This module provides you with PowerShell functions for all GSM commands.
Before using the module, make sure you have installed the GSM executable to somewhere in your PATH and set up GSM with a working configuration (see for instructions).
You can load the module by simply invoking
Import-Module ./GSM.psm1
Afterwards, you should have PowerShell commandlets for all GSM commands, like
Delete-GSMFile -FileId <FileId>
SignOut-GSMUsersRecursive -OrgUnit <OrgUnit>
To get a list of the available commands, you can call
Get-Command -Module GSM
or, to get help for a specific function:
Get-Help Create-GSMDrives
The module is written so you can pipe the output of the commands like so:
List-GSMUsers | % {$_.primaryEmail <# or something useful#>}
This module is automatically generated with and