An ontario university filter/eligibility parser for Canadian students.
- Gets information on your top university
- Lets the matching algorithm pick your best match
- Look for information on all available universities
Gather information from end-user to dynamically render dashboards
(major constraints: university, tuition, canadian status)
Loader between API calls
Dynamic dashboards which populates cards, doughnut & bar charts based
on selected options: best match (algorithm) or selected university
TailwindCss, React,Javascript
Cheerio, Node, Express, Axios
React UseContext
Refactored code to reduce number of API calls, lines of code & speed of data
load to enhance end-user experience.
Used to create doughnut & bar charts
Process http requests
A fast headless browser (does not render actual UI ) that is DOM parser without executing Javascript on the webpages, unlike Puppeteer.
React Load Spinner
Handle loading screen on API wait
Creates questionnaire & extract array to dynamically render data
React Icons, icon8 & heroIcons
React router
My own REST API deployed on render (checkout CUF_server repo)
React Toastify to handle notifications
Efficiency #2
Put data in Firebase Real Time Deployment Cloud Database.
Made the server stateless to make my server's API truly RESTFUL.
This reduced API call from time from 10 seconds to <0.5 seconds
Refactored code to make use of lazy loading & react useContext to improve load speed of the full-stack application.
Web-Scraping & compiling the data before deploying the REST API
This is was first time creating my own json data from scratch since the data I needed was not available to the public. Finding reliable data & scrapable website required lots of patience since some parts were retricted or had outdated information.
I also learnt about headless browsers, web-scraping & its ethics.
String Manipulation
My data structures & algorithms practice with leetcode helped a lot with the string manipulation I had to do.
I learnt a lot of newer ways to use array & string methods with higher order functions.
Really helped solidified my string manipulation skills.
Clone the project.
npm run dev
nodemon index.js