Full Stack MERN Social Media Application for dog owners (Facebook Clone)
- Quick Guest login available for recruiters
Import attachments with React Dropzone
React, Material UI & Redux for state-management.
- Light/ Dark Mode
- User authentication & authorization
- Supports CRUD functionality (Add friends, share posts, like & comment)
Server-side javascript runtime
- Node
Node route handler
- Express
- MongoDB as NoSQL/Non-relational database to store user information
REST API & Production
- Deployed on render.com
File Structure
- Used MVC & best practices for folder organization
Cookie creation
- Json Web Token to create cookie for user authentication & authorization across UI
- Bcrypt for hashing of passwords
- POSTMAN API & Node debugger
- Everything was difficult. As as my first full-stack application, I got stuff plenty of times when creating the back-end.
- POSTMAN, testing with breakpoints & chrome dev tools were a vital part of debugging during this project.
- Download zip
- npm i
- Open seperate terminal to run server: nodemon index.js
- Run client on 2nd terminal: npm run dev
Images from Unsplash & www.pexels.com