styles, /body\s*\{\s*background-color:\s*blue\s*\}/)
.then(() => expectFileToMatch(styles, /p\s*\{\s*background-color:\s*red\s*\}/)
.then(() => expectFileToMatch(styles, /.outer.*.inner.*background:\s*#[fF]+/))
.then(() => expectFileToMatch(styles, /.upper.*.lower.*background.*#def/)))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/e2e/tests/generate/component/component-path-case.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default function() {
const componentDir = join(rootDir.toLowerCase(), 'test-component');

return ng('generate', 'component', 'Upper-Dir', 'test-component')
return ng('generate', 'component', 'Upper-Dir/test-component')
.then(() => expectFileToExist(componentDir))
.then(() => expectFileToExist(join(componentDir, 'test-component.component.ts')))
.then(() => expectFileToExist(join(componentDir, 'test-component.component.spec.ts')))
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion tests/e2e_runner.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ if (testsToRun.length == allTests.length) {

testsToRun.reduce((previous, relativeName) => {
// Make sure this is a windows compatible path.
let absoluteName = path.join(e2eRoot, relativeName);
if (/^win/.test(process.platform)) {
@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ testsToRun.reduce((previous, relativeName) => {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => printHeader(currentFileName))
.then(() => fn(argv, () => clean = false))
.then(() => console.log(' ----'))
.then(() => {
// Only clean after a real test, not a setup step. Also skip cleaning if the test
// requested an exception.
@@ -104,7 +106,9 @@ testsToRun.reduce((previous, relativeName) => {
.then(() => printFooter(currentFileName, start),
(err) => {
printFooter(currentFileName, start); throw err;
printFooter(currentFileName, start);
throw err;
}, Promise.resolve())

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