This code is for collecting a database of random Sentinel 2 satellite images. An earlier version of the source code was used to collect and assemble the database:
Niemitalo, O., Anzini, E. Jr., & Liczkoski, V. H. D. (2024). 10k random 512x512 pixel Sentinel 2 Level-1C RGB satellite images over Finland, years 2015–2022. Häme University of Applied Sciences.
The current version should be able to produce a dataset with the same distribution.
-- Collect dataset (configure with command line params)
-- Create zip files of the dataset (configure by editing the source code)
-- Create an overview of the dataset (configure by editing the source code)
Authors: Olli Niemitalo (HAMK Häme University of Applied Sciences) Elias Anzini Junior, and Vinicius Hermann D. Liczkoski.
Source code copyright 2023-2024 HAMK and authors.
(the approximate geographical area of Finland) is based on free vector data from Natural Earth. The procedure to simplify the geometry in QGIS was: Select country, Keep N biggest parts (20 parts), Multipart to singleparts, Simplify (tolerance 0.01 deg), save GeoJson at a precision of 2 decimal places.