Template for a FreeRTOS project running on a STM32F103C8. IDE is Eclipse with GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-ins.
Download FreeRTOS and place it in the workspace folder as shown below. The * means the file is linked to the project.
workspace +-- FreeRTOS | +-- FreeRTOSVx.x.x | | +-- Source | | +-- All files +-- freertos-stm32f103c8-template | +-- include | +-- ldscripts | +-- libs | | +-- CMSIS | | +-- FreeRTOS | | | +-- All .c files * | | | +-- include | | | | +-- All .h files * | | | +-- portable | | | +-- GCC | | | | +-- ARM_CM3 | | | | +-- port.c * | | | | +-- portmacro.h * | | | +-- MemMang | | | +-- heap_1.c * | | +-- StdPeriph | | +-- misc | +-- src